It depends on the situation, though for the most part talking to a staff member in-game would allow them to make a decision. This isn't the first time two item names have over lapped, and leaving it up to a staff member to decide if they do or don't need more information. As for the flaming, it depends on how it is worded. Giving vague examples isn't the easiest thing to do for this example, so sadly that short sentence is all I can give to answer this question. As for what a regular player can do to prevent this, there isn't much options sadly. The best option is to inform a Staff Member that is currently free, and let them deal with the situation. Another option is to try and ask questions to the auctioneer to clarify what is being auctioned, and should he not answer should deter most users from bidding (hopefully). Without having a specific case in-front of me, those are the best tips I can give, as in the end most scams, though not all, are able to happen because the buyer allows it to, as they don't ask enough questions, or assume things they shouldn't. I hope this answers the questions you have, if not feel free to tag me and I'll try to clear them up.
No that was a perfectly reasonable answer. Thank you. It is also what I have tried to do previously as a fellow user. Ask questions of the seller but I was summarily (unsurprisingly) ignored. I think the rest of the prospective buyers got the message though
Because a certain segment of the population believe "by any means necessary" and "buyer beware" Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Also I really think the younger skewing demo of this game/server is ripe for unscrupulous individuals who will freely take advantage of the young and inexperienced Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Tbh, I think there should be some rule against this. It's obvious that the person hosting the auction knows what they're doing and they're exploiting the current horse egg price. Although hopefully this will die out due to the declining horse price.
Section 4 Clause II.i States that you must specify what an item you are selling is especially if its renamed (e.g. 'Rename dirt to Melon Sword and say in trade or auction , "Selling Melon sword $250K/starting at 200K!' would be illegal. You would have to specify that it is dirt renamed melon sword.) Yes I know that its not the same, thing, but its similar.
not too be rude or anything but its not a scam its the buyers of the eggs and melon and a swords fault they didnt read it fully so sorry but its no scam
iStompKittens is taking it to a new level. He asks "How much is a horse egg worth?" and then after you answer, "Wantt to buy an egg for 10k?". Then he sells you a chicken egg for 10k.
So effin frustrating... Staff please make this a higher priority Please please please Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 4 Beta and it continues. and the coup de grace is this quote i have a screen shot of me specifically saying an egg, not a horse egg, but an egg. therefore i have done nothing wrong to which i answer, yes you have sir. yes you have. This situation is growing quite tiresome if this isn't scamming, its certainly trolling. i don't understand why nothing is being done to stem the tide of these types of interactions.