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  1. WolvieD2GMark

    WolvieD2GMark Builder
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    Oct 3, 2011
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    There's no active moderators on during off-peak hours.
    Today we had an incident with Coalas and what a surprised... two moderators on Journeysent and Childersc AND THERE BOTH AFK <<---- OMG NEVER SAW THIS COMING...

    This server "NEEDS" offpeak moderators <--- LET ME STRESS THE OFF-PEAK PART
    Not some On-Peak moderators that AFK On the server and think that sorts all the offpeak issues.

    Don't give me the "you need to private message andrewkm" bla bla
    I've done that 4 Times now over the past 6 months AND NOTHING. NO RESULT. NO ACTION.

    If your an Offpeaker player and you want some bloody Moderators Comment here and SHOW the current Staff that we need some bloody Moderators!

    It took Kuke coming on to sort the issue, and OMG WHAT A SUPRISE... Journey comes back the second kuke comes online WHOA??! No way?!.

    Listen I've got nothing against Childersc or Journey, they just happened to be on when I've decided to Complain, they are both good moderators but they are "ONPEAK" moderators. We need some people who honestly Play in the off-peak AKA Hoking or Nelson.
  2. killergirls

    killergirls Builder
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    Nov 16, 2011
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    its true. journey and childers were online but afking the hell out of it. at that moment there was a huge grief going on and they werent replying. its really frustrating to see someone grief and 2 moderators online being afk and doing nothing...
  3. RossScadding

    RossScadding Builder
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    Jan 28, 2012
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    i totally agree we seem to only have mods in peak times of the day atleast have 1 ACTIVE mod on all the time ....
  4. SamT1313

    SamT1313 Builder
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    Feb 19, 2012
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    i will say yes, they do need some off-peak moderators, but no to all the stuff about the moderators that were on, they deserver some time alone, so what if they left there game open, i bet you do the same thing. just cut them some slack they work hard with issues all the time
  5. WolvieD2GMark

    WolvieD2GMark Builder
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    Oct 3, 2011
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    Excuse the Excess Rubbish but honestly... Am I the only person on this server WILLING to put a fight up against moderators? or more to the bloody point the Lack of them?!

    Would you look at this... I put one complaint up and people start standing with me, I might not be the best choice to become moderator because I don't work for "EcoCityCraft" BUT I do Work for the Community OF EcoCityCraft. If I don't stand up for the side with a "differing" opinion NOONE WILL.

    Its about time people put aside there personal Bias against me being a troll at times and a tad "Rude" (Which i call Blunt and Honest) and start seeing me for the moderator that I ALREADY AM.
  6. WallyBean Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Sios used to cover alot of the offpeak hours. I didn't see any viable offpeak hour candidates apply for staff, I would rather have no staff for a few hours in the wee hours of the morning then staff that would cause drama and be poor choices. Also Mayors/Presidents have to be careful who they give access to in their towns, best reccommendation is not to build in a town where they mayor gives access to anyone and everyone.
  7. Anokfero Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Dec 3, 2011
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    I don't want to "blow my own horn" WallyBean but I did apply for staff and in my application I stated that I can either complain all the time and have no staff to help and keep crying there is no staff - or I can apply and keep doing so to become a staff member.

    I have no experience in this field, but then I'm sure it's easy enough to learn.

    Back on topic.
    Whom ever gets the position, needs to truely be in our time zone, offpeak, middlepeak and otherpeaks are needed to be covered, and yes there are risks for the sever, but there are bigger risks if nothing is done.
  8. SamT1313 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Feb 19, 2012
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    see now wolvie, i agree with you on the point you just made. we do need to make a stand about the lack of moderators with the different time zones, hey andrew if u read this i have excperience moderating/admin/co-owner/owner :p, anyway cause with the moderators gone for even an hour or 2 it gives griefers and hackers the oppertunity to strike. now i may sound like a noob but i personally dont care ;P
  9. MsMoofin (Don't) Paddle (the) Cow
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 16, 2011
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    There is very rarely good candidates for off-peak hours. We have more than enough staff. Our last staff picks were majorly picked on best candidates who are on at off-peak.

    This is a Canadian/American server, the majority of players live in Canada and America. You need to realize this, and realize the few people we have at off-peak isn't enough to get a good candidate out of.

    It's better to have no staff on at off-peak than to have bad staff on. Messier with bad staff than no staff. Problems can be solved when you make a complaint.

    Some of our staff is inactive at this time due to college finals/exams, others working on their second semester to finish well, and I know some of our staff have had sudden real life issues they need to attend to - that they did not plan for, or will always have no control over (jobs, health etc.)

    I understand your frustration, but we can only do so much. We're trying to get more staff for off-peak when possible.

    Life hits rough spots for staff, and our new off-peak staff are, well ... new. It's also the weekend, and you can't expect us to stress ourselves out all day during the weekend with the server. :/
  10. WolvieD2GMark Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Oct 3, 2011
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    Moofink, ANDREWKM ADVERTISES FOR OTHER COUNTRIES. Don't play that rubbish card "American and Canadian" that's how it "Was" IT is no longer This way.

    Secondly Who are you to declare that a candidate for staff would be "bad"? Just because you don't choose them doesn't mean there bad staff. If I remember correctly Sios got chosen for mod after failing his app a good 10 times. So that once again is rubbish. The only time you can see "bad staff" is when they are being "bad staff".

    "Life hits rough spots for staff, and our new off-peak staff are, well ... new. It's also the weekend, and you can't expect us to stress ourselves out all day during the weekend with the server. :/"
    This is an Insult Moofink! We don't have ANY "off-peak" staff. All our current staff are On-Peak staff and they only play ON-PEAK. As for "stressing ourselves" If you were an Off-peak moderator you wouldn't have to "Stress" your self because u would be on at the appropriate times. I'm not asking mods to be on 24/7 That's why I'm not pointing the finger at the two mods I've started this thread about, my issue is the lack of mods who do play this time.

    Your entire post is based off the view of a "On-Peak" Moderator and that's the problem, we need people who play off-peak. Next time you do your little staff apps how about you look into who really plays during the off-peak? I'm fairly certain there was ONE possible candidate who was on during the off-peak and now he's been chosen he's doing a great job but he's one man and can't cover the entire off-peak time.
  11. MsMoofin (Don't) Paddle (the) Cow
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 16, 2011
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    Yes, I know he advertises for other countries. Since we are an English-speaking server, the majority of our users are Canadian/American. Servers based in New Zealand, Australia, Norway... European countries and others.. Users play on those to play with more people like them and their language, that's why we have much fewer foreigners and much less off-peak players - that is why it's off-peak, correct? o.o

    "Bad" was a bad generalization. "Not good" or "not great" could have been better, or rephrasing what I said overall. It's still better to have decent staff than questionable staff; staff members that we know can handle their job. Great applications and good people will not always be the best fit to handle situations a staff member needs to.

    We have off-peak staff, I've seen them on the past week and have spoken to them. Your off-peak may be more "off-peak" than most of our foreigners (we have few Australians, and from my understanding Australia has a further..ahead timezone than most?), or those couple of hours between staff getting on.

    Believe me, I can't be based on on-peak. :/ I don't play on-peak much at all, I have no idea how that goes, who is on, etc. I've only seen and been on off-peak the past couple months (the only times I can get on). And we really were looking for off-peak hour moderators, that was the whole point of applications opening before.
  12. Antonio1997m Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Sep 24, 2011
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    I agree that there is too little off-peak moderators, most time when Im on during weekdays there is 1-2 moderators on, 90% of time one of them is kuke, but even more often there is 0 moderators online and when something happen we, players who know more about server, who play more, must stop fights, and then people (almost always new users) say that we don't know anything, and that they want moderator to handle situation (this is rare, but happens), and by time moderator come one of users already left server.
  13. MsMoofin (Don't) Paddle (the) Cow
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 16, 2011
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    Take screenshots, make a complaint. Even if we don't deal a punishment, we can warn, and take note of it. If you guys don't help us, we can't help you. It's not a solution to getting more off-peak staff or instantly solving problems, but in the long run it can help a lot.
  14. WolvieD2GMark Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Oct 3, 2011
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    . . . This is what we do - do, we post a complaint and Kuke comes on for us because he watches IRC, VENT and Forums 24/7 the fact the offpeak have to rely on Kuke is utterly stupid, we need proper moderators.

    How about we get staff that can handle these situations as they happen and if we have an issue with the staff we make "Staff" Complaints? ... Why can't we do it that way instead of doing it your way which leads to the server looking horrible all the time instead of when there's a stupid moderator on. I don't mean to bring this Up but Ievolive was a classic case of this... he lost control and he got reported immediately. Why can't we do it this way?
    We have a crapload of stuff on the server... We wouldn't do anything stupid to jeopardize this and yet you think we'd be "bad" staff. Change your words if you want you've already said them so does that make you a "Bad" moderator because you slipped up?
  15. outerlocal Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Sep 2, 2011
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    I understand that you are frustrated Wolvie, and I appreciate your enthusiasm about the subject, but I'm not sure that being aggressive towards our members of staff is going to get you anywhere.
    Maybe it is true that more off-peak moderators are needed, but unless suitable candidates apply then people aren't going to be chosen simply because we need people at that time.
    It is unfortunate that the 2 online moderators were afk at the time of the incident, but these things happen, and both Journeysent and Childersc are good at their jobs.
  16. tyraid Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Feb 21, 2012
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    There does seem to be a lack of moderators on at this time....instead of complaining though I would offer my services as mod...I have been head admin with access to server commands and the ability to reset....I am trusted and mature (just turned 40). I don't do drama and like to help people. I really enjoy this server and I believe it has a group of the best players that I have seen...and I have seen alot of servers...(mostly bad). <-----shameless plug lol
  17. WolvieD2GMark Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Oct 3, 2011
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    Lol ... I know this... i said there good mods already, I've nothing against Child or Journey. They just got caught up in this situation happening AGAIN, so my Fangs and Claws are out. Apparently "good candidates" are people who always agree with andrew, don't cause waves and Don't do anything when there's an issue.

    I'm personally having a go at moofink because she has commented on something that I feel she knows little about, she's "NEVER" on during our time -and she's acting like she does get effected by it, as much if not more-so than the rest of us. She may be effected by it but At-least not the time frame we are more specifically talking about. I Do /seen every night and i go through a list of moderators to see who were on at what times, Moofink was last on 10 hours ago from this post - Thats the end of On-Peak. Not Off-Peak.

    You've read my staff apps, I've never once said that I'd be a good moderator -
    This is the reason Why. I don't like taking bullshit from people, I call them on it every time. I'm headstrong, honest, opinionated and rude. That is who I am, I'm throwing my hat in each time to be a mod because we need one - NO OTHER REASON. You get me some people who can look after our Off-peak times and I'll Never apply for Moderator again.

    Moofink does a-lot of behind the scenes stuff for the server and a hell of a lot of forum work, I not only acknowledged this, I appreciate it, but this issue is something entirely different. This issue has been here for ages and still nothing has happened, I can't let this issue settle, I've tried the "appropriate" way and it hasn't worked. Now I'm going all out in a public thread that "Will" get locked if not removed, I will get the offpeak community to speak there minds and get them to finally have there voices heard without fear of getting banned by a moderator who doesn't feel there opinion can be sorted out.
  18. xxemuxx Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Imo I'm a great candidate for offpeak hours when I'm now admitting I can't get away from this game.
  19. MsMoofin (Don't) Paddle (the) Cow
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 16, 2011
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    End of on-peak was insanity and I had to take time out of my life to get on.

    When I do get on, it is off-peak. Not every night, because I'm dealing with serious RL problems right now (health issues, school, family). Your off-peak online time is different than the off-peak time I do and can get on. :/

    Staff as a whole does their best to get on during the various off-peak hours, and does their best to hire more staff for off-peak when a good candidate comes up. We spend two+ weeks deciding on who would be best suited for the task of being a staff member.

    If it helps at all, I've made a suggestion to Andrew about possibly getting specifically one or two more off-peak staff members. I have no idea if he will go with it, but I gave it a shot. We really don't need a lot of off-peak staff members when there's a significant drop in users. One staff member (when not afk) can usually handle about 20 people online.
  20. xxemuxx Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Possibly the birth of a new type of moderator.
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