(Main) ExtCreations - Historical
Applied By UnitedStates2: Jun 2, 2019 at 1:53 PM
(Main) ExtCreations
Extended Creations - ($) 30(top)
*Feature is available in Rising/Nether/End/Mining!*The Extended Creations feature gives you many extra possibilities which may come in handy when building various structures/creations! Some of these may even make you some extra EcoDollars; such as the ability to build these things for others for a price you choose. Following are a list of features you will get with this feature! See ExtCreations Signs Tutorial for more detailed information on using these features.
Build Lifts!
- Allows you to build several lifts that users can use to go directly above/below them! Lifts are created as follows: Each Lift must have a sign in front of it with either: Line2: [Lift Up] or Line2: [Lift Down]
- Here is an example of a Lift!
- Lift Up
- Lift Down
- Note: Don't forget to cprivate your signs. They respect lwc permissions so no one can destroy them.
- Allows you to build a gate that can be toggled with a sign as well as redstone linked to the sign! Gates are created by placing a sign with the word [Gate] on the second line. The sign must be placed right beside your already built gate on a wall. As well you must either fully build the gate or stock your sign up with the right material by right clicking it.
- Here is an example of a gate!
- Gate Closed
- These are the current blocks that can used to create gates:
- acacia_fence
- birch_fence
- jungle_fence
- oak_fence
- spruce_fence
- dark_oak_fence
- nether_brick_fence
- iron_bars
- glass_pane - Note: Don't forget to cprivate your signs. They respect lwc permissions so no one can destroy them.
- Allows you to build a door that can be toggled with a sign as well as redstone linked to the sign! Doors are created as follows: Below the bottom door platform a sign must be placed reading: Line2: [Door Up] Line3: Left block width. Line4: Right block width. If no Line3 and 4 exist default will be 1 block to each side. As well you must either fully build the door or stock your sign up with the right material by right clicking it.
- Here is an example of a door!
- Door Closed
- These are the current blocks that can be used to create doors:
- cobblestone
- glass
- acacia_planks
- jungle_planks
- spruce_planks
- birch_planks
- oak_planks
- dark_oak_planks
- prismarine_brick_slab
- nether_brick_slab
- sandstone_slab
- red_sandstone_slab
- petrified_oak_slab
- dark_oak_slab
- birch_slab
- stone_slab
- prismarine_slab
- purpur_slab
- spruce_slab
- jungle_slab
- oak_slab
- quartz_slab
- cobblestone_slab
- brick_slab
- dark_prismarine_slab
- acacia_slab
- stone_brick_slab
- stone_bricks
- sandstone
- All colored concrete
- All colored wool - Note: Don't forget to cprivate your signs. They respect lwc permissions so no one can destroy them.
- Allows you to build a bridge that can be toggled with a sign as well as redstone linked to the sign! Bridges are created as follows: Each Bridge must have a sign below or under the end platforms: Line2: [Bridge] Line3: Right block width. Line4: Left block width. If no Line3 and 4 exist default will be 1 block to each side. As well you must either fully build the bridge or stock your sign up with the right material by right clicking it.
- Here is an example of a bridge!
- Bridge Opened
- These are the current blocks that can be used to create bridges:
- cobblestone
- glass
- acacia_planks
- jungle_planks
- spruce_planks
- birch_planks
- oak_planks
- dark_oak_planks
- prismarine_brick_slab
- nether_brick_slab
- sandstone_slab
- red_sandstone_slab
- petrified_oak_slab
- dark_oak_slab
- birch_slab
- stone_slab
- prismarine_slab
- purpur_slab
- spruce_slab
- jungle_slab
- oak_slab
- quartz_slab
- cobblestone_slab
- brick_slab
- dark_prismarine_slab
- acacia_slab
- stone_brick_slab
- stone_bricks
- sandstone - Note: Don't forget to cprivate your signs. They respect lwc permissions so no one can destroy them.
- Warning: Any user caught abusing bridges/doors/gates in anyway such as killing unaware users in peaceful areas to steal items/harass players, or using them to farm blocks, such as constantly creating bridges/doors/gates to farm the items in between will face punishment and have the feature immediately removed with no refund. As well anyone attempting to lag the server by constantly toggling bridges/doors/gates will face the same consequences with a most certain immediate ban.
- Simply use the color code before your text as you would with the /shout command to color your sign text. "&bWelcome" Would make a light blue Welcome text appear on your sign. Use /help colors in game for color codes. Please note that formatting is available in ExtCreationsPlus (Bold, Italics and Underline).
- You are able to create Disposal signs. These simply act like chest garbage cans. Many times there is garbage in your inventory that you want to get rid of, and that isn't sell-able. You can now do so easily with Disposal signs, or well, garbage cans. - Don’t litter! Help ECC and use the sign! To make one simply place a sign and type [Disposal] on the first line! That’s it. Afterwards open up the garbage can by right clicking the sign and anything you place inside will be gone.
- Use this command to open up a workbench anywhere you are! No more looking for that stored away workbench; especially after using your /sell all command and having it accidentally removed. Now you carry one on you at all times.
- Use this command to spawn yourself tons of awesome mob drops! Very useful as mobs are quite rare on EcoCityCraft!
- This kit can be used once every 24 hours and contains the following items:
- Item: Leather x5
- Item: Arrow x5
- Item: Bone x4
- Item: Spider Eye x3
- Item: Egg x3
- Item: Feather x3
- Item: Ink Sac x3
- Item: Slimeball x3
- Item: Milk x3
- Item: String x3
- Item: Gunpowder x2
- Use this command to spawn yourself 8 signs. Signs are constantly used by ExtCreations users thus this gives you a quick way to get a few! You may use this kit once every hour.
- Use this command to spawn yourself 1 enderchest. Great way to store your stuff wherever you are in an instantly spawned enderchest! You may use this kit once every 24 hours.
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© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM