Omg.. Soo long ago it seems. @TheYoungGun was the first person I really got to know since we were basically neighbors from the start so he would have to be the first. The rest are below in no real order. Can't remember the time frames. @TemplateGuy, @zardgyer, @zoolouie, @kingjames236, @mrpublic, @sitomo, @rabidworm, @BurnsBrightly, @Camcliff, @JamieSinn and so many more. @iEvolive is also a longtime friend. Almost forgotchya Of course most of the older staff should be mentioned but they know who they are.
My first friend on ECC was probably @antcubing amongst a number of other currently banned users whom I'll not mention. Shoutout to @Jetscat, AriusX and Brutal0m3n, whom I modded with back in December 2011. Following that, there's @Tommy_T, who is no longer with us but whose towns I saw blossom and grow into great Empires, @kukelekuuk00, with whom I've shared many a heated and pointless argument over the finer nuances of largely irrelevant and forgotten points of contention, and @MoofinK, about whom I can think of nothing to say. It's truly a shame that I'm not allowed to mention a lot of other people that I'd like to mention, and I doubt that they'd see this anyway, but you guys know who you are <3
Hmm.. @blackbelt4eva and @noahlee519 were my very first friends. Then i became friends with @rosypolly
My very 1st friends were @Redmonkey1313 @nitrolaser17 @7airlinepilot @austin____manese It was my 1st day and Red and nitro were the first people to sell me my first plot #builder status I met 7air a few days later and helped make some buildings in his town which was the one I was currently in, and months later they are my #1 friends on ECC we even run a spawn shop together and are Cos of our towns. Even when I got my own town I stayed connected to our old town and have seen it grow from little town to thriving city. Also Austin and I are together in real life so actually she's my 1st friend lol
When i first joined, i went on teamspeak and met @Penguinpixi after talking to @King_of_the_Dot for about 10 minutes. She gave me a free builder house and gave me a few tools that helped me, but a banned user gave me 15k. ever since penguin and i talked i've played every single day since jan 20 2014, i've realized that this is the best server. I'd like to thank @droopystarfish @drewbo173 @Penguinpixi @romper83273 and @Anty248 for these good 5 months.
I forgot but his name but my second friend was @koko_2022 (he was already my friend before I joined ecc but my friend which I met was @mily0987
My first friend was @minecrafter0702 then I quit for a bit and he ended up quitting / not coming on as much