Member Name Yusef Minecraft Username ysoof88 Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? I was banned for not showing full pics of my files but I did I showed the whole thing. I am not a hacker and I will try to show them again. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I deserver another chance because u truly don't know how to show the pics. I don't hack and I will try to show my pics again. Here are the pics:,Adnepws,qKYTMBs I hope this works and tell me to fix it if I did something wrong
@Yusef , thank you for posting a ban appeal. The problem with this is that 1. you logged off when I asked you not to log off, and I said that you would be banned if you did so. Also, I realize that there is a possibility that your internet could have logged you off, like you said happened, but you did log off when I asked you not to. Also, your versions folder was modified extremely close to when I asked you to post files (right after you logged offline). Could you please explain that? You have 24 hours to reply to this appeal or else it will be automatically denied. Thanks Evan
My internet goes off an on as it likes, my family doesn't know why and are trying to fix it. I also did not see the msg where if I log off I get banned so im sry about that. The reason that 1.8 I believe is modified because I just used it, but I don't know otherwise. Thank you, for understanding.
Ok. I am sorry about your internet, but again, we have to assume that you logged off. I asked you for your files at around 7:00. that is a screenshot of your 1.8 folder. It was updated right after I asked you for your files, which means that something was modified, which we again, have to assume was hacks. Now, might I also add that your versions folder does NOT automatically update every time that you log onto minecraft. . If you see mine, you will see that 1.8 optifine DID update when I logged on. But, that shows the last time that my versions folder was updated. Care to explain. Thanks. You have 24 hours to respond to this before the appeal is denied. Evan
Wait but I used my 1.8 so the versions always updated right away. and if I did log off to change my file like you think I did, I didn't because I was only out for like 1 min to get my internet back on so I can go back on the server.
Also if I have already donated on the server and am going to donate more on factions, do you really think someone would hack if they already payed money, because that would be a big waste.
Files do not automatically update just if you go in them. Also, you can't give us a certain time frame for how long you change files, because obviously we can not make sure of that. Donating money to the server does not give you special privileges. Someone who donated $5 and someone who donated $1000 will be handled the same.
Hmm Idk what to do then, I don't hack and for my computer im pretty sure when I go into the files they update because that's what happens to me when I got into them. I don't really know what to do but if you want me to do something ill do it, because I already showed all my files and I don't think their is anything else I can do, but if their is tell me
When I go to my .minecraft folder it updates everything inside of it, all the time not just some times.
Your versions folder was updated when I asked you to show files. You said that when you open the folders, all of them update. Only the minecraft 1.8 updated, which is the only one that you can be on on AEM, besides from 1.8.1
Since you said it always updates whenever you go in your folder, please take a video proof for us. Thank you.
and remember I cant download anything on this computer because its a school computer so it doesn't allow me