It doesn't matter when some moderators have joined. It matters on their leadership, helpfulness, kindness, ect.... not when they've joined.
I found ECC at the end of June 2012. Wish I found it much earlier but better late then never. And then I brought all minecraft playing friends with me
Im here since 6th of this month and I will be here for a looooong time I have played in several servers before but none of them have interested me, when I started playing here it was like love in the first sight
Lol Rezzy i remember you as a res and a builder, Heck i remember wewin as a builder June 4th 2011 here
My forum account was made on sep 5 2011... I procrastinated for a very long time until I joined. Also my first account played the server for a few month about 4 or so months before I got xxemuxx. (vv_xxgreenxx_vv My friend bought the account from me)
Idk a lot longer then my form date. I used my sisters acount but then I got it my self and I never go on hers any more.