Server Commands - Historical

Applied By ClarinetPhoenix: Jul 20, 2021 at 4:07 PM

Server Commands

The TinyURL for this page is


Can use all the following:

Basic Commands(top)

  • Connect to another server on the EcoCityCraft network.
/main -or- /m -or- /central
  • Connect to EcoCityCrafts' Main Server.
/mainnorth -or- /mn
  • Connect to EcoCityCrafts' MainNorth Server
/skyblock -or- /sb
  • Connect to EcoCityCrafts' Skyblock Server.
/archive -or- /arv
/pm <player>
  • Privately message another player anywhere on the network.
  • Note: If the player isn't on the same server the name will be case-sensitive.
  • Teleport to spawn.
/seen <username>
  • Checks the last login time of a player on the server. This will also show any previous usernames used by this player.
/realname <nickname> -or- /rn <nickname>
  • Find out who a nicknamed user really is.
  • Read the rules.
  • See our custom help information displayed to you on screen.
  • See the message of the day.
/help list
  • See our available help information pages displayed to you on screen.
  • This will teleport you to our tutorial which gives you many tips on how to play ECC.
/sethome and /sethome <name>
  • Set the location of your home.
    • Builders may set 2 homes.
    • Residents may set 3 homes.
    • Mayors may set 4 homes.
    • Presidents may set 5 homes.
/delhome <name>
  • Deletes the specified home.

/hdb search <input>
  • Search and view all available Decorative Heads in the Head Database.
/home -or- /h
  • This will teleport you to your default home named "home" if you only have one. If you dont have any homes it will teleport you to your last bed location. If more then one home is available a list will pop up showing your available homes ready for access, in which case use /home homename -or- /h homename.
/home bed -or- /h bed
  • This will teleport you to where your home bed is. You may place a bed and sleep in it at night to set your home bed, then use this command to return to that spot.
/kit starter
  • Receive a basic starter kit to use on ECC! This will help you get started in our world and jump right into building, mining and more! This can only be used once every 12 hours!
/kit flint
  • Receive a piece of flint to help you identify what town you are in and more by right clicking it on any block. This can only be used once every 24 hours.
/fill clear
  • Use this command while holding a filled bucket to clear it.
  • Use this command in-game for all your calculator needs!
/tpa <player>
  • Sends a teleport request to a specified user)
/tpaccept (Not available in the nether, end)
  • Accept a teleportation request)
/tpdeny (Not available in the nether, end)
  • Deny a teleportation request.
/exp -or- /xp
  • Check your exp and how much exp is needed to level up to the next level.
  • Get your exact co-ordinate position shown to you.
  • Get the short name and the material name of the item you are holding in your hand.
  • Check the remaining durability of the tool you are holding.
/mail or /mail help
  • Displays the list of the new cross-server mail commands
/mail list|listall
  • Read your new messages with /mail list
  • List all your mail messages with /mail listall
/mail del all|read
  • Delete your mails with /mail del all
  • Delete all read mails with /mail del read
/mail <username> <message>
  • Sends a message to any user, offline or not.
  • You can also mail multiple recipents by including several usernames seperated by commands
    • Ex. /mail ClarinetPhoenix,andrewkm,Unitedstates2 hello!
  • Trade 2 spawners from the Spawner Crates in your inventory for 1 spawner key!
  • Shows you what the server time is.
  • Teleports you to a wild land area in the current world you are in.
/wild all
  • Teleports you to a random wild area which can be either land or water.
/wild land
  • Teleports you to a wild area in the current world you are in and ensures that spot is on land.
/wild water
  • Teleports you to a wild area in the current world you are in and ensures that spot is on water.
  • Teleports you to a wild land area in the current world you are in.
/rtp land
  • Teleports you to a wild area in the current world you are in and ensures that spot is on land.
/rtp water
  • Teleports you to a wild area in the current world you are in and ensures that spot is on water.
  • Teleports you to a wild land area in the current world you are in.
  • Provides links to all information regarding supporting the server and buying Server Features.
  • Provides a list of Server Features you currently own.
    • If you have none, it will simply show a *
  • List of server warps you are able to teleport to.
    • colorshop - takes you to the color shop located at the spawn marketplace in Rising.
    • blockshop / shop - takes you to the block shop located at the spawn marketplace in Rising.
    • end - takes you right to the front of the end portal in Rising.
    • expshop / enchant / enchants - takes you to the exp shop located at the spawn marketplace in Rising.
    • market - takes you to the user based in-game market.
    • mining - takes you right into the spawn of the Mining world.
    • nether - takes you right to the front of the nether portal in Rising.
    • shop / shops - takes you to the main shopping area at spawn in Rising.
    • snipechest - takes you to the snipechest on Rising. Check back for free stuff!
    • spawn- takes you to the Rising spawn.
    • station<#>(1 - 11) - takes you to a specific station in the market.
    • starcasino / cratecasino - takes you to the Crate Casino on Rising.
    • starshop - takes you to the star shop located at the spawn marketplace in Rising.
    • rising - takes you to the spawn of the Rising world.
    • tutorial - takes you right to the beginning of our tutorial located in Rising.
/warp <warpname>
  • Teleport to the warp specified in the <warpname> field. Use "/warp" to see a list of warps.
  • Access the EcoCityCraft Easy Travel interface. This is not possible in the Nether/End without the teleport feature.
/travelbag or /tb
  • Access your cross-server inventory and move items to other the Main Network servers!
    • Cooldown of 1 hour.

Economy Commands(top)

/worth or /worth <item> <amount> or /worth <hand/all>
  • Check how much the item in your hand is worth or an amount of a specific item is worth)
    • ex: " /worth diamond 10 " Will show you how much 10 diamonds are worth even if you don't possess them.
    • /worth all will give you the worth of all the items in your inventory.
/sell <itemname|id|hand|inventory|blocks> [-] <amount>
  • Sell items to the server.
    • ex: /sell hand (Sells whatever item is in your hand. However sells every piece of it in your inventory. Use [-#] to leave some if you need it)
      • ex: /sell dirt 40 (Sells 40 dirt blocks located anywhere in your inventory)
      • ex: /sell dirt -5 (This will sell every piece of dirt located in your inventory EXCEPT 5 OF THEM!) Useful if you have a lot of dirt but only need 5 to place for example.
    • ex: /sell inventory -or- /sell all (This will sell all the sellable items in your inventory. Use [-itemname] to blacklist certain items from your sell
      • ex: /sell all -diamond -iron_ingot will sell everything but your diamonds and iron ingots.
    • ex: /sell blocks (This will sell all your blocks only)
  • Note: /sell all has a cooldown of 10 seconds.
  • Note: /sell has a cooldown of 3 seconds.
  • Use this command to hide all sale messages from the /sell command /worth all commands, you will still receive a message for your sale and worth totals. Use the command again to re-enable your sale messages!
/balance or /bal or /money
  • Checks your EcoDollar balance.
  • Use this command to check if Magic is enabled or disabled.
    • If Magic is enabled it will tell you how long until it ends
    • If Magic is disabled it will tell you how long until the next Magic Day
    • Timeframes are not exact, you will need to make your own reminders and track the Magic Days.
/pay <player's FULL name> <amount>
  • Pays another player money.
  • Not typing in the player's full name can result in money being sent to other players - no refund will be given.
  • The minimum payment amount is $5.
  • Use this command to view the current sell multiplier applied to your account. Displays both your account Prestige and your current Magic/Account sell multiplier

/trade <username>
  • Request a player to start a direct trade with you
  • You can use this system to safely trade items and money directly with another user.
  • You must be in the same world as your trade partner.
/trade accept
Accept an incoming trade request from another user.
  • Toggle whether you will receive buy and sell notifications from your Chestshops
  • Opens the EcoVote GUI.
/vote list
  • Summons a list of the current active voting sites.
/vote givepoints <player> <amount>
  • Use this command to transfer votes to another user, gift or sell EcoVotes!
/vote help
  • Shows a list of all the vote commands.

Item Ownership(top)

  • Claim an item that has not been owned or to complete or cancel a trade.
/own <player>
  • Trade a currently owned item to a player. This will add the player, not change it over. Once the user receives the item, they must do /own on it to complete the trade as stated above.
/own remove #<unique ID>
  • Remove ownership from an item that you currently own. You must include the # sign before the unique ID when running the command.

Town Commands(top)

/rg list
  • Using this command will show you which towns you are currently part of in the world you are currently in.)
    • -<townname> = Region you are a member of.
    • +<townname> = Region you are an owner of.
/region info <regionname>
  • Gives you information on any region. To find a region name, right click flint on any block part of it. Remember "/kit flint" gives you a free piece of flint.
Right click blocks with a piece of flint
  • Right clicking blocks with a piece of flint allows you to see if that area is currently a region or not, as well as whether or not you can build there.
/rg info
  • Using this command will tell you the region information for the block you are currently standing in - or flying over.
/listplots <townname>
  • Use this command to see all the individual plot regions in a specific town.
/userbans <region>
  • View the userbans for a specific region.

Auction Commands(top)

  • Automatically places a bid with the correct increment in the current auction.
/auc start <amount> <starting price> [bid increment] [buyout]
  • Starts an auction with the item in your hand matching the following:
    • <amount> is how many of the item you're auctioning.
    • <starting price> is the lowest price you want for the item.
    • [bid increment] is not required. It is the minimum difference between bids The limit for increments is $1,000.
    • [buyout] is not required. When someone bids this amount, they automatically with the auction.
    • You can only run this command once every 2.5 minutes.
/auc bid <value>
  • Place a bid on the current auction.
/auc info
  • View info on the current auction.
/auc spam
  • Filter out all but the essential auction messages.
For more info on Auctions, go to our Auction Information page.


Can use all Builder commands as well as the following:

/region addmember <townname> <exactusername>
  • Add a member to a region/nation that you are an assistant owner of. The only way to become an assistant owner is if the Mayor adds you as an owner to the region. Only Mayors can add/remove owners.
/region removemember <townname> <exactusername>
  • Remove a member from a region/nation that you are an assistant owner of. The only way to become an assistant owner is if the Mayor adds you as an owner to the region. Only Mayors can add/remove owners.
/mailregion <townname> <message>
  • Send a mail to everyone who is a member of the specified town. This can be used to send out PSAs for the town or used for valid town-wide evictions.
    • This will also send a mail out to anyone added to any plots or sub-regions of the town.
  • Takes $10,000 ECD from your balance and gives you your own head.


Can use all Builder/Resident commands including the following

Town Commands(top)

/region addowner <townname> <exactusername>
  • Add an assistant owner to your region. They will be able to add/remove members from the region. They cannot add/remove owners unless they have a mayor rank.
/region removeowner <townname> <exactusername>
  • Remove an assistant owner from your region.
/region removeowner <townname> -a
  • Removes all owners from your region.
  • WARNING: Will also remove your name from the town owner list.
/region removemember <townname> -a
  • Removes all members from your region.
  • WARNING: Will also remove your name from the town member list.


Can use most commands of their Rising rank (Builder, Resident, Mayor, etc.) including the following:

None Available

Commands unavailable in the nether:(top)



Can use most of the commands of their Rising rank including the following:

Basic Commands(top)

/sneak (*Only works for 60 seconds. Afterwards must wait 5 minutes to work again.)
  • Use this command to sneak around at full speed. This means that to everyone else you look to be sneaking and your name tag doesn't appear behind walls while in reality you are able to move at full speed!

Commands unavailable in the nether:(top)



Can use all Warrior commands, as well as the commands of their Rising rank including the following:

Basic Commands(top)

  • Shows you the available kits that you currently have access to.
/kit tnt (*There is a 1 hour delay with this kit.)
  • Gives you 32 blocks of TNT + 1 piece of Flint and Steel to light it. There is a 1 hour delay on this kit, meaning you may only use it once every 1 hour.

Commands unavailable in the nether:(top)



Can use all commands of their Rising rank (Builder, Resident, Mayor etc.) excluding the following:

Commands unavailable in the end:(top)

/Auction Start, /Bid
Any Command from Stealth Donation Package
/tpa, /tpaccept, /tpdeny


Can use all commands of their Rising rank (Builder, Resident, Mayor etc.) excluding the following

Commands unavailable in the end:(top)

/Auction Start, /Bid
Any Command from Stealth Donation Package
/tpa, /tpaccept, /tpdeny

Basic Commands(top)

/sneak (*Only works for 60 seconds. Afterwards must wait 5 minutes to work again.)
  • Use this command to sneak around at full speed. This means that to everyone else you look to be sneaking and your name tag doesn't appear behind walls while in reality you are able to move at full speed!
  • Shows you the available kits that you currently have access to.
/kit tnt (*There is a 1 hour delay with this kit.)
  • Gives you 32 blocks of TNT + 1 piece of Flint and Steel to light it. There is a 1 hour delay on this kit, meaning you may only use it once every 1 hour.

Commands unavailable in the end:(top)

/Auction Start, /Bid
Any Command from Stealth Donation Package
/tpa, /tpaccept, /tpdeny

LWC System(top)

LWC Protections Allows you to protect chests, doors, furnaces, signs and more and is available to everyone in *Rising*!

LWC Commands(top)

  • Main LWC command showing the full LWC menu.
  • Use this command then left click or punch the chest/door you want to make private only to you. No one will be able to access this chest/door but you. This is the RECOMMENDED command we want you to use.
  • To see a list of blocks you may place LWC's on, visit he LWC Protections page.
/lwc flag redstone [on|off]
  • Use this command to toggle redstone protection to open your doors (ex: pressure plates). By default redstone is set to on (Meaning protection is on), so users don't open your protected doors with pressure plates as happened in the past, but when using this for example: "/lwc flag redstone off" and punching the door/object you want it to be active on will allow redstone usage on that object.
/cmodify [username] or /cmodify -[username] or /cmodify @[username]
  • This command adds, removes, or makes admins of a user on a private protection. Much easier than having to constantly remind your friends the password of whatever you protected so they keep typing it in. Example: "/cmodify andrewkm" and punching your protection would add andrewkm to your private protection while "/cmodify -andrewkm" and punching would remove him. /cmodify @andrewkm would make andrewkm an admin of the protection. Meaning he can now add/remove members as well, however he cannot change the original owners protection/remove him.
/cpassword <password>
  • Use this command then left click or punch the chest/door you want to make only openable with that password. This is mainly if you want to share the chest/door with a friend, if he unlocks it he also has access to it now as well. If you want to make a private chest/door only accessed by you we recommend you use /cprivate, it is more simple.
/cunlock <password>
  • Use this command then left click or punch the password protected chest/door to unlock it)
  • Use this command then left click or punch a chest/door to make it a public chest/door. This means that everyone can use it and no one can lock or protect it untill you remove the public stamp on it. Useful if you want to give away free gifts, for example, "Free wool at my front porch!"
  • Use this command to check your current limits. If you find you are far above them from the past before limits were introduced feel free to make an admin request to have your protections purged. This is the only way we can help you. We will not locate specific LWC Protections for you.
  • Use this command then left click or punch any chest/door to view information on it. Information such as whether it's secured, protected, password-protected, its owner and so on.
  • Use this command then left click or punch any chest/door that you previously protected to remove the protection on it.
  • Use this command to enable/disable persist mode. This means your further LWC commands will be binded. For Example, use /cpersist, and now use /cprivate. From this point on everything you punch will be privated until you use /cpersist again to turn persist mode off.

Lottery System(top)

Here is some information on how to use our lottery system. Lottery is available in all worlds on EcoCityCraft! *Rising/End/Nether/Miningworld*

Lottery Commands(top)

  • Show basic lottery information.
/lottery buy <amount>
  • Purchase lottery tickets. If you do not specify an amount, 1 ticket will be purchased. You are able to purchase more than one ticket if you have the required balance for it.
  • Tickets cost $1000 and $850 will go into the pot (the other $150 will be deducted as tax)
    • ex: /lottery buy 3 (Would give you 3 lottery tickets for the next draw if you have the applicable cost)
/lottery winners
  • Shows the last 10 winners of the lottery.
/lottery messages
  • Disable lottery messages! Use this command again to re-enable them. Please note that this will revert on re-login back to showing messages.
/lottery help
Displays the lottery help menu.

CoinFlip Commands(top)

/flip <amount> [heads|tails]
  • Places an EcoFlip game
  • ex: /flip 1000 heads
The minimum bet is $1,000 EcoDollars, the maximum bet is $10,000,000 EcoDollars
You can have a maximum of three active CoinFlips at a time, this is per server.
Active CoinFlips last for 24 hours before they expire.

/cf -or- /flip -or- /flip gui
  • Opens the GUI where you can view active CoinFlip games or place your own!
/cf history
  • View your wins and losses on CoinFlip, this includes games that happened while you were offline!

Chat System(top)

Here is some information on our chat system, various channels, as well as commands on usage:


Global Channel /ch global -or- /ch g
  • This is the global channel. All users can access this channel. You can chat here with whoever is currently part of this channel. If it gets too big and noisy just leave it and stick to the local channel to chat with people currently around you.
Local Channel /ch local -or- /ch l
  • This is the local channel. This is the channel that you are put into by default on entry to the server. Here you can only hear people / speak to people that are within 400 blocks away from you in any direction. Very useful when you are working on a project with someone. If you want to focus with the people in your area only, just leave the global channel. This way only people that are near you will be heard. If you need to speak to someone either join the global channel back or if no one is there, message someone that is online with the /msg command.
Trade Channel /ch trade or /ch tr
  • This is the trade channel. All users can access this channel. All trades, items for sale, store advertisements (Not spammed however), and anything sale/trade related MUST always go into this channel. There are no exceptions. This channel is also to be used only for trade. Nothing else. If you'd like to make an auction you may announce it in this channel and ask users to join you if interested in the auction channel.) Starting an Auction example "/ch trade" (To enter trade channel) Now say: "Hey everyone 25 diamonds going for auction! JOIN me in auction channel if your interested! Use /ch auction command! See you there! - Now you join "/ch auction" channel and carry on with your auction.
Auction Channel /ch auction or /ch auc
  • This is the auction channel. All users can access this channel. Auctions may only go in here as they heavily spam the chat. You may leave this channel at ANY TIME using the "/ch leave auction" command. You can also use the /auction spam command so you can ignore only the messages that have been marked as "spammy". (Bid broadcasts, timer broadcasts) instead of entirely leaving this channel. This channel is ONLY for Auctions.
Trivia Channel /ch trivia or /ch trv
  • This is the trivia channel. All users can access this channel. Players can ask trivia questions in this chat and sometimes they may offer prizes! This chat is only to be used for trivia questions however, and not for general chat.
Nether Channel /ch nether or /ch n
  • This is the Nether Channel! We ask you keep all nether talk while in the nether and battling to survive in this channel! Please leave global and talk in nether while you are there.
End Channel /ch end or /ch e
  • This is the End Channel! We ask you keep all end talk while in the end and living peacefully in this channel! Please leave global and talk in end while you are there.
Mining Channel /ch mining or /ch m
  • This is the Mining Channel! We ask you keep all mining talk while in the mining world and surviving in this channel! Please leave global and talk in mining while you are there.
Alert System Channel
  • This channel is only for those who have alert giving permissions. You cannot speak in this channel, nor can you leave it. It is simply to get all server alerts to you.

Chat Commands(top)

/msg <username> <msg> -or- /tell <username> <msg> -or- /pm <msg>
  • With this command you can send a private message to another player that is online at the moment. These messages are private to you and the player you are messaging and are not visible to the users currently online on the server.
/r <msg>
  • Quickly reply to the last person to /msg you.
/shout <&colorcode> <msg> or /advert <&colorcode> <msg> or /me <&colorcode> <msg>
  • This command allows you to advertise to the entire main server anything you like. As long as it is ECC related. (No outside advertisements)
  • This message will be broadcasted to the entire server. There is no possible way of leaving the shout/advert channel to not see those messages!
  • Everytime you use this command you will be charged. The current price is: $5000
  • Using this command allows you to completely bypass the CAPS filter. You may type in all caps, in tons of funky characters ex: (~~--~~ || BUY NOW || ~~--~~), etc.
  • The default color your message will appear if you do not use a color code will be light green. (Color code a) You are however able to change your color code. Below are examples:
    • /shout Buy from my block shop!!!!!
      • Using the above command will shout the message in the default bright green color.
    • /shout &dBuy from my block shop!!!!!
      • Using the above command will shout the message in a bright pink color.
      • Check out the following chart for a list of colors: Click here for colors! or by using the /help colors / colours command in-game.
  • Users will not be punished for using any amount of characters/CAPS. You may type in all CAPS, even in all characters. There is simply no rules (Other then below) to using /shout. Multiple spam is as well allowed. If you feel like you must flood the screen with your advertisement, by all means, do so. You are the one spending a ton of money doing it.
  • Note that shouts only broadcast on the main server you are present on. They do not broadcast across the network.
    • No outside advertisements non related to the EcoCityCraft server.
    • Absolutely nothing offensive/vulgar/racist/inappropriate!
/ch help
  • This displays a help menu listing a brief description of all the available commands.
/ch list (page)
  • This displays a list of visible channels. A channel that has a * infront of its name means you are currently in that channel and listening to it. To stop listening to it use the leave command shown below.
/ch who
  • Lists of players that are currently in your active channel. You will not be able to use this command on any of the default chat channels. This command will only work for any custom channels you are chatting in.
/ch [channel] (password)
  • Sets your active channel. For example type "/ch global" to chat in the global channel by default when pressing your chat button " t " and typing a message. This is also the same as joining a channel however it also sets it to your active channel.
    • ex: "/ch global" makes you join channel "global" and change it to your active channel.
/ch join [channel] (password) or /join [channel] (password)
  • Same thing as above command except doesn't change your active channel.
    • ex: "/ch join global" while using channel local as your active channel allows you to join the global channel (To see messages in it) while keeping your default channel set on "local"
/ch leave [channel]
  • Leaves the specified channel.
  • You will no longer be able to see messages from this channel.
/ignore (player)
  • Use this command to ignore or un-ignore a player. If you don't provide a name while using this command, it will show your ignore list.
    • ex: "/ch ignore" shows your ignore list
    • ex: "/ch ignore kevin" ignores player kevin
    • ex: "/ch ignore kevin" now un-ignores him if hes already ignored.
  • Ignore incoming private messages from other users, use this command to not accept private messages but not ignore individuals.
/ch afk (message)
  • Use this command to make the message '<AFK>' show up whenever someone PM's you. If you put a message after '/ch afk' it will show that message. Reusing the command will turn off the afk message.
    • ex: '/ch afk Busy' will show '<AFK> Busy' when a PM is sent.
    • ex: '/ch afk again will remove the message '<AFK> Busy'
/ch tell <username> or /tell <username>
  • Another great reminder! Using command "/tell <username>" Will start a personal convo with the person of choice. Every time you type in chat afterwards will go to that person! Use command "/tell" to cancel the convo.
/ch <command> ?
  • This command will display the help of the command you used.
    • ex: "/ch ignore" shows your ignore list

Automatic Banking System(top)

Information on the Automatic Banking System commands used in game.

/bank deposit <amount>
  • Deposit EcoDollars from the server balance into your Forum Bank!
/bank withdraw <amount>
  • Withdraw EcoDollars from the Forum Bank and send them to your server balance!
/bank balance


  • Provides a brief description of the mod.
/mcMMO help
  • Displays a list of mcMMO commands.
  • Displays detailed information about that skill)
    • excavation - get rewards for digging stuff!
    • herbalism - get rewards for farming stuff!
    • mining - get rewards for mining stuff!
    • woodcutting - get rewards for chopping stuff!
    • axes - get rewards for hacking at stuff!
    • archery - get rewards for shooting at stuff!
    • swords - get rewards for slashing at stuff!
    • unarmed - get rewards for punching stuff!
    • acrobatics - get rewards for jumping off stuff!
    • fishing - get rewards for fishing stuff!
    • alchemy - get rewards for brewing stuff!
  • Displays a scoreboard showing the overall rank of each of your skills relative to all other players.
  • Displays a scoreboard showing the levels of each of your mcMMO skills.
  • Displays a scoreboard showing the top overall mcMMO level totals.
/mctop <skill>
  • Displays a scoreboard showing the top <skill> level totals.


  • Lists party members.
  • Toggles party chat.
/party join <name>
  • Attempts to join party.
/party <lock/unlock>
  • Locks or unlocks a party you are the owner of.
/party invite <username>
  • Invites a player to your party.
  • Accepts an invitation.
/party q
  • Quits a party.
/party owner <username>
  • Sets the owner of a party.
/party password <password>
  • Sets a password on a party.
/party kick <username>
  • Kicks a player from your party.
/party rename
  • Renames your party. You must be the leader of the party to rename.
/party disband
  • Disbands and removes all players within your party.


These commands can be with supporting the server by shopping for various features within our server store!

All Supporters(top)

Bypass Player Limit
  • All Supporters can bypass server player Limit! Meaning if the server is full you will still be able to join without kicking anyone off. You will simply make the server go over the player limit!
Use the Supporter chat channel
  • All Supporters can enter and chat in VIP chat in-game. Use "/ch v" or "/ch vip" to join.
  • Hides your supporter tag in-game, can be enabled and disabled at any time!
  • Enables 2 factor authentication for your account - for those concerned about account security. Best paired with Google Authenticator App or Authy.
/2fa logout
  • Logout of /2fa to force /2fa on next login. This means even if you login via same IP, you will still be required to input /2fa on next login.