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Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️
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hey everyone,
here i thought of makin a post where everyone shows their Best creation in spm or what ever you are building in spm
start gettin those pics now!
What i am up to is..
thats right im makin a ranch >:D i love my horsies i will update my ranch pic in the future :D
What u up to?
best thing U all built will get 500$ cuz of ppl who may cheat u must show ur person
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Ex-President ⚒️⚒️
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You can still cheat by downloading a world...free 500$ lol
Builder ⛰️
Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️
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- May 3, 2011
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- +1
you help ensure u dont just download a map show pics of u updating it (im makin my barn right now)
Builder ⛰️
Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️
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- May 3, 2011
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- +1
hmm no1 wants 500$ eh? come on ppl! u know u are good at making stuff in spm!
(single player mode) >.> how do ppl not know dat D:
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Ex-Resident ⚒️
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anyways, i'll make something cool eventually. not atm, because im waiting to get in the 1.8 beta server :D
Builder ⛰️
Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️
- Joined:
- May 3, 2011
- Messages:
- 256
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- +1
thats right i made a barn + a pool ha i updated it!