I want something REALLY weird that'll blow my mind and/or make me laugh my face off! And It must be realistic. This reply goes for both questions
Tdogg120 really? 1/10 jacob03082000 I think I believe you, and if this really actually happened it would be a 6/10 because it's not the "Worst" thing that happened. It's the weirdest but that is the new question so 9.5/10 for this week!!!!!!
Separation Line From Last Weeks Question ------------------------------------------------ Separation Line From Last Weeks Question
no, I'm not...... Everyone has milked a cow and made a cake, and don't even think about doing the "I haven't". I don't want any of that crap!
Okay step aside peasants... One morrow a hamster woke up... it had a strange rumbling in its tummy... it ignored the rumbling and then went outside for a nice stroll, however a bolt of lightninig hit its stomach... the hamster was sent to the emergency room immediately... it gave birth to chuck norris... Then this story started to make no sense... refrigerator
Lets go with... Andrewkm decides that the server is too much too run, and passes it on to wewinagain. Wewinagain decides to jack everything up to, like, 100 for dirt. This goes on for about a month, and right when the average builder got EcoLeader in 5 minutes wewinagain went and resets everything, with WorldEdit. Now everyone's house is gone and RyanJF1 is a builder, along with oyster140. The whole server is reset. Then andrewkm wants the server back so he gets on and he sees he is a builder and goes full rage mode on. He goes and uses a butter knife to take over the world and turns wewinagain into a hamster, which he then uses to run the server. He finds a way to restore everything and tells everyone the server is back up for real no pranks. He happens to be drinking a pepsi... Five minutes after he sets back up the server, he spills pepsi on wewinagain which reverses the effect and he hacks ECC, bans everyone and says /ban all you, sir, have just been TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLED!!!!!!! (Note to grader: this is handed in with a clear binder, which we all know you love, so we all know I win at this with a 20/375r834w785673pickles.) But legitly I fell in my pump farm and lost a silk pick. twice. And imagine the pain, horror, and retardedness of it all when i build a house and turns out i was lagging, meaning im sitting there turning every which way, boxed in with blocks and jumping up and down like a retard, then minecraft crashes, I get back on, and Im surrounded in blocks with no house. DEEEEERP!!!! TEEHEE!!!!
My worst was being forced to take a long absence and not being able to access a computer to log into ecc. As a result I lost everything I had in my inventory and in my enderchest. Enderchest had all my most valuables such has my diamond, gold blocks etc and extra eff5 tools etc... Second worst was someone saying use /ci in main and I'm dumb and tried it to see what it did and lost my eff5 tools again cause /ci is clear inventory lol.