Jobs Prestige Medal Application

Oct 14, 2024 at 1:15 PM
Jobs Prestige Medal Application

  • Jobs Prestige Medal Applications(top)


    • COST:
      • Special Instructions
    • RANK:
    • ACTION:
      • Must read rules over and ensure they are followed.
      • Must ensure entire application is read and applied for properly.


    • Apply to receive a Jobs Prestige medal!
      • To be eligible you must achieve the following stats within the Jobs system!
      • Requirements for each medal is as such:
        • Jobs Gold:
          • 5 unique jobs leveled to 100 (Use /jobs stats to check your current job levels)
          • 2,500,000 Job Points earned. (Check your progress via /jobs points)
        • Jobs Diamond:
          • 10 unique jobs leveled to 100 (Use /jobs stats to check your current job levels)
          • 6,000,000 total Job Points earned. (Check your progress via /jobs points)
        • Jobs Netherrite:
          • 20 unique jobs leveled to 100 (Use /jobs stats to check your current job levels)
          • 15,000,000 total Job Points earned. (Check your progress via /jobs points)
      • Each job must be unique and not of the same type. For example, "Novice Miner" and "Apprentice Miner" cannot both be submitted as level 100 jobs. However, "Novice Miner" and "Apprentice Woodcutter" would be considered two distinct jobs.
      • Job Point requirements are "All-time earnings", you do not need to have a balance of Job Points, you simply need to have earned the required amount overall.
      • You must be remain joined to your submitted jobs while your app is in progress.
      • Afterwards fill out the application and your stats will be investigated and your medal awarded.
    • Only 1 of each medal per user can be awarded.


    • To apply for a Jobs Prestige Medal you must fill out this form.
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