There are two edits for this section of the wiki as info isn't quite up-to-date. Both are from the "Differences from the Main Network" section of this page: 1.) Original text: The only non-vanilla commands on VMR are /bal and /sell, as well as several network-wide commands. What needs to be changed/added: The command /trade was added to VMR a long while ago. I don't see it anywhere on this page and this is the best place for it IMO. Also, maybe worth adding that /kit and /cc is also non-vanilla commands that are available in VMR. 2.) Original text: The only rank in Vanilla MineRun is [Runner], excluding staff ranks. What needs to be changed/added: Sponsor ranks also carry over to VMR There is one additional edit that I feel like we should add in a different section of the same link: "The VMR Booklet." I feel like we should mention the command /kit rare there (and also on the booklet page too). And finally, we should mention the /trade command in a separate section or at the very least add it to either the "Basis" section or "The VMR Booklet" section. Some people still don't know that /trade is even on VMR.