Build the biggest and most expensive structure in ECC and make a throne at the top for you to sit and have all the players idolize you for using all your money wisely XD Jk get donations man and give 1 million to me!
Personally? Keep 1 mil and as for the rest, I'd probably give random builders tons of money for free.
I would split it into thirds between Krobkins and digger0208, and I'm not sure what else I would do... I would either want to spend it all at once or save it forever because I wouldn't want to get used to the taste of being *really* rich because I know i wouldn't be able to ever get it again. I would most likely buy ecoleader then make 3mil more for the next rank and so on
I would do this: Spoiler Spoiler: Donation Features/Tools Buy water/water+ = 180k Buy ExtCreations/ExtCreations+ = 360k Buy ExtCommands/ExtCommands+ = 600k Buy Efficiency 7 PickAxe = 700k Buy MultiHome+ = 90k Buy Buffer/Buffer+/Buffer++ = 540k This is a total of $2,470,000 ECD After donation/tool purchase i would have 9,330,000 ECD The next thing I would do i to give some of it to my friends like @Raccooy and @lexi731rocs Then I would probably do a huge giveaway of about 750,000 ECD. After that I would get Tycoon, EcoLeader, and maybe EcoMaster. Which would leave me with a total of 4,580,000 ECD.... Which i would store in a sign and save for all eternity.
Umm... First of all, I would like to ask how you intend to buy ext commands with 180k, as it is a 50 dollar feature. If I am wrong about this, someone please correct me @Monkeyz505. If I were to win this, I would buy star tools and dump them into lava. I would do this to stop the inflation and cause I like to watch the world burn. Now, to actually say what I would do with the 11 million. I would buy ecolegend.
I'd give 2mil to each of @goblizz and @oRON647 Then I'd buy ranks Mayor through EcoLeader, leaving me with about 6mil. I'd buy an eff7 pick and either a pumpkin axe or a melon sword. With the remaining money, I'd just buy a bunch of donation features, and if there's any money left over, I'd probably do giveaways or something.
I would do the biggest give away in the history of ECC. I would proably give away 5 million ecd or so. But I would be creative about it. I wouldn't just give away money, I would also give away things like star tools, mansions, ect.