1. kukelekuuk C͕̹̲̽ͪ͐ͩ̔L̜̦̝͈ͦ̿̾̿ḘA̻̗̤̳̐ͭ̆̿̃̑ͭN̊̓͑̇ͯ
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    May 25, 2011
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    How quickly do you earn all the money back while farming?
    lets make a list of dangers while mining.
    1. mobs
    2. falling down
    3. lava
    4. gravel

    and a list of dangers with farming
    1. none

    and about the effort you are talking about.
    have you ever mined for a long time before?
    you need to stock up on food, wood and you need tools.
    you could start with iron tools, but you need the luck to find diamonds before you can upgrade, and you need luck if you want to haul in a good amount of money.

    farming and mining are essentially the opposite.
    mining quick to start but dependent on luck and it is dangerous.
    farming slow to start but when started its stable, safe and a quick way of making money.

    there is no such thing as difference in effort. you can mine for an hour and make only 4k because you didnt have enough luck making that hour practically go to waste.
    while farming you will get the same amount of money each and every time you farm (9k an hour on average)

    farming you can just hold a button and walk forward while with mining you have to be on constant alert to notice any ores/danger

    like you guys said "effort" while mining you are constantly putting effort in what you do, but with farming you only put effort in getting the farm ready and then you can farm INDEFINITELY with nearly no effort.

  2. Rezonl Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 12, 2011
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    TBH, I am fine with the mining changes. Ores are meant to be mainly sold to players, not the server. Farming items are. If you merchant well, and sell to people like me, who are willing to buy above server price, mining will be more worth your time.

    On the other hand, pumpkin farming right now is balanced. It takes 2.5 minutes to go down a 200 long lane, and rehoe the land. Which would make you 400$.
    So, 60 minutes divided by 2.5 = 24 times. 24x400$ = 9.6k/hour

    This right now, in my opinion is a good and firm spot to hold it at. Every farming material should be balanced around this. Now, using the theory of time is money. The average minimum wage in Canada is around 9-10$. On the server, we can convert that to 10k eco dollars. Are server is supposed to mimic a real economy as much as possible, no? So in conclusion, pumpkin farming should stay AS IS, and it should be the benchmark for everything to be repriced. I'd like to see people actually doing excavation for money, instead of just mining and farming.

    TL;DR - Pumpkins are good, mining is good. Melons are crap, reeds are crap and so is wheat.
  3. BenjaminWaugh Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Dec 15, 2011
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    As i said in my previous post, farming needs time, money and effort. Far more than mining.

    If on average mining made the same amount of money as farming, then who would bother going through the cost and trouble of building farms? There would be no reason to.

    Mining is what people should start with, and then move on to farming.
    Balance in the sources of income should be worked towards, but mining and farming should be looked at separately. Not as two of the same sources of income. The price of items you can mine should work out balanced, and the price of items you farm should be similarly balanced.

    I believe that farming should make more money than mining, as it takes more effort to get started. But i don't believe it should be 50% more income. 30% or so at the most.

    As to kuke's questions of mining, food is not needed with hospitals in several towns and the server is on easy mode so you cant die from hunger, i have mined for days without dying to any of the mine dangers you stated. I even fell into lava, managed to /spawn, run through a portal and jump into the sea. I was wearing a full set of iron armor.
    Wood takes 5 minutes to collect a 64 stack of logs(4 stacks of planks). I can get stone tools in the first 60 seconds on single player.

    "farming and mining are essentially the opposite."
    I agree. They are not the same, and should not be treated with the same profit policy.
    Mining is there to provide tools.
    Farming is there to provide money.
  4. kukelekuuk C͕̹̲̽ͪ͐ͩ̔L̜̦̝͈ͦ̿̾̿ḘA̻̗̤̳̐ͭ̆̿̃̑ͭN̊̓͑̇ͯ
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    May 25, 2011
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    do you like mining?
  5. Rezonl Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 12, 2011
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    Cost of mining balances it self out with the cost of the farm...eventually.
  6. BenjaminWaugh Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Dec 15, 2011
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    "do you like mining?"
    That's a difficult question...

    I mine to get ores for tools, and i am almost level 100 in mining. But do i like it? There are parts of it i enjoy, the thrill of finding diamond, and also the.. ok well just the thrill of finding diamonds.

    But i also have to ask, do i like farming? I like the money it gets me, which lets me do many different things. But i dont like the mind numbing boredom that comes with holding down a mouse button for 2mins, changing tools, then holding down the button again.

    The different ways to make money should not be compared with each other. Mining should be treated as mining, farming as farming. If the aim of lowering farming profits is to match profits made by mining, then i expect the price of wood logs to raise dramatically so that wood chopping can bring the same returns as mining or farming.

    The argument was raised that if someone doesn't like farming, why should he miss out on the profits? Well my counter argument to that is what if someone does not enjoy both mining or farming? And instead prefers to chop tree's.

    There are many other activities that can earn money, will they all be balanced fairly under the pretense that all income methods be the same? Each method of earning income should be treated separately, not lumped under a single profit margin.

    Mining is random the profits uncertain.
    Farming is controlled, the profits certain.

    In real life who makes more money? The gambler relying on luck, or the slow and steady businessman.
  7. kukelekuuk C͕̹̲̽ͪ͐ͩ̔L̜̦̝͈ͦ̿̾̿ḘA̻̗̤̳̐ͭ̆̿̃̑ͭN̊̓͑̇ͯ
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    May 25, 2011
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    it seems you do not understand the goal of this nerf.
    see viewtopic.php?f=56&t=7718&start=10#p40052

    now I know you are a farmer and you dont want the farming price to go down. but we have had the same discussion the last 2 times something was nerfed and now people are used to those prices. (mining got nerfed too a couple of weeks ago, I saw no one complain)
    all I ask you is to continue the farming for a week or two and then see if its too low or not.

    stop comparing it to a real life economy, this is not a real life economy.

    if you compare mining and farming in real life, mining would make way more money (dangerous jobs get paid more)
  8. Michaelwm Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
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    If this were a real life economy, mining would be increased ten fold
  9. BenjaminWaugh Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Dec 15, 2011
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    When the prices for ores were dropped i did actually argue against it.
    I do understand what the price drop was for, and while we debated here i was checking profits from my farm rows.
    A row of pumpkins came to 972$ profit
    A row of melons came to 1423$ profit
    And a row of wheat came to 1600$+ profit
    Each row was 4 wide, though the melons and pumpkins only used 2 rows, and i didn't harvest their stems.

    But as you pointed out,
    I seem to have sidetracked this thread with my first post, and we have ended up in a debate over different income sources. Which i would love to continue as i love to argue/discuss/debate(Your choice) as it strengthens the mind against senility, but will set it aside for a rainy day.

    As i stated in the original post with the new drop in pumpkin price and further assuming what Andrew said of 1000 skill in herbalism, melons will now make twice the profit of pumpkins.

    This could of course, be argued as a good thing, since it gives people a goal to work for. However the price of pumpkin was lowered so that the profits were equal across the board. But instead of fair pricing, pumpkins now make 4$ and melons an average of 7.50$
  10. Rezonl Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 12, 2011
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    You have to take into account the timing. If you could calculate the amount of money/hour provided you have lvl 0 herbalism, i'd thank you.
  11. BenjaminWaugh Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Dec 15, 2011
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    Estimating it on level 0 herbalism would be no good, as people would soon level. And the melons profit is more than doubled by herbalism effect. I can work out the money per hour stuff at level 1000 when i wake up, as its 5.30am here and I'm 8 hours overdue for sleep.
  12. Rezonl Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 12, 2011
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    Still, the best way to judge it is at level 0. Then we wouldn't have luck interfere. Level 1000 and level 0 rates are the most accurate.
  13. Jetscat Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Oct 8, 2011
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    3 Too much, 3.25$ to much, Maby 2.25$? but after reading all of the arguments it makes most sence, because once you gain around 200 in herbalism they are worth around 4$ each lol due too all of the x2 drops, but thanks guys for all your input, it wont make most happy lol, but it's the fair price, and I thought about all of this while sleeping and I came to the Conclusion, people just have to get used too it.

    It's alot, and is very profitable, but tbh what I was saying last night is pretty much "I'm greety, I want more!" now that I think of it, it's a fair set price. I mean no one will be upset with a price bump, but what will that do to the economey once people start to gain loads of money? It'll be very unbalanced. But not that I wont be happy that the prices due go up, I mean why wouldn't I? We gain money. :p Thanks for all your inputs.
  14. D0rc Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Apr 26, 2011
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    Back from sleeping for too long. lol

    I know the farming to mining argument is over pretty much, but there are a few things I want to jump in and say.

    I would spend 200-300k for a farm that makes me 5k more than farming per hour on average. That may seem insane, but I would. It's still worth it, because in 5 hours, I've already made a 6th of it back. I'd do 5 hours a day because I have that much time. In a week, it's just pure profit. This pure profit is twice as much as mining for less work. In another week, I'd make way, way more than enough money to make up for the time I spent.

    After that, twice as much money for less effort. (An hour of mining = at least 5 axes and 5 hoes for my mining trips. I've mined for a long time, I know how to do it.) Or I could just but these axes and hoes off people with the money I made farming. A diamond sells for 60-80$ right now, I could spend less than $2000 for hours more time farming. I haven't even lost enough money to make up for the extra I get farming. It's still more profitable in a matter of a week or two. For somebody more busy; It could be longer. But if they can't spend 5 hours a day to farm, they can't for mining either. It will still be tons more worth it in the long run. Extcommands is not necessary.

    Although, I have to disagree on some parts; Farming is fine how it is. It doesn't need lowered like people are saying. It's not as exciting as mining, people will lose interest, it's happened before. Those who farm should get more from farming. Although, it does seem a little up there right now.
    All the farming is balanced with itself. Wheat making more than pumpkins is right. Do you know how long it takes to replant that stuff? At level 1000, however, I can see how it may be overpowered. I'll ask around when people start doing that, but for now: Balanced. Melons also are supposed to make more than pumpkins. Check Andrew's post in this thread guys...It is meant to be that way. It makes it balanced. Although, some testing at level 1000 with all the methods like people are saying would be nice.
    It doesn't need to cost 200-300k to get a farm started. Rent one, get a plot in a town for one. Make one in the wild where nobody will ever find it until you can make a town. There are many possibility's.
    We actually are supposed to compare farming to mining for income. The thing is, if mining was meant for materials, and not profit, then why can we sell gold/iron/lapis/redstone to server? (Diamonds are not sold to server because they are meant to be a part of the user economy, meant to be sold in the user economy, not because they are used as materials.) Farming should not be the only method of profit. Ever.

    I'm going to stop posting in this thread unless I feel like I need to. I don't want to start a huge argument. I just want people to know that the prices are fine and balanced. Nothing needs increased. Nothing needs decreased. It's fine as-is. If farming becomes a huge thing, then either mining will go up, or farming will go down. We need to stop thinking about the future of what could happen, and wait for that future to actually come and see how things go instead of assuming that this or this will happen. It's the mistake made every time a farming price changes. Very little of the stuff mentioned ever really happens... I only back up what I say by calculations, (In prices/income.) and past experience. Not assumptions.

    Just going to end this with: Let's wait and see what happens. Arguing/debating is getting us nowhere.
  15. freedom_train Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Dec 28, 2011
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    talking about over the long term
  16. z1967 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Apr 4, 2012
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    First of all, mining is much harder. You need food, picks, shovels, blocks, etc. farming requires a hoe, some seeds, and an axe if applicable. Not so complicated now is it.
    Point two, you have clearly never built a quarry. Or any sort of mine. If you say caverns have a lot of resources, think again. First you have to find it, LEGALLY. Then you have to connect it. Put out lava, etc. and on the subject of farms. People will build them anyway. There will always be a need for food or hats. And a closing note, if you can sucessfully ACCIDENTALY kill yourself by farming, you deserve bragging rights because I see only mistakes an idiot could make leading to death.
  17. Shadow_Sock Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Jan 27, 2012
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    I haave herd alot of different results on this and i tryd it myself. I dont know about mining.. but i make 2k/10min farming in a 200*200 farm w/o enchants
  18. Crossphyre Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Feb 19, 2012
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    McMMo is back, but to my knowledge, double drops are off.

    I agree with Jetscat. Farming is huge. es mining can help, but it gets boring chipping away at $.10 each cobble.
  19. D0rc Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Apr 26, 2011
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    This thread is old, like last post in January old. Some of this information is outdated, and some of it will be completely wrong. No use arguing against outdated information, lol.
  20. z1967 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Apr 4, 2012
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    I see no outdated info. In mine anyway.