By andrewkm on Apr 1, 2019 at 9:01 AM
  1. andrewkm

    Founder Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    News post updated after a meeting took place between the richest users on EcoCityCraft:



    After tons of planning, and nearly 200+ development hours, we can finally introduce two new features to EcoCityCraft.

    Wealth Redistribution:
    After several weeks of discussion with experts in the field of economy and how it relates to an ever evolving society, we have concluded that the best move for EcoCityCraft going forward is to introduce our Wealth Redistribution system. I can easily get into the statistical and philosophical side of things in regards to this change, but seeing as it's backed by University professors internationally and features dozens of proven studies via search engines world wide, I will leave the research to you. This change is aimed at making EcoCityCraft a more welcoming place for not only new players but for those currently residing on the server.

    Starting April 5th 2019 (friday), during our peak hours, the following Wealth Redistribution system will be activated:
    • All profit from your /sell command will be evenly split among all online players.
    • All purchases via our shop will go into a joint trust account where users will be able to participate in a savings pool to distribute the feature. (this one took us longest to code!).
      • Example: If purchasing the Fly feature for $60, as opposed to receiving it, you will now have the money put into a pool of savings. Once this savings pool reaches 50% of what it would cost to give all the users online the feature of purchase, the feature will apply to all users! As such, in the case of Fly, assuming there are 100 players online, the pool will be on hold until it accumulates $3,000 USD (50% of $6,000 USD) and the feature will then be applied to all those online.
    • All profit from lottery winnings will be evenly split among those who did not participate in the lotto.
    • The LWC function of EcoCityCraft will be permanently removed. Instead, we will have a time-based community oriented chest system. Basically, all users will be able to take 1 item from any chest (server-wide) per 5 minute interval. Alt accounts abusing this will be banned.
    • All forum bank money will be evenly split among all 31,021 registered members.
    More wealth redistribution additions will slowly be introduced after April 5th 2019! Stay tuned for more information and a beautiful new ERA on EcoCityCraft! <3

    Rank Management:
    The second major change we are making has to do with our ranking system. We have decided to reverse the in-game ranks completely. This means, instead of achieving Builder -> EcoLegend, the opposite will be true.

    Once again, after several discussions with many experts in the fields of economics and society, it has been deemed that this is the best form of action to retain new players on EcoCityCraft. New players should not have to work towards EcoLegend starting from nothing as this is a major turn off when joining a community. Further more, those who have played a long time on our server should be fully content with the rank they have and as such will be more than happy to continue supporting our server as the top rank of Builder.

    This change is now live on the server!


    More information and changes will come soon!
    Do feel free to use our suggestion section for opinions as well as our help/support section for any bugs you find :)

    Welcome to the NEW and IMPROVED EcoCityCraft!

    PS: Happy April Fools Day :D <3
    #1 andrewkm, Apr 1, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2020


Discussion in 'News, Announcements & Server Information' started by andrewkm, Apr 1, 2019.