EcoCityCraft is now on 1.21!
We are now FULLY updated to 1.21
You should now use a 1.21 client to connect to EcoCityCraft.
Just a few things to note:
Most of the new craftable items/blocks and mob drops will be available right away.
- Trial Chambers are part of the 1.21 content, but we will not see them until the Mining reset in August since they generate with the world.
StealthPlus2 Additions:
- All the new Copper blocks are compatible with /oxidize and /deoxidize. (ExtCreationsPlus)
- The new Crafter, Copper Doors and Trapdoors can be locked with /lock
- There are three new music discs available via the Star Machine.
- Two new banner patterns will be added to the server block shop soon.
- Bogged and Breeze mobs and their respective Spawn Eggs and Spawners have been added to the relevant crates.
There were quite a few disguises added to StealthPlus2. Users with this feature can now use the following disguises:
Bug Fixes:
- Armadillo
- Bogged
- Breeze
- Wind Charge
- Chest Boat
- Glow Item Frame
- Hoglin
- Ominous Item Spawner
- Piglin
- Piglin Brute
- Strider
- Zoglin
Several bugs were fixed during this update:
ExtCreations Painting Switcher:
- EcoSort now interacts properly with TravelBags
- Pets are now fixed and function properly.
- Issues with McMMO ability cooldowns were fixed.
- We are aware that McMMO has new skills such as Crossbows and Maces and we will be looking into enabling those soon. You won't be able to level these skills just yet.
Please note that the new 1.21 paintings will not appear in the rotation of Painting Switcher just yet, the plugin still requires an internal update for those to be possible. You can get the new 1.21 paintings through vanilla methods in the meantime.
VMR Booklet Race!
1.21 has arrived on VMR and therefore the VMR Booklet has been updated with the new items!
Over 75 new items are available in the booklet!
First 3 users to complete the new booklet get the following!
When you have completed the new booklet send me (@ClarinetPhoenix) a forum PM with a screenshot verifying your completed booklet! The first 3 users to do this win the Booklet Race!
- 1st: Events Prestige (If already possess, $200 GC)!
- 2nd: $150 GC
- 3rd: $100 GC
VMR Top EcoDollar Race!
The next VMR theme will be a SPECIALTY THEME
1.21 Main Server Prices!
- With just a couple adjustments for VMR things
Winners of this week's Top EcoDollar Race on our Vanilla VMR Server will win the following along side the standard VMR rewards!
(Keep in mind this server does not let you use anything purchased from our store for any advantage.)
This race will begin when VMR resets on Sunday!
- 1st: 1 Summer Treasure Spin!
- 2nd: 2 Item Boosts!
- 3rd: 1 Item Boost!
- 4th: 1,000,000 EcoDollars!
- 5th: 500,000 EcoDollars!
- 6th-10th: 150,000 EcoDollars!
Skyblock Mini-Season Information!
SkyBlock officially ends its mini-season and closes down for 1.21 work on Sunday, July 21st.
Skyblock Top 5 Islands will be snapshotted and recorded at 2:59AM EST on Sunday, July 21st (Three hours after midnight). Winners will be announced within the following 12 hours. Just under 10 days to go, the final home stretch!
New Missions
The Eclipse 2024 series has ended and Summer 2024 Missions will be coming very soon!
Whew, lots of new things happening! As always, if you find any bugs/issues. Please report them via http://ecc.eco/help
ClarinetPhoenix She does what she wants.Owner Events Manager ECC Sponsor Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ IX ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade Wiki Leader
Discussion in 'News, Announcements & Server Information' started by ClarinetPhoenix, Jul 11, 2024.