Accepted [Website & Forums Suggestion] Update Town Claims

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by kenny0011, Mar 4, 2021.

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  1. kenny0011

    kenny0011 Resident
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    Aug 12, 2019
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    What part of EcoCityCraft is this suggestion for:
    Website & Forums
    Short title for your suggestion:
    Update Town Claims
    What are you suggesting:
    The requirements for town claims are old and obselete, harking back to an ancienct time of ECC. This is proposing bringing them forward to a modern ECC.

    From the wiki:
    I don't think I need to explain why this is lol... No need for it in guidelines as it's never been enforced.

    As for the meat of this suggestion, I am returning back to my previous suggestion to remove the need for screenshots in the application. As said previously, it is all stuff that the GA checks anyway.

    In the current debacle with town claims, I quote

    indicating that the wiki must be followed in regards for town claims. Yet in the next minute said

    This has lead to some confusion. The wiki quite clearly states

    In the accepted town claim apps the Varadel ban appeal was never linked, and nor was a screenshot provided of commanders ban.

    So the question is, is the wiki wrong, or staff saying whats needed at the time wrong?

    Personally, I do not like the need for screenshots. This would quite simply clear up this whole situation, as it does seem to be that the screenshots (or lack of) is what caused this problem. I personally also don't like the idea of giving staff a "blank cheque" to disregard stuff randomly thats stated as a requirememnt, and the guidelines gives a coherant route for apps to be done in a consistant manner. (i.e. one staff member should treat an app exactly the same as a different staff member).

    Why is this a good addition for EcoCityCraft?:
    Streamlines apps. Removes confusion.
    Other information:
    Plugin or custom addition:
    Town claims
    One suggestion per form:
    I Understand.
    #1 kenny0011, Mar 4, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2021
  2. Nicit6

    Nicit6 N6
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    Given that it sounds like this was a directive that came from Clar and wasn't an off-the-cuff decision by a random GA... SA's are always going to have the power to waive, modify, create, and remove policy at will. That's just how being able to run a server actually works.

    that said removing the screenshot requirement FOR EXCLUSIVELY PERMABANS probably makes sense since I don't think it's ever actually been enforced as requiring a ban reason screenshot.

    Also though, that's not the only thing that needs updated.
    Pretty sure the wiki also states your town claim must not have any selfish reason behind it but like... that's the whole point.
    Also there are some rules regarding town thread creation which I also haven't seen enforced.
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  3. kenny0011

    kenny0011 Resident
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    Aug 12, 2019
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  4. Ishanv

    Ishanv King of Trivia Ex-SuperMod
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    +1 nvm
    #4 Ishanv, Mar 4, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2021
  5. Nicit6

    Nicit6 N6
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  6. OConner1279

    OConner1279 President
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    Nicit v Kenny 1v1 when?

    +1 i guess...
  7. kenny0011

    kenny0011 Resident
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    Aug 12, 2019
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    Thank yor for bringing up that post. I stand by what I said that there were no particular guidelines in regards to guidelines, beyond a list of stuff to check. Infact, due to that suggestion, you can view the guidelines yourself!

    Not to mention the fact that at that point, it had been several months since I was staff, and so my memory of staff procedures were hazy, and even more months since I took an active role in "routine contracts".

    I do concede however that I must've missed the memo on banning users for having a contract denied. My bad.

    Now lets get back on the subject of town claims :)
  8. UnitedStates2

    UnitedStates2 Builder
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    Nov 30, 2014
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    Frankly, in general, I'm not too sure where the demand for some sort of "consistency" and clear legal standard for town claims when it relates to PermaBans in general lately is coming from. That's never how it's worked. "PermaBan" is a label that administrators attach to banned users that indicates whether or not you may claim their towns. Nothing more, nothing less. There never will be anything more than arbitrary determination here, because that's what it is: An administrator making a determination on whether or not he/she wishes for someone's towns to be claimable. Whatever the SA says or determines at the time is about as good as a legal declaration on the topic that you'll get, and that's how it'll always work.

    Anyways... I do agree with the general complaint that a lot of the old rules/requirements quite arcane and outdated. I'm not even sure most users are even aware of the entire "it cannot be for selfish reasons" nonsense, nevermind the last time that rule was seriously invoked as a barrier to a claim was... over half a decade ago. And yes, the entire rationale for having a "screenshot requirement" for a town claim is dumb, to say the least. We'll be going over the wiki and various relevant rules/policy soon and @ClarinetPhoenix will be announcing relevant changes to such. Marking this as "in progress".
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  9. ClarinetPhoenix

    ClarinetPhoenix She does what she wants.
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    Jun 23, 2014
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    The wiki page in general has received a big overhaul.
    We have decided to continue with requiring screenshots on a town claim, Town Claims are your opportunity to absolutely legally seize someone's properly with no way for them to overturn it and due to the sometimes highly competitive nature, I've decided that having to jump through a few hoops to achieve this is still necessary to ensure the process is taken seriously.

    Nothing about the process has really changed.

    Changes to the wiki page however:
    No longer requiring evidence of Staff statement for permaban/must buy unban status of users
    • A users ban/town claim status may be made public by any member of Administration (ServerAdmin+) on any of EcoCityCraft's services.
    • If you are confident they are in-fact PermaBanned you may apply to claim on this status, should this not be the case your claim will be denied.
    You can ask Staff and we generally will confirm status for you for your attempt.
    You don't require evidence, Administration knows who our perma'd users are and we often are confirming the status inside and outside Staff once people learn of the bans. If the user is truly perma'd/must buy an unban and the towns are claimable, the claim will be valid assuming all the other rules are met(7 days since, properly filed etc).

    We still however, will require the proper evidence of their activity regardless of which status you claim on.

    The rest of the changes:

    Removed a bunch are ancient stuff about needing screenshots of the ban reason from Staff and whatnot. That was back from the day when /seen used to tell you if a user was banned, and then you required Staff to confirm that said banned user was perma'd.

    Re-added information about Town Claims being used as free-of-charge Town Transfers, this has been a legal use for some time but the Town Claim wiki lacked the information -- now its there. :D

    Removed rules we do not enforce regarding Town Claims.
    Updated screenshots, since the ones that were there were like 2013 old.

    The entire page has been reorganized and re-formatted and hopefully it is easier to follow and understand what the requirements are.

    Enjoy the shiny new Town Claim wiki page. :)
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