Minecraft Name: JBuks
Suggestion: I think we should be able to apply for beacon placements, (Without potion effects obviously)
Reason: Well, for example the top of sick24's pyramid would be a cool place for this
Any Other Information: Not really
Link To This Plugin: I don't think it's a plugin
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Maybe you can apply for beacon placements in a town? Say a maximum of 5 beacons per town - or as much as you want. each could cost 30kish each.
You could also make it like additional towns - where your first beacon is 30k, the next one is 35k, next is 40k etc -
I think it should be a donation feature only. I suggested it on the "3-7 day raffle" forum post.
If you make it purchased with ecd everyone and their momma will get one and they will be meaningless
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Falconaire BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️
I think making it a town feature would be a good idea +1 :)
jvhosmuffin BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️
Ok, either way, 1. A town feature (10k-30k) 2. A donor feature or 3. A star shop item, I think it's a great idea. Beacons (to my knowledge) don't really cause problems.... I've never understood why they were disabled.
Intellectualist BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️
Lol no no no. Hold up here.
Beacons can't be placed in the mainworld, because it would cause lag. Now before you roll your eyes, it's true.
If we made beacons cost $350,000 then we'd already have around fifty. There are fifty, or more, melonswords (remember not everyone lists their sword there).
Now of course, there will be less demand for beacons and people won't spend that much easily on something that just sits and does nothing.
But even if we made them $50,000 a piece, there would be hundreds floating around.
How would we regulate how many in one area?
Donation feature? Lol no. ONE GUY, with that feature, BAM, 50,000 beacons placed.
Town application? Possibly, and most likely to work since Sky/Andy could check for nearby beacons.
Star shop? Possibly, but then you could save up and save up and save up and get like 50 beacons in one spot. -
jvhosmuffin BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️
However, your star shop logic doesn't make any sense. I would never pay 350k or 1500 nstars or whatever for a beacon. And I can't think of many people who would, other than a couple millionaires+ (so like a total of 10 a month, maybe), and town application for $50,000 would not cause "hundreds floating around". It would be like 100-200. There's already like 200-300 towns in existence at least - these beacons would be VERY spread out.
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