Moved from Competitions -> General silly goofballs! Also people I trust most: @nicit6 @Yokeby52 @youiyoui1 @DeVaHz @freddyagogo @Gwism @Starleana @MochoCrap And all staff, of course
Well since my first list was bad, here's a new one @alpert3925 @Original_Jackson @nicit6 @Iticip @oxwood3 @AdmiralD @idkhowtoplay @_TANSTAAFL @Delucaco @TomKellyCreeper @Altabyte @bombfacter @NinjaSteve13 @Ninjaboy3113 @DaytonBigT @Emudude13 @PoLi_98 @Chundi_Jr @Ctoolme (yes I know they are just high rank but I respect them greatly) (these are people that I specifically know are good) All the mods
@Zeek87 @Itsa_Spenca and @officepwnz123 pretty much know my life so I trust them the most. Everyone else that I trust would be on my totem poles in Saskatoon. (No I don't have Steve skin, my skin just doesn't show up for me.)
@ATWINKIE @SoftlyPsychotic @oreo1227 @annyonion @herpyderpson9 @Libbyyjo @7amoodw @Chundi_Jr @Gernen @nicit6 @Inamine @RailefBear @Physicistsmom @Core_Diver @clou44 @Dewsy92 @Revanrose6 [no tag obvious reasons] andrewkm [no tag] not a player atm (censured) @FuryFudge @cracker228989 If I missed someone please pm me!!!
I trust: @icecream32112 (Team Berber) @MochoCrap (Team Berber) @Jetscat (Team Berber) @Caitlin_Crime @BlackSnowAngel17 @Xz_Xenon_zX @tanger91 @ArisenBatman @MSU_SPaRtAns321
I trust: @Iticip @Jackson_G14 @icecream32112 @BlackSnowAngel17 @PiBeta @ruffneck50 @Nyancats33 @cracker228989 @Chundi_Jr @Ctoolme @Nutty_cole @TheHolyStick22 @oreo1227 @Tanmanyellow17 @nicoviacava1210 @SparklyPotato2 @cornhusker144 @Appl3Dark @Yokeby52 @lexi731rocs @MSU_SPaRtAns321 @DarthLauren03 @williamannin (Sorry I'm forgetting a lot of people :/)
People I trust: @Caitlin_Crime @Iticip @konan200x @_kiwi_cat_ @Zach_Attack252 @lexi731rocs @TheHolyStick22
Ok, my list: @Falconaire @cracker228989 @Tanmanyellow17 @xpurexcorex @Iticip @Starleana @Chundi_Jr @Caitlin_Crime @oxwood2 @monkeyBUTT244 @liamfrench @VTFAN8 @MCHelix3000 @Ninjaboy3113 @TheN00BISHPanda @TheHolyStick22 @konan200x @OnSceneReporter @AdmiralD And a ton other people more, if I forgot you, tell me And also, the rest of the staff team.