Attention The date might be different because of all the un-sures might be moved to the 20th depending on my schedule
@EvasivePeach3 here's the thing. If it's on a Sunday, Mission doesn't have internet access from 8-11pm (EST), so if it's 7-10pm, he'll only have an hour. Is there any way to make it that time on a Friday or Saturday night? If not, could it be before 8pm (EST)? I'd rather not have a date that leaves me an hour into it. If not, backup date anyone?
Both dates have a downside to them but I'll let you guys choose what date works better for you. I just need to know before Sunday
Oh crap, you know how calendars have a lil section that shows you the month before and the month after? I was looking at that and actually looking at Dec not Feb. xD @EvasivePeach3 If the time can't be any earlier, that'll be fine.