(Main) ExtCreationsPlus - Historical

Applied By ClarinetPhoenix: May 26, 2022 at 1:15 PM

(Main) ExtCreationsPlus

Extended Creations Plus - ($) 30(top)

*Feature is available in Rising/Nether/End/Mining!*

The Extended Creations Plus feature gives you even more possibilities! Following are a list of features you will get with this feature!

  • This command allows you to instantly smelt whatever you are holding! Keep in mind this comes with a cooldown. The cooldown is currently set at 15 seconds.
/smelt all
  • This command allows you to instantly smelt everything in your inventory! Keep in mind this comes with a cooldown. The cooldown is currently set at 5 minutes.
/smelt all <item>
  • This command allows you to instantly smelt all of whatever item you name, for example if you use this command on Raw Gold, it will convert ALL the Raw Gold in your inventory to Gold Ingots.
/smelt all hand
  • This command allows you to instantly smelt all of whatever you are holding, for example if you use this command on Raw Gold in your hand, it will convert ALL the Raw Gold in your inventory to Gold Ingots.
  • This command allows you to instantly strip the wood you are holding! Keep in mind this comes with a cooldown. The cooldown is currently set at 15 seconds.
/strip all
  • This command allows you to instantly strip all the logs in your inventory! Keep in mind this comes with a cooldown. The cooldown is currently set at 5 minutes.
  • This command allows you to instantly oxidize copper blocks into their next oxidization state! Keep in mind this comes with a cooldown,. The cooldown is currently set at 15 seconds.
/oxidize all
  • This command allows you to instantly oxidize all the copper blocks in your inventory! Keep in mind this comes with a cooldown. The cooldown is currently set at 5 minutes.
  • This command allows you to instantly deoxidize copper blocks in your inventory to the previous oxidation state!! Keep in mind this comes with a cooldown,. The cooldown is currently set at 15 seconds.
/deoxidize all
  • This command allows you to instantly de-oxidize all the copper blocks in your inventory to the previous oxidation state! Keep in mind this comes with a cooldown. The cooldown is currently set at 5 minutes.
  • This command allows you to convert certain blocks into their un-refined forms. Keep in mind this comes with a cooldown. The cooldown is currently set at 15 seconds.
/crush all
  • This command allows you to instantly crush applicable blocks in your inventory! Keep in mind this comes with a cooldown. The cooldown is currently set at 5 minutes.
  • This command allows you to convert certain blocks into their un-smelted forms. Keep in mind this comes with a cooldown. The cooldown is currently set at 15 seconds.
/desmelt all
  • This command allows you to instantly convert applicable blocks in your inventory! Keep in mind this comes with a cooldown. The cooldown is currently set at 5 minutes.

Format Signs
  • Simply use the format code before your text as you would with the /shout command to format your sign text. "&lWelcome" Would make a bolded Welcome text appear on your sign. Use /help colors in game for color codes. Combine this with colored signs for extra effect.
Construct hidden switches!
  • You are able to create hidden switches that may be toggled by right clicking the block where your hidden switch sign is on. Place a block and place a sign on it where the second line is [x]. Now you may right click this block from any side and toggle the switch it is connected to!
  • Front of hidden switch
  • Back of the hidden switch
  • As in the above example you may right click the nether rack that the switch is on from the back of it and it will toggle the lever below. Great for puzzles; secret entrances and whatever your imagination can create!
Create light switches!
  • You are able to create light switches that may be toggled by right clicking the light switch sign. Simply make a sign with the following on the second line: "[ I ]" without the quotes and spaces of course and place a torch/redstonetorch above it. Now just right click it to toggle the torch on and off. Maximum range is 10 and maximum lights is 20. You may also customize your switch with the third and fourth line. This is used with a number value. Third line is your custom light range and fourth line is your custom max light changes.
  • Lights on!
  • Lights off!
Various meters!
  • By holding glowstone dust or coal you will be able to right click on various areas to get power / light readings. Right clicking glowstone dust will show you the current light level of that block while right clicking coal on redstone objects will give you their power readings.
  • Light reading!
  • Power reading!
Painting switcher!
  • A nice little painting switcher for your benefit so you don't have to constantly break / create paintings to get that painting you want. Simply right click any painting and use your mouse scroll to pick the one you want!
Visit our shop to purchase this feature!

Feature Upgrade(top)