(Main) TownControlPlus

Oct 12, 2022
(Main) TownControlPlus

  • TownControlPlus - ($) 30(top)

    *Feature is available in Rising!*

    The TownControlPlus feature gives you ultimate town control abilities, such as creating & deleting plots in your towns, blocking everything and ultimately locking down (archiving) your town with the build flag. Useful while you are on vacation / etc. Any overpowered flags we add to TownControl will be added to this Plus package.

    Setting plots:
    (Maximum 5 plots per town) - Upgrade to TownControlPlus2 for unlimited plots!
    • You must be in the owners list of a town.
    • You must be ranked Resident+ for these plot additions/removals to work.
    • All plots must be within the town itself. They cannot overlap with other towns or the wild.
    • Plot names cannot have the letters pvp in them. This is reserved for pvp arena applications.
    • Use this command to generate a wand. (a wooden axe).
    • With the wand you will select two points to form a cube. This is required prior to running the /setplot command below. Left click one point, and right click the other.
    • Example of two points forming a cube can be seen here. (In this image, the entire stone area would be the plot area.)
    //sel cuboid
    • Switch your selection mode to cuboids (two points)
    //sel poly
    • Switch your selection mode to poly (2 or more points)
    Poly regions are a little tricky, check out this short video to see how the selection process works.
    You must first left click a block for your starting point, then right click each point of your poly-region to expand your region into the desired shape!

    //pos1 and //pos2 -or- //pos1 <x,y,z> and //pos2 <x,y,z> -and/or- //pos3, //pos4, etc etc
    • Use this command to set a position similar to selecting a block with the wand. Using //pos1 will place the first position of the selection where you are standing, //pos2 will do the same with the second position.
    • You can also this command to specify a certain coordinate you wish to place each position of the selection. This is done by entering a coordinate set.
    /rg select <regionname>
    • Use this to select a region that you own. Useful for mods such as "euclid" to view regions.
    • This command will assist you with easy plot expansion, such as using (//expand 100 up) to expand your entire selection upwards 100 blocks towards the sky.
    • This command will assist you with easy plot resizing, such as using (//contract 100 down) to contract your selection.
    /setplot <townname> <plotname> <username>
    • Use this command to set your current selection as a plot.
    • Example: /setplot highgarden apartment1 andrewkm - would create a region named "highgardenapartment1" with "andrewkm" added to the members list of that plot.
    /deleteplot <townname> <plotname>
    • Use this command to delete a plot from a town.
    • Example: /deleteplot highgarden apartment1 - would delete the region "highgardenapartment1" from the "highgarden" town.
    /listplots <townname>
    • Shows you a list of all the plots in that town.
    Available flags & their commands:

    Do not use town flags to fake official server messages or fake messages from Staff members and Administration. Doing so may result in a ban.

    Build Flag
    /rg flag <townname> build <allow/deny/none>
    Example: /rg flag spawn build deny
    • Everything:
      • Whether blocks can be mined or placed
      • Whether doors, levers, etc. (but not inventories) can be used
      • Whether entities and blocks can be interacted with
      • Whether player versus player combat is permitted
      • Whether sleeping in a bed is permitted
      • Whether inventories can be accessed
      • Whether vehicles (boats, minecarts) can be placed
      • etc.
    If you wish to apply a flag to prevent interference from all users(including members of the town), simply omit the "-g nonmembers"
    You may also specify whether a flag affects owners and nonowners with the groups "-g owners" and "-g nonowners"

    Block-Break Flag

    /rg flag <townname> block-break <allow/deny/none>
    Example: /rg flag spawn block-break deny
    • Whether blocks can be mined

    Block-Place Flag

    /rg flag <townname> block-place <allow/deny/none>
    Example: /rg flag spawn block-place deny
    • Whether blocks can be placed
    If you wish to apply a flag to prevent interference from all users(including members of the town), simply omit the "-g nonmembers"
    You may also specify whether a flag affects owners and nonowners with the groups "-g owners" and "-g nonowners"

    Invincible Flag

    /rg flag <townname> invincible <allow/deny/none>
    Example: /rg flag spawn invincible allow
    • Whether players are invincible
    If you wish to apply a flag to prevent interference from all users(including members of the town), simply omit the "-g nonmembers"
    You may also specify whether a flag affects owners and nonowners with the groups "-g owners" and "-g nonowners"

    Time-Lock Flag

    /rg flag <townname> time-lock <0-24000>
    Example: /rg flag spawn time-lock 22000
    • Time of day in ticks (between 0 and 24000) that players will see the world as while in the region. Use + or - for time relative to the world time.

    Weather-Lock Flag

    /rg flag <townname> weather-lock [clear|rain]
    Example: /rg flag spawn weather-lock rain
    • Type of weather players will see when in the region. This does not affect world mechanics. Valid values are rain and clear.
    Visit our shop to purchase this feature!

    Feature Upgrade(top)

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