(Main) TownControl

Jan 15, 2025
(Main) TownControl

  • Town Control - ($) 30(top)

    *Feature is available in Rising!*

    The Town Control feature allows you to control all available town flags below, with no cooldown, and no EcoDollar cost. You get unlimited toggling of any available flag as long as you are listed as an owner of the town you are attempting this in!

    Do not use town flags to fake official server messages or fake messages from Staff members and Administration. Doing so may result in a ban.

    Available flags & their commands:

    Chest-Access Flag
    /rg flag <townname> chest-access <allow/deny/none>
    Example: /rg flag spawn chest-access deny
    • Allow or block the player from opening chests, furnaces, and other containers in a region
    • Warning: We are not responsible for incorrect usage of this flag as well as item loss due to theft. You are required to test this with friends and town members you trust to ensure you have correctly set the desired town environment.


    /rg flag <townname> coral-fade <allow/deny/none>
    Example: /rg flag spawn coral-fade deny
    • Whether coral will die when not in water.

    Damage-Animals Flag
    /rg flag <townname> damage-animals -g nonmembers <allow/deny/none>
    Example: /rg flag spawn damage-animals -g nonmembers deny
    • Whether players can harm friendly animals (cows, sheep, etc)
    If you wish to apply a flag to prevent interference from all users(including members of the town), simply omit the "-g nonmembers"
    You may also specify whether a flag affects owners and nonowners with the groups "-g owners" and "-g nonowners"

    Deny-Message Flag
    /rg flag <townname> deny-message <message>
    Example: /rg flag spawn deny-message You can't do that at spawn!
    • The message issued to players that are denied an action.

    Deny-Spawn Flag
    /rg flag <townname> deny-spawn <mob,mob,mob,mob>
    (this command must be comma separated) Entity types can be found here.
    Example: /rg flag spawn deny-spawn cow
    • This prevent cows from spawning.
    Example: /rg flag spawn deny-spawn cow,pig,sheep,ocelot
    • This prevents cows, pigs, sheep and ocelots from spawning.
    Example: /rg flag spawn deny-spawn
    • This removes the deny-spawn flag completely.

    Entity-Item-Frame-Destroy Flag

    /rg flag <townname> entity-item-frame-destroy <allow/deny/none>
    Example: /rg flag spawn entity-item-frame-destroy deny
    • Whether item frames can be destroyed can be destroyed by non-player entities.

    Entity-Painting-Destroy Flag

    /rg flag <townname> entity-painting-destroy <allow/deny/none>
    Example: /rg flag spawn entity-painting-destroy deny
    • Whether paintings can be destroyed can be destroyed by non-player entities.

    Firework-Damage Flag

    /rg flag <townname> firework-damage <allow/deny/none>
    Example: /rg flag spawn firework-damage deny
    • Whether fireworks will cause damage
      • Useful for visitors causing damage to mobs with fireworks

    Grass-Growth Flag

    /rg flag <townname> grass-growth <allow/deny/none>
    Example: /rg flag spawn grass-growth deny
    • Whether grass will grow

    Ice-Form Flag

    /rg flag <townname> ice-form <allow/deny/none>
    Example: /rg flag spawn ice-form deny
    • Whether ice will form

    Ice-Melt Flag

    /rg flag <townname> ice-melt <allow/deny/none>
    Example: /rg flag spawn ice-melt deny
    • Whether ice will melt

    Interact Flag

    /rg flag <townname> interact -g nonmembers <allow/deny/none>
    Example: /rg flag spawn interact -g nonmembers deny
    • Everything that involves ‘using’ a block or entity:
      • Whether doors, levers, lecterns, etc. (but not inventories) can be used
      • Whether inventories can be accessed
      • Whether vehicles (including animals) can be mounted
      • etc.
      • Chests and Furnaces are not protected by this flag. To protect these use the chest-access flag.
    If you wish to apply a flag to prevent interference from all users(including members of the town), simply omit the "-g nonmembers"
    You may also specify whether a flag affects owners and nonowners with the groups "-g owners" and "-g nonowners"

    Item-Frame-Rotation Flag

    /rg flag <townname> item-frame-rotation <allow/deny/none>
    Example: /rg flag spawn item-frame-rotation deny
    • Whether item-frames can be rotated

    Leaf-Decay Flag

    /rg flag <townname> leaf-decay <allow/deny/none>
    Example: /rg flag spawn leaf-decay deny
    • Whether leaves will decay

    Mob-Spawning Flag

    /rg flag <townname> mob-spawning <allow/deny/none>
    Example: /rg flag spawn mob-spawning deny
    • Whether mobs can spawn

    Mycelium-Spread Flag

    /rg flag <townname> mycelium-spread <allow/deny/none>
    Example: /rg flag spawn mycelium-spread deny
    • Whether mycelium will spread

    Ride Flag

    /rg flag <townname> ride <allow/deny/none>
    Example: /rg flag spawn ride deny
    • Whether vehicles (including animals) can be mounted

    Snow-Melt Flag

    /rg flag <townname> snow-melt <allow/deny/none>
    Example: /rg flag spawn snow-melt deny
    • Whether snow will melt

    Snow-Fall Flag

    /rg flag <townname> snow-fall <allow/deny/none>
    • Whether snow will accumulate on the ground

    Use Flag

    /rg flag <townname> use -g nonmembers <allow/deny/none>
    Example: /rg flag spawn use -g nonmembers deny
    • Whether doors, levers, lecterns etc. (but not inventories) can be used
    If you wish to apply a flag to prevent interference from all users(including members of the town), simply omit the "-g nonmembers"
    You may also specify whether a flag affects owners and nonowners with the groups "-g owners" and "-g nonowners"


    /rg flag <townname> use-anvil <allow|deny|none>
    Example: /rg flag spawn use-anvil -g non_members deny
    • Whether users can use anvils within the town.

    Vehicle-Destroy Flag

    /rg flag <townname> vehicle-destroy <allow/deny/none>
    Example: /rg flag spawn vehicle-destroy deny
    • Whether vehicles (boats, minecarts) can be destroyed

    Vehicle-Place Flag

    /rg flag <townname> vehicle-place <allow/deny/none>
    Example: /rg flag spawn vehicle-place deny
    • Whether vehicles (boats, minecarts) can be placed

    Vine-Growth Flag

    /rg flag <townname> vine-growth <allow/deny/none>
    Example: /rg flag spawn vine-growth deny
    • Whether vines will grow
    Visit our shop to purchase this feature!

    Feature Upgrade(top)

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