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  1. Jdawger Goes by Brass Scribe everwhere except MC & ECC
    ECC Sponsor President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ V ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Dec 15, 2013
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    What part of EcoCityCraft is this suggestion for:
    Website & Forums
    Short title for your suggestion:
    Add disagree reaction
    What are you suggesting:
    Add the disagree forum reaction
    Why is this a good addition for EcoCityCraft?:
    A disagree rating would be very ideal for anyone who wants to disagree with a post (this is especially perfect for suggestions, staff apps, and even some voting-type stuff since it gives a clearer message of disagreement without the impression of “this is absolutely stupid.”)

    We honestly need more “non-positive” ratings, and I feel this is one of the the least hurtful, more neutral ones we can add (as well as a counterpart to the “agree” rating).

    Every other Xenforo site I’ve been on that isn’t ECC has the disagree rating, and I’ve seen all the positive and concise messages they’ve stated because of it.

    Yes, you might argue that we have ways of showing disagreement already in reactions etc., but I’ll explain why those aren’t good for showing disagreement below:
    Other information:
    We have four “ratings” that aren’t necessarily positive/ones in agreement. Here’s my explanation to why they aren’t good for disagreement:

    The “-1” rating response is the closest thing we have to a disagreement, but it has its flaws. Most people feel the need to elaborate when they state “-1,” and hell, for staff apps, you are required to explain your -1 (or even your +1) if you post it (while if you rate the app “agree,” you don’t need to explain). Plus, it isn’t a forum rating, but an actual reply to the thread.

    The “optimistic” rating is the most positive rating of these four. It too has many meanings with the primary being “this is an optimistic thing you said.” Optimism can go both ways, and on ECC, it mostly means that the post was pretty far-fetched; the “optimistic” rating is a neutral one at best.

    The “OMG WOW” rating ranges the most between positive and more negative. It honestly is used more for someone to be “surprised” or “shocked” rather than disagreeing.

    The legendary forum rating “potato” is the only true negative rating we have. While it can be used as a form of disagreement, this is the rating that acts more as a “dislike” rather than a “disagree.” I’ve seen many people misinterpret the potato rating as “totally hating the post or the person” rather than the disagreeing.

    The disagree rating would be a more milder version of the potato rating and will be a clearer response that people don’t need to interpret to know what they thought of it.
    Plugin or custom addition:
    Believe that Xenforo has an already standard Dislike rating, but it should just be whatever was used to make the OMG WOW rating.
    One suggestion per form:
    I Understand.
    #1 Jdawger, Jun 6, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2020
  2. Fr0zenTiger Mayor
    Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ II ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Jan 2, 2019
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    +1, we have agree so we also need disagree
  3. Lichborne EcoLeader
    EcoLeader ⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Oct 10, 2011
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    +1 I've been wanting a disagree rating since I came back. There's so many posts/replies that are so dumb or are just so wrong that I don't feel like wasting my time writing a reply when I know the person wont even read it or will just disagree with my anyway. And like you said about staff apps, there's a lot of either troll apps or just people who clearly aren't fit for the role and instead of saying "-1 user is a troll" or "-1 user is not fit for staff" then have to go on to write an essay explaining why.. When instead I can rate disagree and move on with my life.
  4. FuryFudge IDK ask Fury
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ IV ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Sep 21, 2013
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    +1 Makes sense, should be too difficult to do either
  5. TaylorBros22 ***Ex-EcoLegend***
    Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Jun 11, 2013
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    My problem with this is that for staff apps, suggestions and other threads where you’d agree/disagree I feel like people need to explain disagreements.

    A quick example, take a staff application. As a staff member reading them, I would much rather see a well written disagreement post from a player explaining why they think that user isn’t fit for staff, than a click of a button “disagree”, same for suggestions. If people disagree we should be explaining why and not just hitting a button, is my opinion on it. The reason you can’t just “-1” a staff app is to avoid trolling/flaming/unnecessary posts, this rating is just a way to get around that.

    I don’t think this is needed as we have ways to disagree that are more than just a rating. We have comment boxes for a reason on the forums, use them and tell people why you disagree!
    • Agree x 1
    • Useful x 1
    • List
  6. Nicit6 N6
    Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ II ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Jul 13, 2013
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    I agree with this is theory but as is pointed out, we already allow positive ratings without support. Even if would rather people be required to support their viewpoints, if they can get away without it for a positive response, they should be able to do it for a negative as well.

    Then you as a staff member, when deciding who you want on staff, are free to not put weight into disagree rating not backed up by solid reasoning.

    Having implemented this rule, it was mostly to keep pointless clutter off staff applications. So I guess, yeah, a way around unnecessary posts on staff applications is not making unnecessary posts on staff applications. You got me.

    if we allow a simple agree we should allow a simple disagree (only in a couple of forums - here and staff apps)
  7. Founder Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
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    Not needed.
    There's a reason forums remove it.
    #7 andrewkm, Jun 9, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2020
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