EcoCityCraft Star and Magic Tools - Historical
Applied By ClarinetPhoenix: Mar 17, 2021 at 4:56 PM
EcoCityCraft Star and Magic Tools
*EcoCityCraft Tools and Magic Tools*
These tools are the rarest on EcoCityCraft, a step up from the Star Tools and each with its own unique set of powerful enchantments and abilities! These tools can only be obtained from a God Drop Crate spin!
Further legend shows a 10% chance of double drops!
Further legend shows a 25% chance of double drops!
The Level 2 Magic Rod yields TRIPLE EXP from fishing!
The Level 3 Magic Rod yields TRIPLE EXP from fishing!
Further legend shows a heightened chance of Tropical Fish catch and a 10% chance of a double catch!
The Level 2 Magic Pickaxe yields TRIPLE EXP from ores that naturally drop EXP!
The Level 3 Magic Pickaxe yields TRIPLE EXP from ores that naturally drop EXP!
Further legend has it that this pickaxe provides double drops 10% of the time!
Further legend states this Magic ability auto-replants your trees when in use!
Further legend states this Magic ability auto-replants your trees when in use!
The Magic enchantment on this sword can yield TRIPLE EXP per kill!
Further legend states this Magic ability auto-replants your trees when in use!
The Magic enchantment on this sword can yield TRIPLE EXP per kill!
Switch on over to killing mobs and get a 50% item drop rate boost!
Blocks will not yield drops.
Further legend has it there is multiple toggle modes on higher level Magic Shovels!
Blocks will not yield drops.
Further legend has it there is multiple toggle modes on higher level Magic Shovels!
Blocks will not yield drops.
Further legend shows a 25% chance of generating double drops!
Further legend shows a 25% chance of generating double drops!
Further legend shows a 25% chance of generating double drops!
Left-clicking air works as well!
Left-clicking air works as well!
Further legend states that this Elytra has 4x the speed!
Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
Further legend states that this netherwart provides instant pickup!
Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
Further legend states that this arrow provides unlimited arrows!
Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
These tools are the rarest on EcoCityCraft, a step up from the Star Tools and each with its own unique set of powerful enchantments and abilities! These tools can only be obtained from a God Drop Crate spin!
- *Legendary EcoCityCraft Mythic Sword*
- *ECC Tools*
- *ECC Sword*
- *ECC Axe*
- *ECC Pickaxe*
- *ECC Hoe*
- *ECC Melon Sword*
- *ECC Crossbow*
- *ECC PvP Sword*
- *ECC Bow*
- *ECC PvP Axe*
- Magic Tools
- *Magic Shears*
- *Magic Melon Swords*
- *Magic Melon Sword* (L1)
- *Magic Melon Sword* (L2)
- *Magic Melon Sword* (L3)
- *Magic Rods*
- *Magic Rod* (L1)
- *Magic Rod* (L2)
- *Magic Rod* (L3)
- *Magic Hoes*
- *Magic Hoe* (L1)
- *Magic Hoe* (L2)
- *Magic Hoe* (L3)
- *Magic Armor*
- *Magic Helmet* (L1)
- *Magic Helmet* (L2)
- *Magic Jacket* (L1)
- *Magic Jacket* (L2)
- *Magic Pants* (L1)
- *Magic Pants* (L2)
- *Magic Boots* (L1)
- *Magic Boots* (L2)
- *Magic Pickaxes*
- *Magic Pickaxe* (L1)
- *Magic Pickaxe* (L2)
- *Magic Pickaxe* (L3)
- *Magic Axes*
- *Magic Axe* (L1)
- *Magic Axe* (L2)
- *Magic Axe* (L3)
- *Magic Shovels
- *Magic Shovel (L1)
- *Magic Shovel (L2)
- *Magic Shovel (L3)
- *Magic Swords*
- *Magic Sword* (L1)
- *Magic Sword* (L2)
- *Magic Bows*
- *Magic Bow* (L1)
- *Magic Bow* (L2)
- *Magic Bow* (L3)
- *Magic Crossbows*
- *Magic Crossbow* (L1)
- *Magic Crossbow* (L2)
- *Magic Crossbow* (L3)
- *Magic Elytras*
- *Magic Elytra* (L1)
- *Magic Elytra* (L2)
- Magic Items
- *Magic Melon Item*
- *Magic Netherwarts*
- *Magic Netherwart Item* (L1)
- *Magic Netherwart Item* (L2)
- *Magic Chorus Plant Item*
- *Magic Wheat Item*
- *Magic Cod Item*
- *Magic Salmon Item*
- *Magic Pufferfish Item*
- *Magic Tropical Fish Item*
- *Magic Gold Ingot Item*
- *Magic Iron Ingot Item*
- *Magic Bone Item*
- *Magic Arrows*
- *Magic Arrow Item* (L1)
- *Magic Arrow Item* (L2)
- *Magic Rotten Flesh Item*
- *Magic Gunpowder Item*
- *Magic Leather Item*
- *Magic Warped Wart Block Item*
- *Magic Spruce Log Item*
*Legendary EcoCityCraft Mythic Sword*(top)
Can only be aquired by pleasing the Mythic Gods with an EcoDollar offering at /warp korok on the Main Server!
The only Mythic tool that will ever be available on the server. A tool with infinite energy!
It's energy will allow it's (/own)er to use the /mythic command on it. This /mythic command transforms the sword into any Magic tool or item available on EcoCityCraft! Infinitely!
No more hassles, no more carrying around all the Magic tools/items you own for separate powers. The Mythic sword holds EcoCityCraft's infinite power!
Using just the /mythic command on the sword will show you all available swaps!
Forum Bonus:
Those who appease the Mythical gods of EcoCityCraft will get a permanent glowing and animated name on the forums! Your final step to conquering the world of EcoCityCraft!
Prestige Bonus:
The Mythic Sword provides a 10% Prestige sell boost while in your inventory!
The only Mythic tool that will ever be available on the server. A tool with infinite energy!
It's energy will allow it's (/own)er to use the /mythic command on it. This /mythic command transforms the sword into any Magic tool or item available on EcoCityCraft! Infinitely!

Using just the /mythic command on the sword will show you all available swaps!
Forum Bonus:
Those who appease the Mythical gods of EcoCityCraft will get a permanent glowing and animated name on the forums! Your final step to conquering the world of EcoCityCraft!
Prestige Bonus:
The Mythic Sword provides a 10% Prestige sell boost while in your inventory!
*ECC Tools*(top)
Powerful enchanted tools unique to EcoCityCraft!*ECC Sword*(top)
PvP and Melon Sword in one!Enchantments:
- Bane of Arthropods V
- Smite V
- Knockback II
- Sharpness VII
- Fire Aspect II
- Looting IV
- Unbreaking III
- Sweeping Edge III
- Efficiency V
- Silk Touch I
- Loyalty X
- Protection IV
*ECC Axe*(top)
Star Axe and Efficiency 10 Axe all in one!Enchantments:
- Bane of Arthropods V
- Smite V
- Knockback II
- Sharpness VII
- Fire Aspect II
- Looting IV
- Unbreaking III
- Sweeping Edge III
- Efficiency X
- Silk Touch I
*ECC Pickaxe*(top)
Fortune 4 and Efficiency 7! Fortune while you mine with the speed of an eff7!Enchantments:
- Efficiency VII
- Fortune IV
- Unbreaking III
*ECC Hoe*(top)
Fortune 9! Increase your farming yield!Enchantments:
- Fortune IX
- Unbreaking VI
- Loyalty XX
*ECC Melon Sword*(top)
Efficiency 7! Farm melons even faster than the Star Melon Sword!Enchantments:
- Efficiency VII
- Unbreaking III
- Silk Touch I
*ECC Crossbow*(top)
Three 10's! Looting 10, Piercing 10! Unbreaking 10! Slaughter Mobs with ease!Enchantments:
- Quick Charge V
- Multi-shot I
- Piercing X
- Looting X
- Unbreaking X
*ECC PvP Sword*(top)
All the PvP enchants you need! Vanquish your foes in battle or slaughter mobs with ease!Enchantments:
- Bane of Arthropods V
- Smite V
- Knockback V
- Sharpness X
- Fire Aspect V
- Looting X
- Unbreaking III
- Sweeping Edge V
*ECC Bow*(top)
Looting 15! Punch and Sweeping Edge! Oh my!Enchantments:
- Flame
- Infinity
- Looting XV
- Power X
- Punch V
- Unbreaking III
- Sweeping Edge V
*ECC PvP Axe*(top)
The ultimate PvP Axe!Enchantments:
- Bane of Arthropods X
- Smite V
- Knockback V
- Sharpness X
- Fire Aspect V
- Looting X
- Unbreaking III
- Sweeping Edge V
Magic Tools(top)
Unique and powerful tools with Magical abilities!*Magic Shears*(top)
Legend has it that the Magic enchantment on these Shears can give 5 pieces of wool per hit and x5 yield of Honey when used on Bee Hives!- Efficiency V
- Unbreaking III
- Magic I
*Magic Melon Swords*(top)
*Magic Melon Sword* (L1)(top)
Legend has it that the Magic enchantment on this Melon Sword can instantly pick up any farmed melons!Enchantments:
- Efficiency VII
- Silk Touch I
- Unbreaking III
- Magic I
*Magic Melon Sword* (L2)(top)
Legend has it that the Magic enchantment on this Melon Sword can instantly pick up any farmed melons!Further legend shows a 10% chance of double drops!
- Efficiency VII
- Silk Touch I
- Unbreaking III
- Magic II
*Magic Melon Sword* (L3)(top)
Legend has it that the Magic enchantment on this Melon Sword can instantly pick up any farmed melons!Further legend shows a 25% chance of double drops!
- Efficiency VII
- Silk Touch I
- Unbreaking III
- Magic II
*Magic Rods*(top)
*Magic Rod* (L1)(top)
Legend has it that the Magic enchantment on this Rod repels all Cod and Salmon!Enchantments:
- Lure V
- Luck of The Sea V
- Unbreaking III
- Magic I
*Magic Rod* (L2)(top)
Legend has it that the Magic enchantment on this Rod repels all Cod and Salmon!The Level 2 Magic Rod yields TRIPLE EXP from fishing!
- Lure V
- Luck of The Sea V
- Unbreaking III
- Magic II
*Magic Rod* (L3)(top)
Legend has it that the Magic enchantment on this Rod repels all Cod and Salmon!The Level 3 Magic Rod yields TRIPLE EXP from fishing!
Further legend shows a heightened chance of Tropical Fish catch and a 10% chance of a double catch!
- Lure V
- Luck of The Sea V
- Unbreaking III
- Magic III
*Magic Hoes*(top)
*Magic Hoe* (L1)(top)
Legend has it that the Magic enchantment on this Hoe automatically replants your crops!Enchantments:
- Fortune IX
- Unbreaking VI
- Loyalty XX
- Magic I
*Magic Hoe* (L2)(top)
Legend has it the Magic enchantment on this how automatically replants your crops!Enchantments:
- Fortune XV
- Unbreaking VI
- Loyalty XX
- Magic II
*Magic Hoe* (L3)(top)
Legend has it the Magic enchantment on this how automatically replants your crops!Enchantments:
- Fortune XX
- Unbreaking VI
- Loyalty XX
- Magic III
*Magic Armor*(top)
*Magic Helmet* (L1)(top)
Legend has it that the Magic enchantment on this Helmet repels all damage it takes, and increases your Prestige by 2%!Enchantments:
- Protection V
- Feather Falling IV
- Fire Protection IV
- Blast Protection IV
- Unbreaking III
- Aqua Affinity I
- Projectile Protection IV
- Respiration III
- Soul Speed III
- Thorns III
- Depth Strider III
- Magic I
*Magic Helmet* (L2)(top)
Legend has it that the Magic enchantment on this Helmet repels all damage it takes, and increases your Prestige by 4%!Enchantments:
- Protection V
- Feather Falling IV
- Fire Protection IV
- Blast Protection IV
- Unbreaking III
- Aqua Affinity I
- Projectile Protection IV
- Respiration III
- Soul Speed III
- Thorns III
- Depth Strider III
- Magic II
*Magic Jacket* (L1)(top)
Legend has it that the Magic enchantment on this Helmet repels all damage it takes, and increases your Prestige by 2%!Enchantments:
- Protection V
- Feather Falling IV
- Fire Protection IV
- Blast Protection IV
- Unbreaking III
- Aqua Affinity I
- Projectile Protection IV
- Respiration III
- Soul Speed III
- Thorns III
- Depth Strider III
- Magic I
*Magic Jacket* (L2)(top)
Legend has it that the Magic enchantment on this Helmet repels all damage it takes, and increases your Prestige by 4%!Enchantments:
- Protection V
- Feather Falling IV
- Fire Protection IV
- Blast Protection IV
- Unbreaking III
- Aqua Affinity I
- Projectile Protection IV
- Respiration III
- Soul Speed III
- Thorns III
- Depth Strider III
- Magic II
*Magic Pants* (L1)(top)
Legend has it that the Magic enchantment on this Helmet repels all damage it takes, and increases your Prestige by 2%!Enchantments:
- Protection V
- Feather Falling IV
- Fire Protection IV
- Blast Protection IV
- Unbreaking III
- Aqua Affinity I
- Projectile Protection IV
- Respiration III
- Soul Speed III
- Thorns III
- Depth Strider III
- Magic I
*Magic Pants* (L2)(top)
Legend has it that the Magic enchantment on this Helmet repels all damage it takes, and increases your Prestige by 4%!Enchantments:
- Protection V
- Feather Falling IV
- Fire Protection IV
- Blast Protection IV
- Unbreaking III
- Aqua Affinity I
- Projectile Protection IV
- Respiration III
- Soul Speed III
- Thorns III
- Depth Strider III
- Magic II
*Magic Boots* (L1)(top)
Legend has it that the Magic enchantment on this Helmet repels all damage it takes, and increases your Prestige by 2%!Enchantments:
- Protection V
- Feather Falling IV
- Fire Protection IV
- Blast Protection IV
- Unbreaking III
- Aqua Affinity I
- Projectile Protection IV
- Respiration III
- Soul Speed III
- Thorns III
- Depth Strider III
- Magic I
*Magic Boots* (L2)(top)
Legend has it that the Magic enchantment on this Helmet repels all damage it takes, and increases your Prestige by 4%!Enchantments:
- Protection V
- Feather Falling IV
- Fire Protection IV
- Blast Protection IV
- Unbreaking III
- Aqua Affinity I
- Projectile Protection IV
- Respiration III
- Soul Speed III
- Thorns III
- Depth Strider III
- Magic II
*Magic Pickaxes*(top)
*Magic Pickaxe* (L1)(top)
Legend has it that the Magic enchantment on this Pick automatically fortunes iron, gold and emerald, as well as heavily boosts their drops! (6x per)Enchantments:
- Efficiency VII
- Unbreaking III
- Magic I
*Magic Pickaxe* (L2)(top)
Legend has it that the Magic enchantment on this Pick automatically fortunes iron, gold and emerald, as well as heavily boosts their drops! (6x per)The Level 2 Magic Pickaxe yields TRIPLE EXP from ores that naturally drop EXP!
- Efficiency VII
- Unbreaking III
- Magic II
*Magic Pickaxe* (L3)(top)
Legend has it that the Magic enchantment on this Pick automatically fortunes iron, gold and emerald, as well as heavily boosts their drops! (6x per)The Level 3 Magic Pickaxe yields TRIPLE EXP from ores that naturally drop EXP!
Further legend has it that this pickaxe provides double drops 10% of the time!
- Efficiency VII
- Fortune IV
- Unbreaking III
- Magic III
*Magic Axes*(top)
*Magic Axe* (L1)(top)
Legend has it the Magic enchantment on this Axe can activate an unreal and unlimited ability which takes down any tree of any size in just one click! Unlimited Tree Feller!Further legend states this Magic ability auto-replants your trees when in use!
- Efficiency X
- Unbreaking III
- Silk Touch I
- Magic I
*Magic Axe* (L2)(top)
Legend has it the Magic enchantment on this Axe can activate an unreal and unlimited ability which takes down any tree of any size in just one click! Unlimited Tree Feller!Further legend states this Magic ability auto-replants your trees when in use!
The Magic enchantment on this sword can yield TRIPLE EXP per kill!
- Bane of Arthropods V
- Smite V
- Knockback II
- Sharpness VII
- Fire Aspect II
- Looting X
- Silk Touch I
- Unbreaking III
- Efficiency X
- Sweeping Edge III
- Silk Touch I
- Magic II
*Magic Axe* (L3)(top)
Legend has it the Magic enchantment on this Axe can activate an unreal and unlimited ability which takes down any tree of any size in just one click! Unlimited Tree Feller!Further legend states this Magic ability auto-replants your trees when in use!
The Magic enchantment on this sword can yield TRIPLE EXP per kill!
Switch on over to killing mobs and get a 50% item drop rate boost!
- Bane of Arthropods V
- Smite V
- Knockback II
- Sharpness VII
- Fire Aspect II
- Looting X
- Silk Touch I
- Unbreaking III
- Efficiency X
- Sweeping Edge III
- Silk Touch I
- Magic III
*Magic Shovels(top)
*Magic Shovel (L1)(top)
Legend has it the Magic enchantment on this Shovel can insta-break any block for the ultimate town clearing abilities!Blocks will not yield drops.
- Efficiency C
- Unbreaking III
- Magic I
*Magic Shovel (L2)(top)
Legend has it the Magic enchantment on this Shovel can insta-break any block for the ultimate town clearing abilities!Further legend has it there is multiple toggle modes on higher level Magic Shovels!
Blocks will not yield drops.
- Efficiency C
- Unbreaking III
- Magic II
*Magic Shovel (L3)(top)
Legend has it the Magic enchantment on this Shovel can insta-break any block for the ultimate town clearing abilities!Further legend has it there is multiple toggle modes on higher level Magic Shovels!
Blocks will not yield drops.
- Efficiency C
- Unbreaking III
- Magic III
*Magic Swords*(top)
*Magic Sword* (L1)(top)
Legend has it that the Magic enchantment on this sword can yield TRIPLE EXP per kill!Enchantments:
- Bane of Arthropods V
- Smite V
- Knockback V
- Sharpness X
- Fire Aspect V
- Looting X
- Unbreaking III
- Sweeping Edge V
- Magic I
*Magic Sword* (L2)(top)
Legend has it that the Magic enchantment on this sword can yield TRIPLE EXP per kill!Further legend shows a 25% chance of generating double drops!
- Bane of Arthropods V
- Smite V
- Knockback V
- Sharpness X
- Fire Aspect V
- Looting X
- Unbreaking III
- Sweeping Edge V
- Magic II
*Magic Bows*(top)
*Magic Bow* (L1)(top)
Legend has it the Magic enchantment on this bow can yield QUADRUPLE EXP per kill!Enchantments:
- Flame
- Infinity
- Looting XV
- Power X
- Punch V
- Sweeping Edge V
- Unbreaking III
- Magic I
*Magic Bow* (L2)(top)
Legend has it the Magic enchantment on this bow can yield 8x EXP per kill!Enchantments:
- Flame
- Infinity
- Looting XV
- Power X
- Punch V
- Sweeping Edge V
- Unbreaking III
- Magic II
*Magic Bow* (L3)(top)
Legend has it the Magic enchantment on this bow can yield 8x EXP per kill!Further legend shows a 25% chance of generating double drops!
- Flame
- Infinity
- Looting XV
- Power X
- Punch V
- Sweeping Edge V
- Unbreaking III
- Magic III
*Magic Crossbows*(top)
*Magic Crossbow* (L1)(top)
Legend has it the Magic enchantment on this bow can yield QUADRUPLE EXP per kill!Enchantments:
- Looting X
- Multishot
- Piercing X
- Quick Charge V
- Unbreaking X
- Magic I
*Magic Crossbow* (L2)(top)
Legend has it the Magic enchantment on this bow can yield 8x EXP per kill!Enchantments:
- Looting X
- Multishot
- Piercing X
- Quick Charge V
- Unbreaking X
- Magic II
*Magic Crossbow* (L3)(top)
Legend has it the Magic enchantment on this bow can yield 8x EXP per kill!Further legend shows a 25% chance of generating double drops!
- Looting X
- Multishot
- Piercing X
- Quick Charge V
- Unbreaking X
- Magic III
*Magic Elytras*(top)
*Magic Elytra* (L1)(top)
Legend has it this Elytra has unlimited power and double the speed! No item requited!Left-clicking air works as well!
- Aqua Affinity
- Blast Protection IV
- Depth Strider III
- Feather Falling IV
- Fire Protection IV
- Projectile Protection IV
- Protection V
- Respiration III
- Soul Speed III
- Thorns III
- Unbreaking X
- Magic I
*Magic Elytra* (L2)(top)
Legend has it this Elytra has unlimited power and double the speed! No item requited!Left-clicking air works as well!
Further legend states that this Elytra has 4x the speed!
- Aqua Affinity
- Blast Protection IV
- Depth Strider III
- Feather Falling IV
- Fire Protection IV
- Projectile Protection IV
- Protection V
- Respiration III
- Soul Speed III
- Thorns III
- Unbreaking X
- Magic II
Magic Items(top)
*Magic Melon Item*(top)
The almighty Magic Melon Item!Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
- Magic I
*Magic Netherwarts*(top)
*Magic Netherwart Item* (L1)(top)
The almighty Magic Netherwart Item!Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
- Magic I
*Magic Netherwart Item* (L2)(top)
The almighty Magic Netherwart Item!Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
Further legend states that this netherwart provides instant pickup!
- Magic II
*Magic Chorus Plant Item*(top)
The almighty Magic Chorus Plant Item!Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
- Magic I
*Magic Wheat Item*(top)
The almighty Magic Wheat Item!Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
- Magic I
*Magic Cod Item*(top)
The almighty Magic Cod Item!Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
- Magic I
*Magic Salmon Item*(top)
The almighty Magic Salmon Item!Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
- Magic I
*Magic Pufferfish Item*(top)
The almighty Magic Pufferfish Item!Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
- Magic I
*Magic Tropical Fish Item*(top)
The almighty Magic Tropical Fish Item!Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
- Magic I
*Magic Gold Ingot Item*(top)
The almighty Magic Gold Ingot Item!Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
- Magic I
*Magic Iron Ingot Item*(top)
The almighty Magic Iron Ingot Item!Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
- Magic I
*Magic Bone Item*(top)
The almighty Magic Bone Item!Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
- Magic I
*Magic Arrows*(top)
*Magic Arrow Item* (L1)(top)
The almighty Magic Arrow Item!Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
- Magic I
*Magic Arrow Item* (L2)(top)
The almighty Magic Arrow Item!Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
Further legend states that this arrow provides unlimited arrows!
- Magic II
*Magic Rotten Flesh Item*(top)
The almighty Magic Rotten Flesh Item!Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
- Magic I
*Magic Gunpowder Item*(top)
The almighty Magic Gunpowder Item!Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
- Magic I
*Magic Leather Item*(top)
The almighty Magic Leather Item!Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
- Magic I
*Magic Warped Wart Block Item*(top)
The almighty Magic Warped Wart Block Item!Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
- Magic I
*Magic Spruce Log Item*(top)
The almighty Magic Spruce Log Item!Legend has it keeping this item in your inventory yields 1.25x the /sell price!
- Magic I
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© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM