These have to go up, they just have too. I understand we're trying to balance are Economey but over the last changes, ecc has became one thing and one thing only... Pvp boosting, this is fun and all but it's so tough to earn money, farming is becoming to die, I mean i've heard so many people in chat "Well time to get rid of this farm" there are no reed farms/ we're loosing alot of pumpkin farms, I think we've got to do a major change. Farming in Ecc is VERY big, but it's just going to end due to all these changes, just like Reed farming did. The only use to this is too the new players, but too the "Vet's" on Ecc all there is too do is City/Jobs/Misc money earning stuff. Mining is ok. But farming is starting too die, the prices don't fit with waterplacement (One of the reasons people buy waterplacement is for farming), ext. commands, many people use that to repair their farm tools.... Multihomes to travel homes quicker, from per sey "Item drop off zone" back to the farm. In Generel alot buy the Mayor rank to make most of their town a Pumpkin town or farm town. Fly, a bit eaiser to hoe, these are just some of the reasons, not just I but 70% of Ecocitycraft want the prices raised on pumpkins are Farming in generel. Ecc used to be balanced very well. Now it's just Mine/Towns/Mcmmo. I know due to Mcmmo there are double drops, but that does not mean the prices should go down that much. There's my rant if you wish to call it that, it\s 3 am here so sorry if i'm just rambling or many spelling mistakes, I just really wanted a change here, and I hope you can think the same Andrew, thanks for your time.
yes! Since the price drop, me spending my 12k on a pumpkin farm is pointless instead of using it for resident
I completely support this in full. All farming must go up, but my main argument is pumpkins. Ok so for all farming and pumpkins. You can now make more money by mining, if in a cave/stronghold/ravine you are usually seeing ores. Coal can be found in big pockets and usually can lead to some other ore. Which can also get a double drop which is not very common but can happen. Also with people boosting mcmmo, some people are doing it with mobs and not people so they will get EXP along the way. Most people spend their EXP on diamond picks to get fortune, unbreaking, or efficiency. With this you could have a fortune III pick and get 3 ores from one block of iron or gold. Which can make alot more than pumpkins in that time period. I rarely see people spend their hard earned EXP on axes or any farming things. For my pumpkins to melons here it is. You have a chance from getting pretty much 3-7 melons from one block. If you get three melons that 3*0.50= $1.50. Yes this is less than pumpkins but I saw the 5-7 drops more commonly. 5= 5.00*.50= $2.5 which is more than pumpkins. And as for the 7 drops 7*0.50= $3.50 which is almost twice the pumpkin price as is. Im not saying that melons should be dropped but pumpkins should be raised. Also to add to this, i have seen many builders gain mass amounts of money through pumpkin farming and getting mayor extremely quick. But not all builders have access to 200x200 farms. They just simply dont have the connections or dont even know they are out there. Most builders or residents on have small farms ranging from 10x10's to 50x50's which really is not that big. Pumpkin farms and other farms also take alot of time and in some cases ALOT of money to build. So this person still needs to get money or farms seeds somehow even before they have their huge farm. Using tools for some people is also a bummer. You can wreck your tools pretty quickly, and then have to get more diamond or iron. Yes, some people have repair, but think of all the people who do not have repair. It simply is just a pain to get more tools. Prices should go to $2.50
Mining makes 5k/1.5 hours on average. No enchants. With enchants doesn't help much. Fortune only works on diamonds/lapis/redstone. Not a whole lot more money gain. Farming pumpkins, as said by huge pumpkin farmers. Is at least 6 to 7k/hour, I've heard some say it was 12k before any price drops happened to them. No enchants. Efficiency makes you gain a couple thousand more, just like mining. Not a huge difference. Something is not right here. What people need is not to think prices need to go up, but try both methods before even thinking that farming is inferior to mining. If people don't believe me, try mining yourself. I would rather have farming completely taken out of the economy for a week and see how much people realize how the money gaining ratios actually were than watch people suffer and argue their opinions on it all day until we come to a conclusion. Farming is still worth it, people just need to realize it. If people are seriously tearing down all their farms, so be it. While farming may be dying, the solution isn't raising prices. What the solution is is to make people realize how much farming was hurting the economy/server before, and how much less it will now. And to know just how worth it it still is.
Yes. The prices are fine as is, the pumpkins could go back up to where they were. But not now, not for a long time. The reason the price needed lowered, as it was already fine, is because of the mass amount of farms and income from them. Nobody is doing the other methods right now because they already have a pumpkin farm from when it was the best method. Why spend time and money to do something just as profitable as something you already can do without wasting time/money? The price lower was aiming to get people to want more money through the other methods, thus, ditching their pumpkin farms to make new ones for more profit, and because the other methods are all just as profitable as each other, it will split into different groups of farmers, instead of just one farming method being the one everyone does. Farming is also fine, even though mining is less profitable, because mining is the favorable method, as farming gets extremely boring. As well, mining can be made more profitable due to enchants, as well, allows you to get EXP for Combat MCMMO skills at the same time. But this threads discussion is about money gain, so that's a little off topic.
Like as I heard from the veterans of this server, that sugar cane farms used to be the most profitable source of farming, then people ended up going to pumpkins because that was better to invest in, now that has been nerfed people will be going to melons as said in Heavensfallen post and how in the end u will get more money from the melon drops and after a while it will end up being the same as its predecessors', nerfed, then as you said they will move onto other methods until they become overused and it ends up being a chain reaction where everything ends up being nerfed, and applying for higher rankings will take a lot longer, and those with low patience levels will end up getting bored and most-likely leave the server. May end up with the server shutdown in a few months down due to the fact that with a small amount of players, there may not be enough donations for the server to keep on living.
Since when were melons more than all other farming methods? o.o they drop just the right amount of slices with the right percentages that unless you are the luckiest person on earth (or have efficiency axes, expensive, not worth it) you won't make more money. And no. If money ever gets too hard to earn, things will change. They never have been too hard to earn, and never will be. Prices in farming raise sometimes, he doesn't only lower things. It just happens to be that lowering is the way to go right now. lol, it is pretty dramatic. I don't think things will go that far. ^
It should be raised to at least 2.50$ Again, but would be better if 3.00$ or 3.25$... Will make more people farm.
You said it yourself. Thats exactly what we dont want. We dont want everyone doing the same thing. We want diversity in our economy.
For our part, we ceased construction on our farm until we work out what provides the most profit. Haven't tried reeds yet, but while pumpkins were at 2.50 the profits from our farm rows were Pumpkins = 900 Melons = 1500 Wheat = 1700 And the 100% double drop rate applies to melons as well, although you dont get more slices, you get a solid melon block. Which sells for 4.50$. So if the average profit per melon is 3.00$ then with the added 4.50$ profit then that makes the 4$ double drop profit of pumpkins half what melons get. Farming SHOULD earn more than mining. Its steady, dependable income. With its profits we can employ builders, and buy minerals that the builders dig out.
Why would the easier method produce more income? Thats horrible. What happens to a user who hates farming? Would they have to get away from their mining and come farm? Mining should earn much more then farming. Its unpredictable and you have a chance of dieing from mobs. Farming is safe, easy, steady and dependable. Farming should be lower then mining.
Did you know that Mining has been nerfed too? mining is a non steady luck based way of income (sometimes you make 10k an hour sometimes you make 3k an hour) while farming is something you just put a bit of time and money in and then you can make massive amounts of money. (which is around 9k an hour now) We are trying to make everything Balanced and not make one way of earning money better then the other. We are trying to make all common sources of income similar in terms of profit, but if you would increase pumpkin farming back to $2.50 we would make pumpkin farming way better then mining. and then I didnt even calculate in enchantments. I am a miner and I always have a fortune III pickaxe on me. the most I have made an hour so far is 7k. the most someone ever made with pumpkin farming is 12k an hour. see the difference? now that pumpkin farming is nerfed by 20% which equals to : 12 * 0.20 = 2.4k difference in profit meaning you will still make 9.6k an hour which is still way more then mining and all other ways of farming. and then we have the mcmmo double drop. I think that says enough. you would make 18-19k an hour as soon as you reach level 1000. before we had enchantments and pumpkin farming we could make 6k an hour max with reedfarming and around 4-6k with mining. right now we have enchantments and pumpkin farming and we can make 9k an hour with pumpkin farming (more with efficiency enchantment) and 5-7k an hour with mining. in my opinion pumpkin farming should be nerfed even more when comparing it to all other ways of making money. conclusion pumpkin farming is still the fastest stable way of making money. ~kukelekuuk00
Its true that mining is more dangerous, but what do you need to mine? An average player can have iron tools within the first hour, and diamonds within the second. And it costs him nothing to do so. He doesn't need to purchase ex commands, since he is getting the raw materials needed for tools himself. Compare those two hours to the cost of safe dependable farming, 15k residency, 75k mayor, diamond tools, water placement, ext commands for tool repairs, seeds, materials and construction worker wages. If you don't have mayor, then you have to rent someones farm, or build your farm in the wild where people can grief it. And whats going to kill people underground? There's no creepers, so unless they're completely unprepared or rush forward blindly, in both cases deserving their deaths, you cant die from mining. I agree that farming is easier than mining, but you still have to earn it. You still have to mine underground to get money, or seek jobs from other players, to get enough funds to have your own farm. You start at the bottom, digging in the dirt, and then you work your way up. Mining takes minimal effort to get started 5 minutes or so, while the smallest of farms would still take a day to complete. In this area, it should work the same as real life, you get out what you put in.
Then yet again you guys are counter argueing your own arguement. Effort spent into mining can be good or bad. That hour you spend looking and mining for diamond could get you lucky, making you loads of money Or it could be unlucky, making your hour wasted Farming is dependable, meaning your hour can never get wasted, you'll always get just as much as you did before. And I agree with kuke, farming should be nerfed even more.