IGN: AbhinavA What size plot are you looking for: 10x10 Do you understand the rules:Yes Do you have a ban history (this does not make you an automatic no): No Do you understand that I can deny this application at any time: Yes
Hello @seashellsandsand! Thank you for your interest in joining Watercraft! Please use our application form and post what size plot you're looking for, and we'll hook you up as soon as possible!
They were buying a prebuilt from a user, it's been taken care of. Thanks though @Riggs316 and welcome to watercraft @seashellsandsand
IGN: TheSuds13 What size plot are you looking for: 20x20 Do you understand the rules: Yes Do you have a ban history (this does not make you an automatic no): No Do you understand that I can deny this application at any time: Yes I understand
Hello Everyone!It appears that Watercraft is almost full! I'm so happy to be the mayor of such a successful, and fun town. I could not have done this without you guys! We now have a limited number of plots left, the numbers of plots are as follows, 10x10 - 21 plots / 41 plots 15x15 - 1 plot / 11 plots 20x20 - 0 plots / 17 plots The number of available prebuilts is as follows, 10x10 Prebuilt - Two 15x15 Prebuilt - Two 20x20 Prebuilt - One Custom Prebuilts - 2 Available If you have any questions about our plots, or wish to get one, see the first post for the rules and the application form. Hope to see you soon!
Hey members of Watercraft and friends! Well I'm sorry about tearing down the mall, but I've made a very community based market area in it's place. This will not have trade signs, but signs just telling people what you're offering or looking for, whether it's a Erep service you want to sell to town members or you're looking for someone to make lift signs in your house it is a place for that, even if you want to buy a bunch of dirt, or ANYTHING! The possibilities are endless! Check out the rules for it before you start to post signs, and enjoy it! I'm really excited to see you all have job offers and everything! This is hopefully going to bring the town together to become a closer community. You guys are awesome and I enjoy playing with you all, hope to see you all around soon! Also if you have ANY ideas for the town, post them here. Thanks - Inamine
IGN: Gernen. What size plot are you looking for: 10x10 Do you understand the rules: Ofcourse. Do you have a ban history (this does not make you an automatic no): Yes. Do you understand that I can deny this application at any time: Yes.