Town Plots Tutorial and Information

Jun 29, 2023
Town Plots Tutorial and Information

  • Creating Plots(top)

    Users with TownControlPlus have the ability to set up to 5 plots in towns they are an owner of (unlimited plots may be made by TownControlPlus2 users).

    Note: in order to see a wireframe outline of your selections, you will need the WorldEdit CUI mod, which requires the Fabric Loader.

    Step 1 - Making Selections(top)

    To begin making your selection, you're first need to get a WorldEdit wand. To do this, run the command "//wand" to receive a wooden axe.

    Cuboid Selections(top)

    By default, you will be in the cuboid selection mode. To get back to cuboid selection mode if you've changed it, you can do "//sel cuboid". This selection mode only requires setting two points. With your wand in hand, left click on a block to create your first selection, then right click on the opposite corner of your cuboid to create your second selection. If you need to clear your selection and start over, do "//sel". Once you're done (and if you're using WorldEdit CUI), you should see something like this:


    If you want to avoid building a pillar to make selections, it's possible to make a flat selection and then expand it up with the "//expand" command. To do this, you would make your selections on the same y-level, and then use "//expand <amount> <direction>". For example, to expand a selection 10 blocks up you would use "//expand 10 up". For the direction parameter you can use north/east/south/west/up/down. Conversely, you can also use the "//contract" command with the same syntax to shrink your selection if you need to.

    Poly Selections(top)

    Another option for making selections is using poly selections. This will allow you to make polygon selections in lieu of cuboid selections. To change to poly selection mode do "//sel poly". To create a poly selection, left click a block you make your first selection, and then right click each subsequent point to place them. With poly selections you may have up to 20 points selected. Below is a quick video showing a poly region selection being made and //expand being used to raise it higher.

    Step 2 - Setting the Plot(top)

    Once you have made your selection, you're ready to set the plot. To do so, use the command "/setplot <region> <plotname> <username>" where region is the town you are setting the plot in, and username is a username that will be added as a member to the plot. For most purposes you will use your own username here. Plot names must be all one word, and must be alphanumeric.

    For example, if a selection is made in the town "Liberty", the command to make a plot there named "plot1" would be "/setplot liberty plot1 <username>". You will get a message in chat that says "Successfully created plot" when plots are created.

    Once your plot is set, you can stand in the plot and do "/rg i" to see the name of the plot, and use "/rg i <plotname>" to view its information and add/remove owners and members just like you would a town. To view the plot information for the above example would be "/rg i libertyplot1" because the name of the plot is always added to the name of the parent region.

    Plots and Flags(top)

    Plots inherit flags from their parent regions (in most cases, towns). If you set the "chest-access -g nonmember deny" flag on your town, that will also apply to the plots. This means a user can be added to an individual plot, and will be able to access chests in that plot, but will not be able to access chests on other plots, or in the town outside their plot.

    This can be changed by setting a flag specifically on the plot itself. Using the plot from the example above, the "chest-access -g nonmember allow" flag could be set on the plot with "/rg flag libertyplot1 chest-access -g nonmember allow". This would allow anyone to access chests in that plot, even if the town has chest access denied.

    Related Features(top)