(Main) PyroPlus

Feb 5, 2023
(Main) PyroPlus

  • PyroPlus - ($) 25(top)

    *Feature is available in Rising/Nether/End/Mining!*

    With PyroPlus you get protection from Lava as well as Fire! Swim through lava and walk in fire with no more fear! You also get the ability to fill empty buckets with lava an unlimited amount of times!

    Note: PyroPlus Fire/Lava protection does not apply in the End world.

    /fill lava
    • Use this command while holding a bucket to fill it with lava! Can be used an unlimited amount of times.
    /cheattoggle -or- /cheats -or- /ct
    • Use this command to disable the fire damage cheat. Use the command again to re-enable it. This command disables all cheats on your account which are found in WaterPlus, PyroPlus and FeedPlus packages.
    Visit our shop to purchase this feature!

    Feature Upgrade(top)

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