1. WolfSpring Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Mar 20, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    I am confused here, I've seen the same guys getting banned over and over for stupidity and the only people getting punished are the ones affected by this, like scammers getting banned for less than a week coming back with there full status and doing it again or getting banned for something worse. It's like I always say people don't change and once a bad kid always a bad kid. A one day ban for scamming someone, griefing someones town they worked hard on or killing them(which apparently 3 people saying it happened is not enough proof) in a non PVP zone is only worth 1 hour to 1 day. Take Lukie for instance he was banned for scamming comes back and is banned for xray which if you read his appeals it's crazy first he claims his friend hacked him, then he accuses someone else who has been banned before. I try to keep to myself but it makes me wonder why these guys are still on this server with rank, you want people to learn a good lesson take them down a rank. You can start it like this

    1. first offense 1 day ban full one day not down to an hour let them go outside and play
    2. Second 1 Week ban and loss of rank one full level for an additional week which they will get back so two weeks no rank
    3. Third, if they are not gone for good, which they should be they loose rank for one week and have to pay to get it back.

    Something like this would be very effective and if they are banned for more than a day they loose all there money and belongings... it's simple same reason why we have these punks is they can do what they want and get away with it at others expense. I'm not talking the spam bans or the swear bans for an hour I'm talking scamming, I give a rats what you think scamming in any form is cheating someone dishonest and is bad, griefing and other big ones. Just be a little more solid on punishments here and these kids will straighten up.

    Sorry for the rant but this is just my opinion on something that is not seeming to get better, in fact it is getting worse.
  2. Zaneus Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Feb 5, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Good points. Should belong in the suggestion forums though if you ask me.
  3. gabrielfontaine Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Feb 26, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    This is a very good idea, it might give them a good lesson or even get them to go away for ever, and so, a better server.
  4. welikeike22 Dean Martin
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    Absolutely not.

    Neither Andrew nor the administration will ever demote someone in rank for an action like this. It goes against the standards of E.C.C and would cause unnecessary arguments in-game. The punishment system is suppose to do just that, punish them, and then allow them back in to resume their normal E.C. Lives. Removing a rank they rightfully paid for would do nothing but anger them even further and perhaps even cause rage against the moderator/staff member who banned them.

    Lose all their money and belongings...? Then whats the point of ever coming back to the server? People pay U.S Dollars to buy eco-dollars on this server and them losing all that they've worked for will cause nothing but violent backlash. Griefing in towns receives one a rollback, and that should be enough to suffice those who have been griefed. Repeat offenders can, and do, receive more punishment when they do something repeatedly.

    "Scamming" is punishable only if there is significant proof that such an event occurred. It is the responsibility of the user, not the moderation team, to make sure their bases are covered. They should also have the brains to not loan to someone whom they suspect may scam them.

    We'll lose too many quality members who made a simple mistake by doing something even remotely like this.