If we are gonna say it that way, President Supermod. I have owned and sold 3 Eff 7's. Currently do not own any star tools on purpose.
Well, I held a star rod and eff7 for about 30 seconds when @ArisenBatman dropped them after he was killed by a spider. (Returned them afterwards). I probably have screenshots somewhere. Never have had or seen a star tool otherwise.
The History of my Eff 7's 10/12/13 - First Efficiency 7 Pickaxe, named "Yang" [Mayor] Death Notice - 11/18/13, cause of death... /ci11/19/13 - Second Efficiency 7 Pickaxe, named "Falcon Punch" [Moderator/President] Death Notice - 12/18/13, cause of death... Sold for Christmas Giveaway12/30/13 - Third Efficiency 7 Pickaxe, named "Pickle" [Moderator/President] Death Notice - 4/10/14, cause of death... Scam6/18/14 - Fourth Efficiency 7 Pickaxe, named "Falcon Punch x2" [President] Still Alive Oh, and to answer the question, I got my first Eff 7 as a Mayor.
Mayor. When Mswords were 1000 stars and no other "star tools" existed. A friend who had come into a windfall, came to me and said "How many stars do you need?" I said "A few hundred". And he made a sign for me until I had 1000. People on this server have been so kind to me. Gotta love this community.
On this account, I had my first Star Tool as a Resident, which was an Eff7. From then on I have given away over 15 Star Tools to the community. I have another account which is a builder and it has MSword, Eff7, Star Rod, and Star Armour Pieces. (No, these were not transferred between accounts and staff already knows about the second account.) @Falconaire - Aren't you missing an Eff7 in that history? I'm pretty sure I bought one from you.