By AlexM850 on Feb 3, 2015 at 9:45 PM
  1. AlexM850

    Apr 11, 2014
    Trophy Points:

    As you all know Mojang / Minecraft recently announced on February 4th, that you will be able to change your Minecraft username. PLEASE NOTE: If you change your Minecraft username, you will not be able to get your donator rank or anything you currently have transferred over, we WILL NOT be supporting name changes with Minecraft at the current time being. So, please DO NOT change your Minecraft username if you would still like to play on AEM Network right now.

    Thanks, AlexM850.

    P.S. Have a great time playing on the server! Remember DO NOT change your username.


Discussion in 'Announcements' started by AlexM850, Feb 3, 2015.

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    1. axe90
      ok if we cant get a refund will we be able to eventually change our username and still have our ranks of stuff also if we change ourr names and do loose everything in 30 days we change our name back to the original username will we get our stuff back?
    2. AsunaChan
      o; Considering the amount of terrible songs I've heard in the past (justin bieber, miley, rebecca black's friday friday~) it's enough to power most nuclear weapons. q.q I'll probably wait until an update on the name change then~
    3. Herps4Me
      No matter the TOS, this is a rather stupid policy. Unfortunately, it shows that no one on the server cares enough to help out. 1.8 and support for UUIDs has existed since September... We were forced to deal with server downtime for an update, and it turns out you still haven't actually updated most servers? This is downright disappointing, announcement or no.
      And I'm sorry to say, most people care about Mojang's announcement of finished work rather than this announcement of unfinished work. I'm sorry to those who have gotten the typical reply about TOS and lack of support. Hate to say it, but all lack of support is on this end.
    4. giarosenko
      complitly understand your disapointment about the server and action, but try to be on their pleace/side also, when Mojan/Minract(new Microsfot owner) changed things on the code something, servers need some time to prepair new code lines and make their own changes by their side.
      I am one of the people who changed the name without knowing the problem issue, and believe me AEM-Servers side was very co-operative on my problem when i explaine them. I believe that they need just some time to prepair their selfs(servers). Its completly understandable that when a new patch or versions comes, second clients need sometime for fixes. I was playing Lineage II for long time, Official Server was like 1year+ behind by Korean(Company first one Official) back late.

      Have hope and enjoy it :p
      Hope you understand my english xD
    5. Pip Xanadu
      Pip Xanadu
      He was asking for a refund, which was the reason why I pointed out the ToS. It's a legal agreement that a person has agreed upon donating that all sales are final and that they acknowledged that. We can't just ASSUME that Billy is now Bob and they want a rank fix at the current moment. That's all we can do for that matter until our scripts, codes, and buycraft is fixed up properly.

      As for the updates, we can't do much as non-owners. Alex and Ethan has been busy with real life stuff, between moving, school, and work they're doing best they can with what time they do have for the server. We have to follow the chain of command and what Alex says goes. And what Alex said was this:
      I'm also going to presume it's not just an issue with AEM, it's also an issue with Buycraft. We, as everyday normal staff do not have access to much to deal with the server and/or buycraft itself . We can only support as much as we can and support within the limits of what Alex has set for staff.
    6. XxMadiexX
      Omg.. What if you already changed it? I did and i still have my rank.
    7. Evanyoshi
      @XxMadiexX It is a random chance... It is not a definite loss every time.
    8. Shredder_101
      The point is... DONT CHANGE UR NAME FOR AEM SAKE
    9. enderlink
    10. AlexM850
      You /May/ still have your rank, because we support your "UUID" with our permissions. But anything like your skyblock island, town information for survival, and a bunch of other things for the other servers, we currently don't support the "UUID" name changes for a lot of things on the server, however, we're diligently working towards supporting it, and i will make a post and announcement on the forums about it, when everything becomes available. We WILL not be fixing, or giving you any of your items/other things on the server if you change your name right now and join, until we support it.
    11. Evanyoshi
      Some servers you lose, some you dont. From what I have seen, the servers that are based off of strict plugins that kind of define the server (TOWNY survival, Factions), the player's data is lost (But not always). From what I have see on kitpvp (Which is what I usually play :p ), you do not lose anything. I still suggest that you do NOT change your name until it is supported on AEM, and if you did, try changing it back after the allocated days have expired. (37?)
    12. william
      I know some people on Skyblock was saying they never lost anything. I think they said they never lost their island either
    13. Evanyoshi
      Yeah... see it is a hit or miss. I heard @BomberDude96 saying yesterday that a ton of people lost all of their stuff on Skyblock because of the name change
    14. william
      All i know is I wont risk losing my stuff, esp. after paying so much towards this server. I mean i would love to change my "2013"to "2015". but again not risking throwing away my money
    15. Evanyoshi
    16. william
      i never even heard about the name change thing until AlexM850's post.
    17. enderlink
      I was actually gonna change my name to TacoLink4, but then I saw Alex's post XD
    18. Diamonds1358
      That's probably due to them NOT being the leader of their island.
    19. william
    20. Beqn
      Those people are extremely lucky xD
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