VMR Server Commands - Historical

Applied By pokeball92870: May 20, 2018 at 6:33 PM

VMR Server Commands
Below is the complete listing of commands for EcoCityCraft's Vanilla MineRun Server.

All Ranks(top)


  • Displays your money balance.
/sell all
  • Sell all items in your inventory.
/sell hand
  • Sell the item in your hand.
/sell <id>
  • Sell the item specified by <id>.


  • Displays the VMR Booklet GUI. Shows which items have been sold and quantity sold.
/booklet status
/booklet <id>
  • Displays the quantity sold of <id>.


/ch <channel>
  • Changes the chat channel of the user.
  • Channels for VMR include:
    • Global [G] - /ch g - Network-wide global chat.
    • Local [L] - /ch l - Chat only visible to users within 400 blocks of your location.
    • VMR [VMR] - /ch vmr - VMR Server chat.
    • Trade [Tr] - /ch tr - Network-wide trade chat.
    • Trivia [Trv] - /ch trv - Chat for questionnaires, quizzes, or random trivia.
  • Displays a list of users which you've ignored.
/ignore <user>
  • Ignores a user. You will no longer be able to see their chat messages.
/msg <user> <message>
  • Sends a private message to <user>. Works network-wide.
/reply <message>
  • Sends a private message to the user who last privately messaged you.
/realname <nickname>
  • Displays the a user's real username given their <nickname>.


/kill or /suicide
  • Kills yourself. Useful when you're stuck or need to get to spawn fast.



/bal <user>
  • Displays another user's balance.
  • Displays the top balances of the server.


/nick off
  • Toggles off your nickname.
/nick <nickname>
  • Changes your nickname.
  • Allowed color codes include &0-9 and &a-f.
  • Allowed formatting codes include &l, &m, &n, &o, and &r.