Mining, Nether and End worlds have been reset on the Main Central & North servers!

Don't forget to get your Mining spawner keys nice and early!

Access these worlds via the following commands:
Main Central/North Servers:
/warp mining
/warp nether
/warp end

PS: Skyblock world (nether/end) resets happen just once a season -> during the beginning of the season.
Theme Change + Rare Kits Reset!
Use "/server vmr" or visit the lobby to access the VMR portal.



beens beens the majicul froot

Theme suggested by @Chundi_Jr via this thread.

Sale prices are as follows:
cocoa_beans: 0.05

Leader boards can be found here:
Main news post regarding release/more information can be found here.
Don't forget to use your free /kit rare as well as any other rare kits you own as they reset on VMR reset!

Give that special someone a heart for Valentines day!

Hold a Nether Star in your hand and use the command /valentine!
The last time we had these was over half a decade ago, so take care of your one of a kind item.
Once you make a heart, you can never make one again. Command will be gone tomorrow morning.
Available once per main server ( ya know, in case ya got that side chick on the other main ;) ).
Due to the horrible performance of 1.15.2 we are removing the following until things improve from Mojang as well as the server software itself.

All Item Frames will begin disappearing starting today at 12am EST. (4 hours from now).
All Armor Stands will begin disappearing starting at Monday, 6am EST. (3 days from now).

Item Frames, don't have anything important in them (anyone that does has ignored all of our past warnings about never using them for important storage of any sort), hence the reason they will be gone in 4 hours. Armor stands, on the other hand, we are giving a 3 day warning on, just in case anyone was silly enough to store enchanted clothing on them.
Mining, Nether and End worlds have been reset on the Main Central & North servers!

Don't forget to get your Mining spawner keys nice and early!

Access these worlds via the following commands:
Main Central/North Servers:
/warp mining
/warp nether
/warp end

PS: Skyblock world (nether/end) resets happen just once a season -> during the beginning of the season.
All of ECC's servers excluding Skyblock (Main, Main North, VMR, SG and Lobby) are now running on 1.15.2!
If you stumble upon any issues please report them via the help/support forum section. Those who find and immediately report any major exploits to the SA team via discord DM (United#7246 or ClarinetPhoenix#2598) will be rewarded!
It is now possible to connect to ECC with 1.15.2 on your Minecraft client.

However, we still recommend that you use 1.15.1 when connecting to Main, MainNorth, SG & VMR and 1.12.2 when connecting to Skyblock & Archive. This compatibility update is primarily for new players who are looking for servers on their 1.15.2 clients.

You are free to report any bugs that come with running 1.15.2 at However, the issues will most likely be already known/reported and we, again, advise you to use 1.15.1 if you want to avoid such issues.

This is not a server update to 1.15.2! This thread/update only pertains to your ability to connect to ECC with a 1.15.2 client. New features (ie blocks, mechanics, etc.) that come with 1.15.2+ are not impacted by this update.
Theme Change + Rare Kits Reset!
Use "/server vmr" or visit the lobby to access the VMR portal.




Theme suggested by @welikeike22 via this thread.

Sale prices are as follows:
Sticky-Piston: $3
Piston: $2
Dispenser: $1.50
Dropper: $0.75
Lever: $0.05

Leader boards can be found here:
Main news post regarding release/more information can be found here.
Don't forget to use your free /kit rare as well as any other rare kits you own as they reset on VMR reset!

We have just gone through the biggest mcMMO overhaul in EcoCityCraft's 10 year history!
The changes are so massive that it's quite frankly impossible to list them all here!

We ask you to test, use and enjoy all of mcMMO's features, new and old, and help us by reporting any bugs and exploits you find via

There are tons of new abilities, skills, visuals, and much more! :cool: Don't forget we offer major rewards for exploits via:

One major apology. EVERYONE WILL HAVE TO RECREATE AND RE-LEVEL THEIR PARTIES - We're extremely sorry, this is all for the greater good! Massive massive update!