This is an article that has to do with creating a town. I think this should be in the Wiki because many new mayors have no idea of what to do. This article guides them creating a successful town. I hope you add this to the wiki!This article is based off my own experiences I have had when working on my town. Some were rather unpleasant and would like to guide new mayors away from these experiences.Code:[size=200][center][color=#FF0000]Getting Started With Your Town![/color][/center][/size] [size=150][color=#FF8000]Your Mayor application has just been accepted, now your name is shiny green for everyone else to see! You have an area that is now yours. But who would know? It just looks like the rest of the wild, looks greifable, but it is not, it's your town! The first thing you want to do is flatten your town, prepare it for the making of buildings, and giving out plots. You have two choices:[/color] >Hire someone, or a team to do it. >Do it yourself.[/size] [/size] [b][center][size=150]Hire Someone, Or a Team[/size][/center][/b] [size=150][color=#0000FF][b]Pros:[/b] [/color] [color=#FF8000]-Is usually cheaper than a World Edit. -Most work with their own tools, and repairs. -Some will do flooring, and even walls around your town.[/color] [color=#0000FF][b]Cons:[/b][/color] [color=#FF8000]-Not as quick as a World Edit. -Sometimes back out of a job.[/color][/size] [b][center][size=150]Do It Yourself[/size][/center][/b] [size=150][color=#0000FF][b]Pros:[/b][/color] [color=#FF8000]-No charge. -You are the leader, can do whatever. -Can do fancy designs, that some teams may not support. -You get to keep the blocks destroyed for town buildings. [/color][/size] [size=150][color=#0000FF][b]Cons:[/b][/color] [color=#FF8000]-Very Slow -Need to have good tools, and repairs. -Very Boring after a while[/color][/size] [size=150][color=#FF8000]All in all I suggest a hiring a team.[/size] [/color] [size=150][color=#FF0000][center]After your town is flat you are going to pick a theme for your town.[/color][/size][/center] [color=#FF0000]Here are some themes:[/color] [color=#8080FF]Island Medieval Modern Future Jungle[/color] [color=#FF8000]After you choose a them your are going to want to choose blocks that go with your theme. These blocks are going to be your main building materials. I suggest gathering/buying 2 double chests of each block to start off with.[/color] [size=150][center][color=#FF0000]Blocks needed:[/center][/color] [/size] [size=150][color=#FFFF00]Island:[/color][/size] [color=#FF8000]Sand Sandstone Oak Wood Glass (Make Big Windows) [/color] [color=#FF8000]As you can see, these are all light, beach like colors. For this theme, you may want to have the [/color][color=#00BFFF]Water[/color] [color=#FF8000]donation feature.[/color] [size=150][color=#404040]Medieval [/color][/size] [color=#FF8000]Spruce Wood Cobblestone White Wool Brown Wool Stone bricks Mossy Stone Bricks Iron Bars Fences Glass These blocks are old looking blocks. You may even want to have some mossy cobblestone in there. You may want to make a castle using the stone bricks, and have mossy stone bricks every now and then. You may want fences and Iron bars for castle gates. Again I suggest having[/color] [color=#00BFFF]water[/color] [color=#FF8000]for a moat and [/color][color=#BF0040]pyro[/color][color=#FF8000] for lava fountains, ETC.[/color] [size=150][color=#400040]Modern[/color][/size] [color=#FF8000]Stone White Wool Black Wool Glass Panes Redstone Lamps Brick Iron Blocks Stone Slabs These blocks are more modern, and require a lot of work to get, just like the work humans put us into our current age. Stone, looks like the side of a house. White a black wool can be used as flooring, representing carpet. Glass panes should be used instead of glass, as glass panes look more modern. I suggest using Redstone Lamps, that do turn on with a lever, representing electricity. Brick can be used to make patios and walkways. If you go to Andrew's house in spawn, this is a very good example of a modern house. Iron and stone slabs are also useful. Iron can be used to make counters, while stone slabs can become tile flooring.[/color] [color=#00FF40][size=150]Future[/size][/color] [color=#FF8000]Diamond Blocks Gold Blocks Any Wool These 3 blocks should be all the blocks you need for your future themed town. Wool provides colors, something that is always that is connected with the future. The Diamond and Gold blocks signal success and triumph, something we all dream about in the future.[/color] [size=150][color=#408000] Jungle [/color][/size] [color=#FF8000]Jungle Leaves Jungle Planks Jungle Logs Ferns Vines The Jungle theme will provide a nice realistic Minecraft habitat feel to your town. You can you the above blocks to create a jungle, then sell trees instead of plots where people can build fancy treehouses. You may want to base your town off of a real jungle. Use the live map to find one.[/color] [color=#FF0000][center][size=150]Building[/size][/center][/color] [color=#FF8000]Now your are going to get started with your building. Some buildings you may want to make: City Hall Mall Spleef Arena PVP Arena (Don't need it to be for real yet, App can go in when ever. This is to make sure you save some room) Market Public Farms Apartments Pre-Built housing After you have your buildings built you need to decide where your plots will go. You want a cheap, yet good looking block to outline plots with. I recommend Endstone for now. When a player builds a house he/she can remove the end stone, but MUST replace it if he/she leaves. Create a portal frame, where eventually you would put a portal. This way, you won't end up selling that area as a plot. Now you will want to form some building rules. I suggest looking up other towns rules, and put down what rules would make sense in your town. Then ask the mayor/president if you can use some of their rules. REMEMBER! Town rules may NOT contradict with Server rules, EXP: "Greifing in this town is allowed." There is a server rule saying there can be no greifing in a town. This town law contradicts with that server rule. When you have your town rules, put them in your city hall, or near the portal. Also, have a sign which has the mayor and co-mayor/s on it. This way your residents know who to contact in-case of emergency. A message board is also a good idea where you may post important notices. Now to decide who to let in your town. Private Friends? Builders? Residents+ only? Mayors+ ? Towns that allow builders make more money, but also tend to have more greif. Mayors up tend to have no greif but only a couple of members. It is up to you. [/color] [color=#0000FF] [size=150][center]Now it is time to go sell some plots![/center][/color][/size]
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scottmichaelj BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️
monkeyBUTT244 epicBuilder ⛰️ Ex-EcoMaster ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade
Re: An Article Idea
World Edit sets can't be done anymore, correct me if I'm wrong.
Griefing spelled wrong
And towns can allow grief if they feel it necessary. For example, an all out war town.
scottmichaelj BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️
Re: An Article Idea
Here comes a noob question!
What are World Edit Sets? -
monkeyBUTT244 epicBuilder ⛰️ Ex-EcoMaster ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade
Re: An Article Idea
World Edit sets are when you get a World Edit to put down a block. -
scottmichaelj BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️
Re: An Article Idea
Like the flooring? -
monkeyBUTT244 epicBuilder ⛰️ Ex-EcoMaster ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade
Re: An Article Idea
Like if you have a town that is an ocean, you can't use a World Edit to set dirt down ontop of that water. -
monkeyBUTT244 epicBuilder ⛰️ Ex-EcoMaster ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade
Re: An Article Idea
Also, I think you should include some ideas of how to sell plots. -
scottmichaelj BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️
Re: An Article Idea
Ok that maybe another article idea! I may make a couple articles for new mayors! I am doing these to try and become a wiki team member. -
scottmichaelj BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️
Changed to a [Wiki Submission Page]
@iEvolive -
scottmichaelj BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️
Thanks @iEvolive ! Glad I could help. Pm me if there is anything that I should do for future articles.