Transaction Safety - Historical
Applied By ClarinetPhoenix: May 14, 2019 at 1:08 PM
Transaction Safety
Transaction Safety(top)
When giving an item to someone else it is important to do it safely, and to gather proper evidence of the transaction. This can apply in situations like item/auction trades, item rentals/sharing, item repair and combination services. In most situations, you may want to make a contract before giving an item in a transaction.When trading an item, is it a good idea to thoroughly screenshot the process of giving an item to someone else. It make seem like overkill, but by having detailed screenshot evidence, you can protect yourself from false allegations of not following through with an agreement. Please read about forming contracts, proper evidence, and how to take screenshots.
Do Not Throw Items on the Ground(top)
It is a bad idea to simply throw an item on the ground when giving it to someone. Another person entirely could come by and take the item before the other person has a chance to pick it up (this unknown person might even be invisible). Also, if the server crashes when you throw an item on the ground, the item may not be on the ground when you, and the person you are giving an item to, log back in.Safe Trade System(top)
EcoCityCraft offers a safe trade system that enables you to trade items and money with other users.This feature is available to all users and is available on the Main, SkyBlock and VMR servers. VMR server does not allow trading money. You need to be in the same world as your Trade partner to initiate a trade.
/trade <username>
- Requests a trade with a player.
- Accept an incoming trade request.
- Deny an incoming trade request.
- It provides safe convenient trading. There is no need to teleport or devise a means of safe item transfer.
- Does not require dropping of items and risking theft or loss.
- Does not need discussion over who upholds their end of the deal first.
- Scam-proof, ability to view the offer before accepting.
- No contract needed, deal does not move forward unless accepted by both users.
How to Safely Give an Item(top)
There is a safer way to give an item to another player, and gather screenshot evidence that you gave this item to the other player. Though it may seem cumbersome, by taking extra precautions when performing an item transaction, you protect the integrity of the transaction by helping ensure that the person you are trading with receives the item. The safest method of securely giving an item to another person is to use a locked chest. This will require you to be in the main world(Rising), as you will need to be able to lock a chest.- While in Rising, place a chest, and lock the chest by using /lock and then clicking the chest.
- Give the other person (whom you are trading the item to) access to the chest by doing /cmodify <the person's username>.
- Do /cinfo and click the chest. Information about the chest owner and who has access will be displayed in the chat box. Screenshot this with a timestamp.
- Open your inventory, and cursor over the item to show it's details, and screenshot this.
- Put that item into the chest, and cursor over the the item to show its details, and screenshot it.
- As the other person can now access the chest, as they take the item, screenshot that the item has been taken as the chest is then empty.
- Perform the repair.
- In your inventory, cursor over the item to show it's details, and screenshot this.
- Add the item to the chest, and cursor over the item to show it's details again, and screenshot this.
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