Post your favourite youtube vidoes here! Nyan cat (RWJ Brought me here) this song is just so stupid, its funny: asdf movie 1-3 (friend nickvaras777 showed me) This is just so epicly hilarious, i cant stop watching it. I'll only post movie 1, 2 and 3 are in related videos, and anything not by tomska is not a real asdf movie: [youtube][/youtube] Top 5 Minecraft Creations Of The Week ( found it while browsing youtube) This series is about, well, the top 5 minecraft creations. each week, theres a random topic, such as the rollar coasters, and you can send in minecraft files or IP's to SSundee and he picks the top 5 out of the ones he recieves, and puts the creators youtube channel link in the description. i will post Ep. #1 the others should be in the related videos, but if you cant find 11, the video icon is changed, and if you still cant, ill post it in this topic. (btw its on machinima ) I will post later. fell free to post your own favourite youtube videos
Machinima has tons of great things related to Minecraft [: I'm watching zXNoRegretzzXz's Lets Play for Minecraft, mostly because I enjoy his voice in the background while I do other things :] (His 'How To Annoy' videos always make me lol <3)
Lol ive got so many awesome videos its not even funny! 1. Beyond black mesa. (For all those HL2 <3ers this is a fan made mini movie that is by far one of my favorites of all time!) ... OrH5tfWorg 2.Draft hands. On of the best music videos that someone did. Just AWESOME 3.Hilarious songs in real life. (For adults only some cussing and some suggested themes) 4. My recent New bookmark. Get in the slow lane.
I love uberhaxornova hes halarious his does swear alot but i find that he is comedic gold.
Oh my god this video is stupidly addictive/annoying i cant help but love it!!!!