In Game Name: KalanbelHave you read the in-depth application instruction: I have read the instructions.Do you have the applicable cost in your balance: Yes with 200 to spare.How did you make the funds for this application: I mostly farmed but did a little mining and fishing too.What will be the name of your new town: KDRanchWhat is the size of your town: 200 x 200Post A: 426:70:4917Post B: 426:85:5116Post C: 625:70:5116Post D: 625:70:4917Are there any towns within 15 blocks (This includes diagonally): No, there are no towns near this location.Additional information about your town: It's mine and Draklen's sea side resort.Have you read the server rules: Yes I have read the rules.Processing time is 1-7 days: I Understand.
@Kalanbel, you have indicated that the size of your town is to be 200x200, it is currently only 200x149. Would you like to fix your coordinates and town posts or continue as it is currently?
Ooops! Yes I would like to fix it. THANK YOU for letting me know. I'll get on and do that right now. (5 min later...) Done. I've moved the signs and edited the application. Again, thank you so much. Usually Draklen helps me with this but he's come down with some kind of cold or flu and I was distracted trying to do this last night while taking care of him.
@Kalanbel Congratulations on Mayor! Your new town KDRanch has been placed. Your next rank will be President. Good luck! Application approved, locked. President Application ContentsPresident ApplicationRequirementsInformationInstructionsRelated ArticlesPresident Application(top)Requirements(top) COST: $1,080,000 RANK: Must be ranked [Mayor] ACTION: Must read rules over and ensure they are followed. Must ensure entire application is read and applied for properly. Town Name: May be between 1-20 characters in length. (a-z and 0-9, and _ [underscores] only). No spaces. Ensure it is not yet taken in the server you are in! - Use "/rg i <townname>" (on Rising) to check if that name already exists. If you choose a town-name that is entirely numbers you will not be able to get a warp. Town Size: Size can be between 100 x 100 blocks and 200 x 200 blocks (Length x Width) The protection/region expands from bedrock to skylimit. You will not be able to change the size of the town once created. Town Posts: You will need to place 4 signs on the corners of your town outline. Be sure to include the name of your town and the post label on the sign. You will need a Post A, Post B, Post C and a Post D. Example: Spoiler: Town Post Example They must form a square/rectangle with no more then 100-200 blocks of space from each one. These are necessary so the GameAdmin+ may make the town selection to create your town! You will need to include the coordinates of all posts in your application. Make sure to record them down! Use /getpos, /whereami, or F3 debug screen to obtain the coordinate location of your posts Must make sure the area is not claimed by anyone else. Either use /rg i in the area to check for regions/protections or use /kit flint and right click the blocks to check for claims. If you choose to opt out of your President town, you lose the ability to claim this town and you proceed with the Additional Town Application price scale for your future towns. Information(top) You as a President receive many amazing expansion abilities, including owning more than 1 town, starting your own nation and more! You keep all the perks of being a Mayor Ability to set 5 homes Increase in LWC limits from 300 -> 500. You get a nice new [President] tag in the server! You get to join the President group in the forums! You receive access to post in our President applications forum Ability to purchase additional towns! Much more! Instructions(top) To apply for President you must fill out this form. Related Articles(top) Next Rank Up: Tycoon Application Get More Towns: Additional Town Application Town Features: Town-Town Portal Application Town Warp Application Heal Sign Application Town-Exclusive Portal Application UnClaimable Town Application Previous Required Rank: Town/Mayor Application (View this Page on the Wiki) Last Modified: Dec 22, 2023 at 3:30 PM (Cached)