I was gonna say a billion dollars, but that's basically impossible. -10 million -16 towns -Double chest of diamond blocks -Double chest of netherstars -Top Posters list. -Tons of post likes. -Ecoleader -Only Ecoleader with no profile picture -Only ecoleader with no donations. (I get donations after i get ecoleader and take some screenshots) -Double chest of fish. -Builder only town. -Every mcmmo level at 1000 -Tons of other stuff. Yeah, my bucket list is pretty long...
Someday I want The Labyrinth to be even more amazing than this: http://niklon9141.deviantart.com/art/The-Nodosus-Maze-340831639 Also I would like to get my town Redrock fully up and running, and welcome in some nice peaceful and creative residents who enjoy living there.
With minecraft in general I would like to become a decent builder. I am currently building a town and am getting lots of good practice building. Once my town is build I would like to open it up to the public so I can meet some good people and make some money. Eventually I would like to have created 3 towns, one of which being primarily a large market and pvp areas. I am also torn between wanting to do all of this without any donation features and getting at least water so I don't have to hire anyone to place water for me.
To be ECC's first person to have 100m. Unless someone else has done it, anyway thats what i want to do, then I would help EVERY builder i see get resident.