[Complaint] <Lack Of Staff>

Discussion in 'Complaints Archive' started by WolvieD2GMark, Mar 4, 2012.

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  1. Anokfero

    Anokfero Builder
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    Dec 3, 2011
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    There is very rarely good candidates for off-peak hours. We have more than enough staff. Our last staff picks were majorly picked on best candidates who are on at off-peak.

    That's why there is again no Moderators online now? Child is still afk as he likely went to work, Journey is afk since Kuke left the sever. And well I'm not messaging Outerlocal to find out their afk status.

    This is a Canadian/American server
    Simply the wrong thing to say in this situation.

    You need to realize this (this is a Canadian/American server), and realize the few people we have at off-peak isn't enough to get a good candidate out of.
    So in other words "help us pay our bills, but don't expect our support?" No this isn't okay. I pay money because I believe in this sever, its goals, its values - this comment breaks all of that.

    It's better to have no staff on at off-peak than to have bad staff on. Messier with bad staff than no staff. Problems can be solved when you make a complaint.
    This again isn't something that should be said in this situation.

    Some of our staff is inactive at this time due to college finals/exams, others working on their second semester to finish well, and I know some of our staff have had sudden real life issues they need to attend to - that they did not plan for, or will always have no control over (jobs, health etc.)
    That's the point of this thread, that's why you need more staff!

    I understand your frustration, but we can only do so much. We're trying to get more staff for off-peak when possible.
    It's ALWAYS possible to get more staff - except when 'you' "close applications". You need staff for this time slot. Maybe not me, but someone.

    Life hits rough spots for staff, and our new off-peak staff are, well ... new. It's also the weekend, and you can't expect us to stress ourselves out all day during the weekend with the server. :/
    I play weekly, weekends and have been online for most of the day at the moment. Uhm I might not have minecraft experience with admin controls, but well I can bleeping well learn them.

    My two cents
    NO STAFF member should ever comment on these types of threads. There is to much "passion" and feelings behind the word to ever say anything correct.

    Feel free to link to it and talk about it in your staff only forums, but to talk about it publicly is likely to get bad results for its people and continue bad feelings towards the sever.

    The only comments staff needed to make to this thread is:
    "Thank you for your comments and insight, we will refer it to Andrew and let him understand the problem at hand." and that may or may not come with a lock :)

    To find good applications for staff members start finding those that don't belittle the staff, that actually understand why simply complaining about things isn't good enough and actually want to help. Start a mentor program find out how these players act in the game and use that information as a basis for who you allow in.

    Hell I could state all the things I have done for this game since I've been here, but what's the point - who knows if I'm lying who can prove I do it and to the best of my abilities?

    At the end of the day thou, today has been a very bad day for me and will always have a black mark on it. That will never change even if moderators get appointed for our time slot.

    One staff member for twenty users - right so that means right now - this second - we need three more staff members. See why I suggest staff shouldn't comment on these threads lol... :laugh:
  2. WolvieD2GMark

    WolvieD2GMark Builder
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    Oct 3, 2011
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    See this is what I'm fighting against. I've nothing against the mod team, when there on there great - they do there jobs and damn well too. My issue is this stupid cloud of "Staff as a whole does their best to get on during the various off-peak hours" by getting a moderator who plays during these times we avoid moderators being "forced" to get on during these awkward hours, we have someone who can get on during these times easily without reason or issue.

    I'm not expecting any of the mod team to hook there veins up to the computer and use them as a cooling system so they can stay on more. I'm just asking that instead of going off the same "Format" you've gone off, you start giving people a chance - You'll more then likely be pleasantly surprised. The server has gone from 60 players to nearly 200, this doesn't mean you have to lower your standards. This means you have to reassess your standards as to what are more "Required" then more "wanted".
  3. MsMoofin

    MsMoofin (Don't) Paddle (the) Cow
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    Apr 16, 2011
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    Tearing me apart on things I may or may not have phrased incorrectly and implying I should have handled things differently was uncalled for, though I can understand if you're upset. Not every place does things the same way as others, so how things are said or done won't always be how some people may see as correct. I understand and see some of your points, but implying our staff/I should do things differently isn't necessarily how things will be done. Different places do things differently. Lots of what you dissected were points to try and help users understand why staff can't be on at times, not to dismiss the thread and totally say, "No, we are not getting more staff." If that was the case, I would have instantly locked the thread without reading anything.

    I probably did phrase some things wrong, and not have done some things I possibly should have, but I was trying very hard to have a reasonable discussion and to help everyone understand some things. So I apologize if I came across wrongly, but that was not my intention.

    I'm also not really a "passionate" person with these kinds of things. I was being reasonable, and even made a suggestion to Andrewkm about getting a couple more staff for off-peak - users who are in timezones like Wolvie and won't have to be "forced" to get on. I listened to what people had to say, and I took action that should have settled things. I'm very open-minded and put emotions aside in things like this, unless provoked and torn apart. That's when I stop.

    This thread is getting heated, so I'm locking it. It's here for Andrew to mull over, and I have suggested a reasonable solution to Andrew elsewhere. He'll take whatever action he sees fit.
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