Hey all! I'm not sure how I feel about the XBox One just yet...
But one thing I do know, if the last paragraph in this article is true, I will never buy one!
Let me know what YOU think!
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My opinion.
Starting with the fact that, compared to PS3, Xbox 360 had hard time picking up to stats and failed to correspond and deliver a good experience for the gamer, and that's the main reason it was frowned upon in many coutries around the world. Facing it, PS3 excelled in hardware, software, support, and had quite a lot of supporters from around the whole world. The PlayStation brand was known to be a gaming console brand. And then, the world's reknown software developer, Microsoft, joined in and published the Xbox. It managed to attract attention and get quite a few exclusives, but other than that, it couldn't even possibly catch up with Sony, a field expert since... 1994, if I can recall it right.
Truth is, Microsoft realised they would have a huge problem beating the Playstation audience if they tried to make a game console. So, knowing that Sony WILL try to deliver a gaming experience, they put the gaming elements of the console aside and decided to orient the new Xbox into a whole entertainment package for your TV, including Blu Ray Player, TV tuner, voice imput and Kinect, a family entertainment device. This way, they would hit the audience harder by giving them an all-in-one solution, which seems practical, but is not suitable for gaming. That's the reason Xbox One gets frowed all over by gaming sites, it's because Microsoft presented us a TV entertainment in a box product, and not a game oriented TV console product.-
Agree x 3 - List
Years later, when Microsoft wanted to join the gaming community with a system, they went into living rooms and looked at how gamer played. They did a lot of questionnaires to see what people wanted. Their desire to make a console for gamers is what made me interested in them.
Truth be told. I'm a Nintendo fan and will be for the rest of my life. However, I know there is much more to gaming than what one system can offer. Xbox 360's online gameplay is the main reason I'm still there at all. Even though I only play two games. I just think it's time for me to put the big X down and maybe take another look at Sony. They've stayed in it this long and have got to be providing a reasonable experience by now. My only concern with them is, they were hacked and down for several months, and their online play from what I hear isn't all that great. I already own a Wii U. If I don't get a next gen console this time around, I'll just stick to the PC. -
Although I do agree, they are putting out an entertainment console with the Xbox One, not a dedicated gaming system. Which was my first thought and biggest question, is this really their next console? Or is this just a spin off of what's already out?
Either way, if the Kinect is going to be used to identify if people have the authorizations to do something, and if the console will track discs so you can not lend a game to a friend without them paying, there is NO WAY I will ever support Microsoft again. It already makes me want to step back from Windows as well. What will they do next? -
I am completely disappointed with microsoft. It seems as if they are making a console revolved around social media, not gaming, which it should be.