The reason buffer is op is because of the speed potion, it creates a situation where the buffer user can't be outplayed, they can activate speed and just catch anyone they would like around the map. I like the idea of choice 1, with this in place a user could still preform a one hit but they couldn't combo kills and more thought would have to be put into when the potions are used to get maximum effectiveness, adding more skill to using the kit making it less of a auto win but still making it worth buying.
If you remove the speed potion the entire leaderboard will need to be reworked, you need kill chains to have any chance of climbing the leaderboard. As long as the leaderboard point system gets reworked, I see no problem with this.
For every kill a user gets with buffer = A user gone from ECC. How about y'all stop [mod edit] and moanin' about how you "paid" for the feature, when really you donated. Hence the term "donation feature". So no, you didn't pay, you donated. So if you wanna still [mod edit] and moan about it, fine, but remember, you're killing ECC for every kill you get with this [mod edit] I rest my case.
People pay for a feature which gives them an advantage, and phys gets money from it, which is fine. However it is NOT fine when that feature is so overpowered that when someone gets killed by it, they leave the server taking lot's of potential donations with them. So yes, you might get $90 from one user for the feature, but you will lose a lot more than that by the damage they inflict. I believe I'm defending my rights, as this was implemented by a staff member, or ex-staff member. Still don't see why my post was edited.
That is a rule regarding a) chat b) infrequent curse words and c) I didn't warn you We generally don't tolerate cursing on the forums. If you want that changed, feel free to make a suggestion. Now let's leave this thread for its original purpose.
Tbh, I am truly fine with this kit... even though I don't have it... I believe it just gives others advantages, but, what I'm trying to say is that I think that this kit is fair.
@Dewsy92 sorry for the tag, but would it be possible to nerf the strength potion in the buffer kit to strength 1 because that would be the solution to the problem everyone is complaining about. Strength 1 does 130% damage instead of 260% that strength 2 does... even the 130% damage would still give buffer players a major advantage because it takes 1-2 less hits to kill and they can always run away during fights with the speed 2 potion or heal/regen with the splash potions. This would be the only complete fix to bfr. As all of the options listed in the poll keep the strength 2 potion, I don't think it would fix the kits overpoweredness, it would only frustrate the people with buffer. Also, could you discuss this with phys? I know she doesn't like changing donation features, but this change is needed and if this change happens, the buffer kit will still be worth the $30 for each use. Thanks, a18greek18
Changing to str 1 is an option of course, but the poll options were based on the idea that if possible we keep the str pot as str 2. As for discussing this with Phys - I created this thread on behalf of Phys. As I'm sure you guys can all imagine, it is part of my role to change features/kits and ultimately it is a decision which will be made above my head. I posted this as a way of collating all the opinions of the community into one thread which Phys could then use. She is well aware of the general resentment towards buffer in its current state and that's why I posted this. It may seem like not much is being done, but don't forget that this is currently an extremely busy time for Phys updating to 1.8, especially as it is her first major update.
It should be removed in all entirety. It's this kit that's a big, big problem on ECC, and I really think it just needs to be removed all together.
Just remove it. I myself have buffer, but I believe removing it would greatly benefit players new and old
If only it were that simple... People have paid too much for buffer and just removing the donation would require a ton of refunds or compensation and this would add to Phys' already busy schedule. The only option I see available is making the potion strength 1 for reasons which are stated 3 posts above your post.