---Today's Haul With an Eff 7---
Mining Trip Duration: It was a collection of several small trips due to lack of time!
*I will not be calculating coal for a while as I'm collecting all the coal ore I have now.*
Redstone: 15115 ($1.75)
Value: $26451.25
Iron: 4149 ($7.50)
Value: $31117.50
Lapis: 3718 ($4)
Value: $14872
Gold: 1105 ($10)
Value: $11050
Diamond: 616 ($25)
Value: $15400
Emerald: 159 ($40)
Value: $6360
EXP: 10434 ($1.30) <-- Price is now $1.30/orb
Value: $13564.20
TOTAL: $118814.95 (Not Including Coal)
*Note* Everything I mined can be bought at Station 95! For a list of all our prices and wares click here!
Also I welcome personal orders to be made!
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rainbowmaster12 BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️
Mining time 1 Hour
Fortune Ores 15 min (there might be better faster way idk..)
Mining technique: None. :D (Here I come and here is my pickaxe, get outta my way... watch out below!)
Fun: lots
Levels mined: Mainly 5-8 sometimes 10 -12
Lava: Mostly went around when could see it on map
Junk: Only stone i do not brake dirt or gravel (the second one falls on my head most of the time)
Help: ExtCommands+ (e-reps must have), Bright Screen, Fly+ (useful at times hardly used)
Food: Ate 24 baked potato. :)
Prices: All are server /sell hand prices, many might be sold for more such as Gold, Lapiz and Diamonds.
Coal 34 Ores (I do not mine those only sometimes if i need to pass through or something)
Iron Ore 511
Gold Ore 86 Ores
RedStone 692 Ores
Lapiz 48 Ores
Diamond 102 Ores
Sub Total: $22413.20
Exp 2781 @ $1 per orb
Grand Total $25194.20
$25194.20 in 1.25 hrs total time so:
$20155.36 per hour
I consider it pretty good but I also think The Mine I was in was nice, not too much lava only near the end of 1 hour all i was hitting was lava that did slow me down, lots of running in circles sometimes due to my lack of any technique.-
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Coolslammer3 BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️
--Trip with Eff5, Fort3, Unb3--
Mining Trip Duration: 30 minutes
Dirt: 519 ($.05)
Value : $25.95
Stone: 1491 ($0.10)
Value: $179.10
Coal: 755 ($1.00)
Value: $755
Redstone Dust: 971 ($1.75)
Value: $1699.25
Iron Ingots: 72 ($7.50)
Value: $540
Gold Ingots: 13 ($11.25)
Value: $146.25
Lapis Lazuli: 44 ($4)
Value: $176
Diamonds: 47 ($27)
Value: $729
EXP: 903 ($1)
Value: $903
Total: $5153.55
Mining Technique: Strip mining at y:11 using super breaker while I can
If you have any suggestions please tell me thank you!-
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Couple things how you get stone with fortune pick shouldn't it be cobble at 5 cents ? Also maybe use /sell hand prices ... No I don't mean do sell to server just to use these prices to compare. Still 5000 worth of stuff in half an hour is great IMO I was mining little different when I used non eff7 pick but I don't wanna say cuz I think you did well no point to confuse lol but I never bothered to see how much I was making ...
Wait sorry maybe I'm confused does countless pay .10 and stone .20? I forgot I never look I just sell it then I subtracted ending balance from starting to know how much stone worth I sold -
Coolslammer3 BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️
Don't we all wish we could be "the" RainbowMaster though :)-
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---Today's Haul With anEff 7---
Mining Trip Duration: About 1:45 to 2:00 (Does not include fortuning/selling time.)
*I will not be calculating coal for a while as I'm collecting all the coal ore I have now.*
Coal Ore: 1263 ($100 per stack for 5 stacks, then $128 per stack) + $386 in Coal
Value: $2766
Redstone: 4897 ($1.75)
Value: $8569.75
Iron: 824 ($7.50)
Value: $6180
Lapis: 1692 ($4)
Value: $6768
Gold: 160 ($11.25 USOD)
Value: $1800
Diamond: 171 ($27 USOD)
Value: $4887
Emerald: 4 ($37)
Value: $148
EXP: 3147 ($1.30) <-- Price is now $1.30/orb
Value: $3454
TOTAL: $31,806.75
I also made around 3k in stone, dungeon loot, and other stuff, according to my balance, which is 34k o_O -
Coolslammer3 BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️
Coolslammer3 BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️
Coolslammer3 BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️
Sorry guys was using tapatalk and pressed a few wrong buttons.
bobman3355 MayorBuilder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️ Prestige ⭐ III ⭐ Premium Upgrade
ok so i mined for 30 mins today with my eff7 and my fort 3 and i got
stone: 759.9
redstone: 2857
gold: 400
iron: 2212.50
diamond: 2625
lapis: 1100
xp: about 1200
that makes a total of 11,154.40 in the half hour in an hour i would make 22,308.80
I forgot to include the coal ore i got cuz I'm to lazy to fort that but i got like 5 stacks of it i kinnda avoid it sometimes tho -
rainbowmaster12 BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️
---Today's Haul With an Eff 7---
Mining Trip Duration: It was a collection of mining trips I had throughout the past week.
*I will not be calculating coal for a while as I'm collecting all the coal ore I have now.*
Redstone: 14938 ($1.50) <-- Price is now $1.50
Value: $22407
Iron: 3191 ($7.50)
Value: $23932.50
Lapis: 7591 ($3.75) <-- Price is now $3.75
Value: $28466.25
Gold: 1400 ($10)
Value: $14000
Diamond: 1265 ($25)
Value: $31625
Emerald: 262 ($40)
Value: $10480
EXP: 10434 ($1.20) <-- Price is now $1.20/orb [My Price]
Value: $14367.60
TOTAL: $145278.35 (Not Including Coal)
*Note* Everything I mined can be bought at Station 95! For a list of all our prices and wares click here!
Also I welcome personal orders to be made!
Wow I haven't posted one in a while haven't I? -
rainbowmaster12 BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️
---Today's Haul With an Eff 7---
Mining Trip Duration: 2-3 Hours
*I will not be calculating coal for a while as I'm collecting all the coal ore I have now.*
Redstone: 6528 ($1.50) <-- Price is now $1.50
Value: $9792
Iron: 1745 ($7.50)
Value: $13087.50
Lapis: 2434 ($3.75) <-- Price is now $3.75
Value: $9125.50
Gold: 363 ($10)
Value: $3630
Diamond: 334 ($25)
Value: $8350
Emerald: 313 ($40)
Value: $12520
EXP: 5445 ($1.20) <-- Price is now $1.20/orb [My Price]
Value: $6534
TOTAL: $63039 (Not Including Coal)
*Note* Everything I mined can be bought at Station 95! For a list of all our prices and wares click here!
Also I welcome personal orders to be made! -
knears2000 BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️
Well, I just got my eff7 today :). I'll be posting my mining stats in a bit!
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knears2000 BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️
---Today's Haul With an Eff 7---
Mining Trip Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Redstone: 3726 ($1.50)
Value: $5643
Iron: 740 ($7.50)
Value: $5550
Lapis: 865 ($3.75)
Value: $3243.75
Gold: 185 ($10)
Value: $1850
Diamond: 104 ($25)
Value: $2600
Emerald: 24 ($40)
Value: $960
Coal: 1988 ($1)
Value: $1988
Value: N/A
TOTAL: $21843.75-
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Seriously...if an eff7 costs 675k (Calculated at 450$ per star), then you'd only need 50 hours to make a profit...see line above. @_@
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