I was looking through the wiki to remind me of all my commands for skylord and came across /jump. I tried /jump and it said I dont have access to that command?? Anyone else have this problem?
Our wiki has all available commands for each game mode. @pokeball92870 please go over these to ensure the correct ones display regarding the above situation.
Command lists were typed from donation pages. We'll need to correct both the donation page and command list to fix this. I'll take a look later.
Following pages have been updated to properly display the command: https://ecocitycraft.com/forum/wiki/skyblock-5-skylord/ https://ecocitycraft.com/forum/wiki/skyblock-6-skylegend/ https://ecocitycraft.com/forum/wiki/skyblock-7-skygod/ https://ecocitycraft.com/forum/wiki/skyblock-server-commands/