So, beacons. Beacons can do some neat stuff, and thats the main problem. Alot of what they can do could cause lag, or problems, or be abused. Therefore, my vote is to make beacons not a donation feature, not a town feature, not any of those currently suggested ideas. Make them accessible to everyone, but, disable all the features it gives off. Make it just a pretty light beam you can place. Make it a decorative item. The end portal blocks don't take you to the end, but they look good. Revanrose6
I think that beacons would cause lots of lag,plus the haste powerup is way too op-I tried it in singleplayer when my wifi crashed just to test things out and if you have haste with a silktouch pick/axe ETC its actually faster than a msword. so I would have to say -1 -ori
The whole point to a beacon is the potion effects... If theres no potion effects dont bother putting them in cause all they will do is cause lag. Make it cost 250k so there arn't to many.
That's cheaper then melon swords and there's already around 50 of those. It's better to settle for just the beam of light instead of trying to make Andrew add effects too.
Also their are already beacons owned by people who can't place them, so andrew would have to take the time, and delete them all