Minecraft Name: 98brando
Suggestion: TnT used in Mining world by terminators ( Nether rank 30k )
Reason: Well It just came to me when i asked for help about tnt rules in Nether. I just recently applied for terminator and cant wait to blow stuff up 8). My suggestion is being able to place and use tnt in the Mining world because besides the fact that one is hell world and one is regular they are both full pvp worlds with greif and building anywere. so I hope it does happen will make more users buy terminator and thus less money in the economy
Any Other Information: Would be nice but I can understand all circumstances why it wont be
Link To This Plugin: N/A
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It wont be added to a nether rank; hence it's exclusive to the Nether. Although, we could look into adding Mining World ranks, but I don't think it's really needed. Just allow everyone to use the TnT. :p