@kukelekuuk00 you say it's unfair that formula 1 cars race regular racing cars, which is true. But if the people who race the regular cars do it for fun, not for the money, they can keep doing what they're doing. If they're in it for the money, they should invest in a new formula 1 car. They probably won't be able to do it instantly, but if they really want to get serious, it's worth it. If they're in it for the money but they don't want to put too much effort/money into it, they should go get a pumpkin axe and start farming because they're not going to get anywhere. Now, my point of view as a donator. I was a non kitter at one point. Then I wanted to get more serious. I bought a few kits. Now I have cc++, spy, and buffer. I only use cc++ because I don't like the feeling of having to wait an hour to use the others. Now, I plan on getting ++ in those kits, even though I am killed because of them.
You're missing my point entirely. Most people would just quit trying to race against a formula 1 car instead of investing in an expensive formula 1 car. "But if the people who race the regular cars do it for fun, not for the money, they can keep doing what they're doing." People are doing this for fun, but the kits take away their fun. Now this has been lessened somewhat, but it has been unfair beyond what anyone can think of. And believe it or not, new players have quit because of it.
It's about time this was all out in the open , you have been saying this for months or even years, maybe some people may just never understand this, they will always be one person saying that Andrew money grabs from the server, it's just wrong that Andrew has to prove himself to the server that he doesn't. We should support him in his choices and believe every word he says. Most server founders or server owners wouldn't even show there faces or update us on things. We are lucky to have this. This is my opinion, you are welcome to disagree. Ps. Andrew just kicked the haters in the face who have been calling him a money grabber BOOM
Like Andrew said above, ECC needs money to survive. Because of this, the point of the features isn't to please non-donators. It is to please the donators. Based on what ECC's history of living shows us, non donators are willing to become donators to get an advantage. I've done it, you've done it, mostly every donator has done it. Part of what SG does is filter out willing players from non willing players. Willing players will develop some sort of strategy or buy a kit. Non willing players will either find a new source of income or leave. Chances are, the non-willing sg'ers wouldn't last long on ECC. Or, people like yourself, just don't like sg. You've been pretty successful without it, so there's other forms of income. ECC isn't an easy server. Sometimes that's just too scary for people to accept.
The only reason I wish I didn't buy all those kits is because I could have something that I will actually use since I never play SG. It had nothing to do with the thread, its just that I could have something better with the 30-50 dollars I spent on kits.
If the no kit chance is increased anymore I don't really feel like have ++ kits would actually be that worth, having + so you get yours kit every 10 minutes would be sufficient enough to not go and spend another $30 on the next tier of kit.