Mining, Nether and End worlds have been reset on the Main City server!
Nether & End worlds have been reset on the SkyBlock server!

Don't forget to get your Mining spawner keys nice and early!

Access these worlds via the following commands:
Main City Server:
/warp mining
/warp nether
/warp end

SkyBlock Server:
/warp end
Nether requires a nether portal on your island
Due to the increased player count, and the much needed resources, we are dropping Archive server until the Fall of 2019 and allocating it's memory to the Main & SkyBlock servers. During the Fall we will be purchasing more hosting machines, at which point, we will once again have room to host the Archive.

Sorry for any inconveniences.


TownControlPlus2 users now have access to our very resource intensive movement flags.
(There is no guarantee these will always be available on EcoCityCraft, however, at this time, we are giving them a shot, as I have been informed by the authors of our region control plugins that performance has increased tremendously over the past 5+ years, as such, we have enabled these flags!)

Entry Flag
/rg flag <townname> entry <allow/deny/none>
Example: /rg flag spawn entry deny
  • Whether non owners/members are allowed to enter the region

Entry Deny Message Flag
/rg flag <townname> entry-deny-message <deny message with or without color codes!>
Example: /rg flag spawn entry-deny-message &1&lHalt! You can't go here!
Above result: Screenshot.
  • The message that appears in chat upon entering the region

Greeting Flag
/rg flag <townname> greeting <greeting message with or without color codes!>
Example: /rg flag spawn greeting &c&lHey there! Welcome to the &6&lSpawn&c&l!
Above result: Screenshot.
  • The message that appears in chat upon entering the region

Greeting Title Flag
/rg flag <townname> greeting-title <greeting message with or without color codes!>
You may use \n to make a subtitle below the title.
Example: /rg flag spawn greeting-title &1&lHey there!\n&fWelcome to the &6&lSpawn&1&l!
Above result: Screenshot.
  • The message that appears on screen upon entering the region

Farewell Flag
/rg flag <townname> farewell <farewell message with or without color codes!>
Example: /rg flag spawn farewell &1&lGoodbye! Come back soon!
  • The message that appears in chat upon leaving...
EcoCityCraft is getting hyped up for what may be our busiest summer season in years! With the influx of new players and so many exciting things going on we are definitely looking for some extra help on the Staff team!

The EcoCityCraft Staff team is an opportunity for you to give back to the server by spending your time and energy contributing to the community and helping EcoCityCraft grow and thrive! We always appreciate the time and effort put in by our current and retired Staff members doing just that. :)

On that note I would like to announce that Staff applications are now open! Please apply if you are interested in helping out.
Don't forget to read the basic requirements and the application rules before you apply!
Staff Application Guidelines

We look forward to reading your application.
Good Luck!
After 8 years, we've finally decided to introduce a change to how towns are managed on EcoCityCraft!
I have always been against adding bloated plugins such as towny, plots and others. As such we have coded a completely custom EcoCityCraft plot system. It is simple, easy and effective. Best of all, it uses the plugins we already have in place to get the job done in as lightweight and performance oriented way as possible!

And of course, if you have TownControlPlus you are welcome to sell "plot creation services" in game for those who do not have the feature! Another way to earn more EcoDollars! :)

The following has been added to the existed TownControlPlus feature:

Setting plots:
(Maximum 5 plots per town) - Upgrade to TownControlPlus2 for unlimited plots!
  • You must be in the owners list of a town.
  • You must be ranked Resident+ for these plot additions/removals to work.
  • All plots must be within the town itself. They cannot overlap with other towns or the wild.
  • Plot names cannot have the letters pvp in them. This is reserved for pvp arena applications.
  • Use this command to generate a wand. (a wooden axe).
  • With the wand you will select two points to form a cube. This is required prior to running the /setplot command below. Left click one point, and right click the other.
  • Example of two points forming a cube can be seen here. (In this image, the entire stone area would be the plot area.)
/setplot <townname> <plotname> <username>
  • Use this command to set your current selection as a plot.
  • Example: /setplot highgarden apartment1 andrewkm - would create a region named "highgardenapartment1" with "andrewkm" added to the members list of...
It is now possible to connect to ECC with 1.14.1 on your Minecraft client.

However, we still recommend that you use 1.13.2 when connecting to Main/VMR and 1.12.2 when connecting to Skyblock. This compatibility update is primarily for new players who are looking for servers on their 1.14.1 clients.

You are free to report any bugs that come with running 1.14.1 at However, the issues will most likely be already known/reported and we, again, advise you to use 1.13.2 if you want to avoid such issues.

This is not a server update to 1.14.1! This thread/update only pertains to your ability to connect to ECC with a 1.14.1 client. New features (ie blocks, mechanics, etc.) that come with 1.14.1 (or 1.14 for the matter) are not impacted by this update.
We would like to remind everyone that you should be connecting to EcoCityCraft's game servers with a 1.14, 1.13.2 client or any other supported version. EcoCityCraft is *NOT* currently compatible with 1.14.1 clients.

In addition to this reminder I would like to announce that I have written up a wiki page providing information about which client versions you should be using to connect.
EcoCityCraft and Minecraft Updates
Refer to this wiki page to be aware which client versions will connect to the specific servers as well as which client versions will offer the most optimal gameplay on that server. You will also find information on how to downgrade your client or create new profiles for other versions on this page as well.
Theme Change + Rare Kits Reset!
Use "/server vmr" or visit the lobby to access the VMR portal.



Buried Treasure

Theme suggested by @EtherealSquid via this thread.

Sale prices are as follows:
Heart of the Sea: $250
TNT: $25
Prismarine: $2
Dark Prismarine: $4
Prismarine Bricks: $5
Ink sac: $2
XP Bottle: $25
Nautilus Shell: $50
Trident: $200

Leader boards can be found here:
Main news post regarding release/more information can be found here.
Don't forget to use your free /kit rare as well as any other rare kits you own as they reset on VMR reset!
All Patrons can now use /lightning <player> to smite them naughty players!
Cooldown is in effect. Once per 10 minutes!
Inspired by:

SkyBlock Season 4 Launched!

Use Command: /server skyblock