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  1. ajbigott Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Apr 12, 2012
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    Minecraft Username: Papa_Pussy

    Have you changed your Minecraft username since being banned? If so, what is your previous name?:nope, and Papa_Pussy (I do have an alt but he cant access) it's Sugar_Pies

    Which of ECC's services are you banned on? [Main Server]

    Reason of Ban: inappropriate name

    Rule violated: I'm not sure. "I assume it's the inappropriate name".

    Please explain in your own words what the rule(s) means: in my mind the rule means don't use any hacks well playing on the server and don't have any hacks on your client well playing on the server

    Reason you feel you think you should be unbanned: I feel like I should be unbanned because I have not and will not break any further rules. I truly enjoy your server and I hope to make the community a better place and I hope that you will see that I am truly apologetic and wish to play with my sister SugarSnaps on your wonderful server.
  2. ClarinetPhoenix She does what she wants.
    Owner Events Manager ECC Sponsor Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ IX ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade Wiki Leader

    Jun 23, 2014
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    The username that I traced that you claim is "Sugar_Pies" is a rename from the username "ajbigott" which is your Main Account, we will also assume this because you have an established forum account under this account. Unfortunately since I cannot locate a ban reason for this this account currently cannot appeal.
    Since you are admitting that this other account "Papa_Pussy" being your alt and being an inappropriate username as well as related to your main we can't actually unban it until you can appeal on your main, since we can't locate a ban reason for your main account we can't unban you for security reasons. I'm sorry about this, its just bad luck.
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