After over 2 years and the amount of money that I've put into the server, my purpose has become a commitment to help andrew keep the server up and running to the best of my abilities.
My Stepdaughter started playing on here and she was spending a fair amount of time and having fun. I joined just to get a lay of the land and see if it was an appropriate server for her to be on. I liked it so much I stayed. I've made friendships with some really cool people... and NAVYSEALS2000
I guess I'm here because it was the first server I tried. I tried a couple after first stopping in, and none of them seemed as deep. I mean, I've been looking for an online experience that was cool and expansive like WoW, and this is the only thing I've come across to sate that. I am interested in making a large city, at least 4 towns, with a really cool theme.
What?!?! Wait, there is a way to beat minecraft? I thought this was a game that never ended. I just might have to quit playing now.
Not true whatsoever. I just recently became inactive. Don't say things like that, unless you're 100% sure of what you're saying.
Killing the Ender dragon is considered "Beating minecraft". However Ecc can never end because of all the possibility's xD
And now the community has changed because you are not as active as you used to be. By definition, the community changes when someone becomes more or less active. By definition a community changes. But, I was just trying to be encouraging in a silly way.
Now, before anyone takes the comment I am about to make too seriously, this comment is not MEANT to be taken seriously. With that said: Being attached to ECC isn't a solid reason at all because minecraft and ECC aren't solid at all they are bits in the wind, so to speak. Of course maybe bedrock is solid, unless you somehow mystically fall through it, in which case even bedrock isn't solid. Now me, I'm solid, I think.
You know the quote that the Ent makes in the Lord of the Rings, "Ents don't say something unless it is worth saying and if something is worth saying, it is worth taking a long time to say". I think I need to create a signature that says, "I don't say something unless it is worth saying sillily. and if it isn't worth saying sillily, it isn't worth me saying."
Why the people of coarse! people on ecc have been supporting me for a long time now! Building things, and sg are fun too, but what I really enjoy is getting to talk to people from around the world, and get to know some of them very well. We all know there are trolls out there, and we shouldn't let them get to us. Focus of the positive things!