Alright, I think I'll help you out here. The problem lies here in that there, you see your y co-ords? they have the - before them. While this makes it look better in some cases, it also normally means it's a negative number when talking about co-ords. But y can't be a negative number in minecraft, where as the other numbers can be negative, so it's impossible to tell which of those co-ords are meant to be negative numbers, and which ones positive (Aside from the y, that's obviously not meant to be negative.)
Just edit you post and take out all the -'s you see before the co-ords unless it's a negative number in game (Might have to go back to those signs to see if it's a negative number.) When I said take out the -'s, I meant take out the all the - things that are before the y, not add an 's after it. Sorry if I'm confusing you :/
Uhh, yeah, if your x and z are positive. if they aren't positive, they need a - if they are positive, they don't need a - A positive number is a number without a - in front of it in game. A y can only be positive, but the other numbers depend on where you are. Sorry if I'm confusing you once more, but this is the easiest way to explain it.
I just went to those co-ords and was somewhere else, a completely different town. I played around and your co-ords should be. post 1: x-1562 y66 z1357 post 2: x-1367 y64 z1158 you had all positives, but one was supposed to be negative, which is x.